Me, sword fairy!

Me, sword fairy! Chapter 164:

Lu Chi on one side suddenly showed an expression that could not bear to look back...

Just now, he finally passed these maids and approached Zhang Rou. When he thought he could succeed, he found that the maids around him were full of sympathy...

"You cannot live by committing sins."

"Obviously we all tried so hard to stop him..."

"Isn't it good to be alive?"

"Miss is about to start again..."

Thinking of this, Lu Chi's wounds began to faintly aching again. Zhang Rou didn't start her hands cruelly, but she was able to beat Lu Chi to the death every time she started. I have to say that this is also a talent.

Su Wangyou looked at the maid who was coming in front of him, and then at their flying boat, suddenly his eyes lit up.

[Wait... Feizhou!

[No way, no way!I am the winner of the eight best comprehensive battle championships, if people know that I am going to grab a little girl's flying boat, then where to put my face, I will definitely be laughed at by Su Changge.While Su Wangyou was still thinking, the maid pushed up and said vigilantly: "Please leave here, if you don't leave again, don't blame us for being polite."

————It’s no wonder that these maids reacted. Although the whole Zuguang is relatively peaceful now, and there are basically no incidents of murder and overstocking, but now the moon is black and the wind is high, and the person in front of me is wearing a black robe, in case it is some fugitive... …

In other words, if there is a gentleman standing in front of them, it might be another attitude.

Chapter 6 is just an unknown person

In fact, Su Wangyou somewhat understood the other party's thoughts, after all, he didn't look like a good person in this outfit.

————But he Su Wangyou never accepts any threats.

"You're welcome?" Su Wangyou said coldly: "How about an unkind method?"

[You should be thankful that you met me instead of being crazy."Annoying guy." Zhang Rou waved her hand impatiently, and said, "Aren't you here to find that little hairy thief? Take that guy away and don't bother me."

Su Wangyou narrowed his eyes, the cold light flickering in his eyes.

————He wants to give these little guys a little more memory.

So Su Wangyou got off the flying sword and stepped on the flying boat.

Then he raised a finger to Zhang Ruan's many maids, and said calmly: "Three seconds."

"Three seconds? Three seconds what?" Zhang Rou sneered, "You want me to kneel in three seconds?"

Su Wangyou shook his head, and then he took the first step.

The first second.

He easily captured the two maids and twisted them to dislocation with a backhand twist.

The second second.

He stepped forward two big steps, and his inner breath poured out like a tide, pushing the remaining maids to the ground.

The third second.

Treading waves blessed to 80% of the limit speed, quickly moved behind Zhang Rou, and grabbed her arms with her backhand.

After that, Su Wangyou said calmly: "Three seconds, knock you all down."

The scene was silent.

"How... how is it possible." Zhang Rou was stunned, "I was caught in a second?"

[So what happened later, I'm really curious...] Lu Chi was blowing a cold wind, and his heart was infinitely melancholy.

Su Wangyou calmly said: "Before you are sure of the opponent's strength, don't speak too wildly, do you understand?"

"You are... educating the old... me?!!!" Zhang Rou gritted her teeth.

Su Wangyou twisted her hands blankly, and Zhang Rou sucked a hundred breaths of air in the pain.

"I understand, I understand, I understand!" Zhang Rou quickly replied. She is not from a family of mentally retarded people. At this time, she is still thinking about using her own life experience to overwhelm the other party.

"Oh?" Su Wangyou asked: "What do you know?"

Zhang Rou: "..."

Maid on one side: "..."

Lu Chi who heard the voice in front: "..."

Zhang Rou was about to cry in anger, "I understand, you can't speak too madly before you know the strength of the opponent!"

"Huh?" Su Wangyou said in a bad tone, "I see what you mean, it seems that you will bully people after you determine the strength of the other party? Tsk tsk, how come young people are so virtuous nowadays, little girl, you have a big thinking problem. ."

"I'm not, I don't." Zhang Rou was about to cry anxiously. Where did this neurosis come from?

Su Wangyou smacked his lips and felt that Su Changge's routine was really disgusting...

So he let go of Zhang Rou, flicked his sleeves coldly, and said, "It is good to be a little vigilant when going out, but if you speak so horizontally in the future, I am afraid that you will suffer a lot. This time I will give you a suggestion. Wake up."

Zhang Rou wanted to cry without tears: "Then I have to thank you?"

Su Wangyou was about to answer, but suddenly looked in one direction.

He saw a very funny scene.

A woman in a red dress was holding a man with some pockmarks on his left hand, and a woman who looked a little demented in his right hand. She stood up from an emptiness and finally reached the flying boat.

"Big sister! Big sister! Save me!" Lu Chi, who was tied up in front of him, immediately became excited. He kept struggling and said: "I will never dare anymore. The women outside are really terrible."

The woman in red put down the two people in her hand and sighed: "It will really cause me trouble."

Then, with a wave of her hand, Lu Chi stood on the flying boat calmly.

The woman in red looked over, and Su Wangyou silently stepped back, indicating that he and Zhang Rou were not in the same group.

"I thought it was this kid who provoke you." The woman in red had a hint of helplessness in her voice. "It must be him, but as his boss, I have to win some face for him. "

"Eldest Sister..." Lu Chi's moved tears filled his eyes, but the woman in red turned her head and gave him a vicious look, "Go back and see if I won't kill you!"


Zhang Rou laughed strangely and said, "What? The old one came after the young one?"

The expression on the face of the woman in red instantly became savage.

"I advise you... it is better to take back that old word."

Zhang Rou also had a big heart. She was just educated by Su Wangyou, but now she jumped up again.

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