Me, sword fairy!

Me, sword fairy! Chapter 153:

The gray-robed old man frowned and didn't say a word. No matter how much the Emperor tolerates him, there are some things he should not say.

For example, the prince's matter.

None of the civil and military officials of the Manchu dynasty dared to mention this.

Even facing the Emperor of Humanity, the emperor who has always been the most benevolent and righteous emperor.

Lan Lanqi rushed towards the holy light against that body.

Chu Yi held the Liangyi Sword and fought him into a ball.

————But Su Wangyou couldn’t keep watching.

Because his opponent also came.

It's a woman.

Su Wangyou didn't even see the other party, so he came to this conclusion. Apart from anything else, he had experienced this feeling of being stared at his back countless times in reality.

————Every time he felt this way, he basically had to send out a good person card and a sister card, and sometimes several cards in a row.

Su Wangyou turned his head, as expected, she was a silver-haired woman in a purple dress.

The silver-haired girl's expression was very cold, compared with Su Wangyou's.

————It would be better if she didn’t have a nosebleed.

Su Wangyou suddenly felt his scalp numb when he saw the opponent's nosebleed. If he guessed correctly, he should only be able to see his back from the opponent's angle?

Ma, women are so perverted.

Su Wangyou shuddered.

The silver-haired woman apparently also noticed that she had a nosebleed, so she calmly took out her handkerchief and wiped it off. Then, she said to Su Wangyou: "You must not misunderstand, it is true that something went wrong in her practice recently. , So nosebleeds will be left from time to time."

The silver-haired woman's voice was very cold, and if it hadn't been for her nosebleed when she spoke, Su Wangyou would have believed it.

"Hmm..." The silver-haired woman wiped again, and said a little embarrassed: "There have been a lot of things recently..."

"Your saliva is flowing out." Su Wangyou kindly reminded.

The silver-haired woman was surprised and hurriedly wiped it with a handkerchief, only to find that she was not drooling.



Rao is the silver-haired woman's face that has been tempered, and at this time she can't hold Su Wangyou's questioning gaze.

So she hurriedly turned away from the subject and asked: "Speaking of which, I haven't introduced myself yet. My name is Bai Liruo and I come from Misty Xianzong."

She asked tentatively: "Doesn't I forget that the young man has a sect?"

If Su Changge is here, you can tell at a glance that if Bai Li is pretending, in fact Misty Xianzong has already found out Su Wangyou's life experience, and even found out that he was destroyed, how could he not? Know that he has no sect?

But now that she said such a sentence, it was nothing more than to try some of Su Wangyou's favor, after all, no one liked to be investigated secretly.

But Su Wangyou is not Su Changge, he naturally can't see these things, but he is not a fool, and he can naturally hear the other party's solicitation.

————A Tianjiao admitted by Chu Wushuang, who doesn’t want it?

Su Wangyou's heart moved, thinking of what Su Changge had said to him.

[Indeed, I have not taken any medicine that can permanently increase the attributes of a martial artist... If there is a big sect that can help me...] So Su Wangyou raised his head and replied cleanly: "I've never had one. Pass the sect."

Hearing the expected answer, Bai Liruo felt calm and continued to ask: "The young man thinks, what about our Misty Xianzong?"

[...How do I know how the Misty Fairy Sect is? You are not in the history textbook.But Su Wangyou changed his mind to think about how to train a sect who can kill the disciples of the emperor in the fairyland, where can he go?

At this time, Su Changge suddenly spread the voice.

[The Misty Xianzong is a large sect that Zuguang ranks high. It is a single sect. It does not belong to any country. There are about 30 emperor realms in the sect. If Bai Li is the world of this generation, you want to join For the sect, this is indeed a good choice, and the secret method of Misty Xianzong also has many unique features.] Hearing the sound transmission of Su Changge, Su Wang was worried. Su Changge has always been very reliable in important matters. Since he has said so...

Then find a way to sell yourself a good price!

So Su Wangyou just opened his mouth.

"It has long been heard that the Misty Fairy Sect has outstanding people..."

After the sentence, Su Wangyou got stuck because he suddenly felt a sense of shame.

————It’s not long before I just heard of this sect...

Bai Liruo didn't care about this anymore. It is no exaggeration to say that she wanted Su Wangyou's sect to be routed from the Shang country to the empty country, but she had a wild path and came directly to the stage to ask.

"If this is the case, can Young Xia be willing to join my Misty Fairy Sect? With Young Xia's strength and talent, I must be able to become a true disciple."

Su Wangyou pondered for a while, and asked: "Xia Xia does have this intention, but now it is the Baju Ceremony. When the Baju Ceremony is over, Zai Xia will go to Misty Immortal Sect. If it is appropriate, he will call his sister in the future. "

Bai Liruo smiled with joy and said, "So, my Misty Immortal Sect must be waiting for the young man."

The warriors in the entire battlefield were speechless.

Because the attitude of Misty Xianzong is really low.

As a true disciple of Misty Xianzong, Bai Liruo actually said the words'Ju Zong waits'. Even if it is just a polite remark, you can see Misty Xianzong's attitude towards Su Wangyou.

However, this is the case.

Ordinary people rushed to join the sect.

Tianjiao were robbed by major sects.

And the top Tianjiao... basically have their own forces, the ancient sword soul Chu Wushuang, the Lan Family Lantian Qi, the Shenluo Zong Li Buwu, even Su Changge who seems unreliable, is actually the Qilin son of the Qin State.

And for top talents like Su Wangyou, the entire ancestor light definitely does not exceed three...

And Su Wangyou is not an ordinary top arrogant, he is at the same level as Chu Wushuang...

The most important thing is that if there is one more Su Wangyou, after a thousand years, Misty Xianzong is likely to have two more extreme emperor realms.

What is the concept of Extreme Emperor Realm?Like the parallel imperial realm in the chaotic desert, a limit emperor realm can handle all of them.

Zu Guang's emperor realm is almost a thousand, but it is truly a limit emperor realm, but it is only a handful.

If the Misty Fairy Sect has two more...

They also happen to be a man and a woman. If they become a Taoist couple, the child they give birth may be the material of an extreme emperor...

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