Me, sword fairy!

Me, sword fairy! Chapter 161:

Won the first place in the weapon war, the evaluation has been greatly improved.

Won the first place in the comprehensive battle, and the evaluation has been greatly improved.

(The PS was originally Su Changge, but when Su Wangyou and Chu Yi fought too much movement, everyone left the fighting arena, so Su Wangyou who stood last was the first.)

Final evaluation SS

Obtain inheritance box*1

The current experience bar has risen to 80%.

Obtained the titleTrue·No.

[True No. 1 Tianjiao]: You can get [No. 1 Tianjiao] in the Baju Ceremony. If you can defeat the original No. 1 Chu Wushuang, you will be upgraded to [True No. 1 Tianjiao] to get the world Will bonus, the luck is greatly improved in the main world, and the protection from the main world in other worlds. In the entertainment dungeon, it can be resurrected once after death. Each entertainment dungeon can be triggered at most once. Fifty blood and internal energy, plus one second of invincibility.(The title is invalid when advancing to the competition)

With passive skills [Endless Pressure]

[Endless Coercion]: This is the privilege of the world's No. 1 arrogant. Whenever the opponent's strength is weaker than its own, the opponent's attributes will be greatly suppressed, unable to exert all strength. If the opponent's mind is firm, it will be invalid.

——(The third chapter swallowed)

Su Wangyou took out the inheritance box, and to be honest, he was a little disappointed.

He originally thought that the two firsts were enough to get the SSS-level evaluation, but as far as the current scoring mechanism is concerned, he still has to win another championship - this is because the overall score is particularly high.

If Su Changge's record were given to him, it would happen to be an SSS-level evaluation.

[I always feel a bit at a loss...]

After all, the Wutong Sword was already a legacy equipment, but now that the Wutong sword was gone, it was a succession box. This must be a loss.

————But [True·The No. 1 Tianjiao in the World] is another unexpected joy.

"It doesn't matter, open the box first, if only a light sword can be opened..." Su Wangyou thought of this and slapped it up.

Two spells appeared before his eyes.

Su Wangyou picked it up.

[Sword Coming]: After using it, randomly summon a sword weapon of eternal level or above. The summoned weapon can last for three minutes, and the user will get a hint of the weapon's magic.

And it is more likely to be random to weapons related to the user.

Item level: inheritance.

(The sword is coming——————Wow, I’m going, don’t put a bucket on my waist 

Su Wangyou pinched the two spells, a little bit dumbfounded.

He just wanted a legacy weapon that could be used for a long time, but he didn't expect to get such a thing.

In terms of strategic value, the value of these two spells is undoubtedly much more valuable than a legacy weapon, but this cannot change the fact that Su Wangyou has no sword...

[It seems that next time I download a copy, I have to go to Misty Xianzong...] Then, Su Wangyou quit the game.

He subconsciously grabbed the phone beside the bed. This phone was modified by his father's magic and has unlimited power.

Su Wangyou felt his scalp numb when he looked at the time. It was already early August.

————When he got the copy, it was just summer vacation...

This dungeon took him more than a month, but he had to advise ordinary people to enter the main world and not eat for more than a month. The sages are all choking...

Su Wangyou hurriedly got up to wash, then changed his clothes, and finally had a good meal.

During the period, he flipped through the information in the phone and reported to some friends that he was safe.

Then he opened the door and went out.

————He intends to go home.

Ye Guzhuang's words still echoed in his ears.

Su Wangyou locked the door and started to run and jump on the roof.

Although he hasn't exercised in reality for more than a month, Su Wangyou's body is still so flexible, which is related to his talent.

————When he first started playing the game, he had two talent skills, but those two talent skills were eaten by the greedy during the Grandmaster promotion match.

Not long after, Su Wangyou arrived at the familiar home.

He didn't make any extra moves, and directly opened the door.

As expected, he was sitting on the sofa waiting for Su Wangyou.

Su Wangyou told him what Ye Guzhuang said.

He pondered for a while, nodded, and said, "I see."

Then He spoke, "Go back, forget about it."


The entire world and even the entire universe, even the time extending to countless dimensions and parallel universes, began to slowly regress.

In a trance, he was already standing in the void, and before him was a huge clock.

This clock is a clock that controls time in infinite dimensions, but He can reverse this clock with just one thought.

He stood there with a natural expression on his face, not the expressionless face of Su Wangyou, but like an ordinary student in a daze in the afternoon.

"That's it."

He raised his head, his gaze traveled through the endless time and space, facing the unexplainable mysterious existence.

He pouted.

"It's not unacceptable to end up in person, but if you go too far, I will kill you."

Naturally there will be no response.

He shrugged and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

In the huge void, only the ticking sound of the clock...

Chapter 4 After Reset

Subsequently, Su Wangyou quit the game.

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