Me, sword fairy!

Me, sword fairy! Chapter 151:

Su Changge looked like an unknown prophet, and Ti went a step back, causing Li Buwu's fist to hit the empty space.

At the same time, the sword in singer Su Chang pierced Li Buwu's navel straight.

Li Buwu's ankle violently twisted on the ground, his whole body turned sideways, and Su Changge's rapier slid against his waist.

"Good waist!" Su Changge said suddenly. Li Buwu didn't expect that Su Changge would suddenly make such a gay speech, but he was determined in the end and was not affected by this sentence.

"Shen Luo secret style." Li Buwu was halfway through the name of the move, but suddenly looked at Su Changge's eyes uncontrollably, and Su Changge's eyes had a touch of lavender.

Suddenly, the lavender turned into a dragon, and the dragon roared viciously, and opened its mouth to swallow Li Buwu...

The severe pain in his stomach pulled Li Buwu back into reality. He opened his eyes and found that he was flying in midair in the posture of shrimps.

[Did you get kicked on your stomach?Li Buwu quickly recovered and hurriedly stabilized his body with his inner energy.

But as soon as he stopped, there was a heart-wrenching pain in his abdomen, Li Buwu's expression was blue and white, and a mouthful of purple blood came out.

Li Buwu frowned, then he reached out and wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, and looked at Su Changge on the opposite side earnestly.

Su Changge calmly brushed the blood from the sword with his sleeves---the blood was also purple.

"Su Changge!" Li Buwu looked very calm, "When did I get your illusion?"

"Illusion?" Su Changge had a mocking smile on his face, "Why do you say that? I don't use illusion."

"My physique is called the body of mind." Li Buwu said concisely, he raised his sleeves, "this purple blood is not deceiving."

"So that's the case." Su Changge quickly put away his expression, and then he did not answer Li Buwu, and attacked with a sword.

[This guy doesn't play cards according to the routine, isn't it time to show off his illusion.Damn, is the Su Changge in front of me true or not?!In desperation, Li Buwu closed his eyes.

Afterwards, he unscrupulously let out his own anger.

—————— Towards all directions!

The extremely violent internal energy storm rushed to the surroundings unscrupulously, destroying everything.

"Why, this is so poor?" Su Changge's voice came into Li Buwu's ears from all directions, "How long can your inner qi last?"

Li Buwu was still unmoved. Under the violent storm of internal energy, a trace of internal energy gradually converged into his eyes.

Six seconds later, Li Buwu suddenly opened his eyes, he turned around quickly, and then looked for an open space.

Li Buwu's figure resembled a flash of lightning, rushing towards the clearing fiercely, and he extended his palm in one direction.

"What?!!" Su Changge's shocked voice suddenly came over, and the place where the sound was made was right in front of Li Buwu.

In the blank, Li Buwu put his hand on Su Changge's neck, and then Li Buwu did not hesitate to force Su Changge to the ground.

———— But Su Changge, who was pressed into the rubble, showed an expression of'you can't do'.

Afterwards, the rapier pierced through Li Buwu's chest, and an extremely violent internal energy passed from the rapier, destroying Li Buwu's internal organs unscrupulously.

However, at this juncture, Li Buwu laughed.

"Caught it."

Chapter 32 Spread your wings and fly high (19)

The muscles of Li Buwu's whole body suddenly broke out, and the terrifying force stuck the rapier firmly.

Li Buwu turned around in an instant, and slammed his fist on Su Changge who was holding the sword.

After that, he emptied his anger without hesitation.

"Shen Luo Ao Yi Shi · Tian Luo Di Net!"

Numerous huge hills rose from the ground, surrounded from all directions, trapping Su Changge in the middle.

Then Li Buwu hit the ground with a punch.

Above the hill, a huge fist quickly formed and slammed down.

The boulders shot everywhere, and the smoke filled.

Li Buwu took a few breaths, even if he used the series of secret methods just now, it was a bit difficult for him.

He cautiously looked at the smoke that was spreading over there, and said to himself: "It should be a win. Normal virtual worlds can't eat such a thing."

Su Changge, who was next to him, nodded and agreed: "I feel the same way. I am afraid that the normal virtual realm will be beaten to death by you."

Li Buwu only felt cold behind his back, and the goose bumps instantly covered his body.

He roared and slammed it up.

Su Changge did not resist, was smashed out in a circle, rolled on the ground several times, and was blocked by the smoke...

I don't know when, the surrounding smoke is getting bigger and bigger, almost covering the entire No. 1 ring.

calm down!Li Buwu kept reminding himself, but the cold sweat still couldn't help staying.

"Don't you want to know when you were in illusion?" Su Changge's voice came from the smoke in all directions, "I tell you, from the beginning."

"Impossible!" Li Buwu retorted: "I am the body of the mind, and no illusion can subdue me in an instant!"

"Then what if there is formation assistance?"

"Su Changge——Don't pretend to be a fool! Where did you come to arrange the formation!"

"Haha." There was a hint of mockery in Su Changge's voice, "I was here during the Dan war, I was here during the Fu war, and I was also here during the battle. Do you think I have time to secretly arrange the formation?"

At this point, Li Buwu calmed down instead, "In that case, the original lottery was just your acting. Was it to let me relax?"

"No, no, Su Wangyou and Chu Yi didn't know about this, but I just hinted at them."

"Su Changge——You started planning during the Dan war?"

"Ah, I just left a back hand at the time. I didn't expect it to be used." Su Changge's voice suddenly became misty, "Don't think that only you can use illusion."

Li Buwu bit his teeth.

He still felt that there were many doubts, and he always felt something was wrong.

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