Me, sword fairy!

Me, sword fairy! Chapter 155:

Chu Yi took a few steps back with the reaction force, and shouted, "Happy!"

Afterwards, the Liangyi sword shined brilliantly, and the terrifying sword aura spread madly in all directions, arbitrarily cutting the surrounding ground into bottomless ravines.

"Eat me!" Chu Yi laughed wildly, "Jinge iron horse, swallowing thousands of miles like a tiger!"

In an instant, a huge white tiger with a height of 100 meters took shape in an instant. It opened its huge mouth, but it was not the roar of a tiger.

——————But the sound of swords.

Su Wang looked at the white giant tiger with pride in his heart.


A faint scarlet wrapped around Su Wangyou's body, and even a trace of tyrannical blood appeared in his pupils.

The amplification effect of Blood Fury is the best that Su Wangyou has seen in his life. It is obviously only an inheritance level skill, but it has 50% to 200% movement speed, lethality, nerve reaction speed, and internal energy. Recovery speed bonus, Su Wangyou did not use this skill much because of his long period of weakness.

————But he recently won a title called [Gu Lai Wu Du], and one of the effects of this title is to ignore the first side effect of each instance with side effects.

So now Su Wangyou used this skill without hesitation.

The increase he got was naturally also 200%.

But this is not over yet.

"Talangxing——" A blue light appeared in Su Wangyou's eyes, and the Talangxing was directly driven to the maximum power by him, with a high speed bonus of 80%.

So the question is, how fast is Su Wangyou, who was already good at speed, after using three acceleration skills in a row?

"You are too slow—Chu Yi."

Su Wangyou's indifferent voice spread out unscrupulously.

Chu Yi squinted his eyes and said, "Don't be such a big talk..."

Halfway through what Chu Yi said, he got stuck.

Because Su Wangyou is now doing an action-retracting his sword into the sheath.

But what really made Chu Yi stop talking was another thing.

The white giant tiger that could only make the sound of swords, was gone.

From the middle, it was completely cut in half by a sword, and the extremely violent inner Qi carried unmatched destructive power to tear it to pieces.

"Ha--Haha!" When Chu saw this, instead of being surprised, he let out a laugh from his heart, "As expected of you! Su Wangyou."

He paused for a while and said: "I'm really... getting more and more excited!"

Chapter 35 Spread your wings and fly (22)

Afterwards, Chu Yi raised the Liangyi sword high.

"Don't die."

Chu Yi's voice reached Su Wangyou's ears.

"Wu Shuang Sword Technique · Spring and Autumn Wanzai Sword."

Afterwards, countless figures appeared behind Chu Yi.

Hundreds of ghosts appeared behind Chu Yi.

Those figures have a common characteristic.

————All swordsmen.

Then they spoke.

"The ancient country Mo Jian is here, who dares to be presumptuous?"

"Ancient country-Chu Wushang is also."

"You wait for Xiao Xiao, dare to fight my Dongfang Yinqiu?"

"In this world, there is nothing that Liang Xinyue can't manage with the three-footed love."

"Have you... ever asked me about the sword in Liu Xiu's hand?"

"In ancient times there were 30,000 sword immortals, Zuguang had 50,000 million, and the world had 300 million, but you know, I would rather die! There is only one throughout the ages! The entire ancestral light is only me rather die! Di Ning is dead!"

"This is an ancient country. Either come in on your knees or lie down. Choose one, huh? Who am I? Just a nameless pawn. I remember someone calling me Jian Kuang."

Countless sword immortals released behind Chu Wushuang what only they could say, they dare to speak.

Behind Chu Wushuang, countless romantic figures throughout the ages once again bloomed with new light.

Chu Yi held the sword horizontally in front of him, his expression solemn and solemn.

"Ancient country, Chu Wushuang, the same is true."

Afterwards, the gang of swordsmen held their swords together.

"Sword Absolute Sword Technique, Absolutely Tu Jiuyou."

"Supreme swordsmanship, I alone dominate!"


Countless swordsmen have reported their moves, and all swords are named after themselves, even if occasionally some are not named after their own names, they are named after their own characters.

If you want to ascend to the emperor realm, you must create a set of martial arts or exercises in your own name, and it must contain an ultimate ultimate move.

Obviously, every move made by that countless swordsman was a jerk.

There are hundreds of tricks to learn.

If all the people here are real people, I am afraid that even the emperor will hate on the spot.

But this is just a move after all.

But even so, the destructive power of this trick was only seen in Su Wangyou's life, even the six Qinglian styles he used on the mainland of Cassia were far inferior to this trick.

Jian Guang, Jian Qi, Jian Mang, Jian Gang, Jian Point, Jian Feng, Sword Body.

The terrifying force seems to completely destroy this different space battlefield.

How can a mere No. 2 ring stand this trick?

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