Me, sword fairy!

Me, sword fairy! Chapter 169:

Originally, the big sects like Misty Xianzong sent out three bigu pills every month. There was no such thing as a canteen. At that time, the rules were very strict. Ordinary disciples were fined even for hiding snacks. .

But later, the inheritance of the Zuguang alchemy gradually withered, causing the refining of bigu alchemy to gradually become difficult.

In addition, the large gates are generally located in various caves and blessed places, far away from the city. In desperation, a canteen was built.

Some old stubbornly disagree

It smells so good.

Then there is something like a canteen. In addition, in order to fill the vacancy of the pill, the warriors created the profession of Lingchou. It's just that this profession is not perfect. After all, things like alien animals can If you encounter it, you can't ask for it, if you encounter it, you will be killed...

No matter what, for the immortal disciple, this is always a good thing.

But... to eat, naturally you need money.

"I'm going to starve to death?"

At the entrance of the cafeteria, Dongfang Xiao had a dark face, looking at Ning Yuluo who was holding her thigh tightly.

"If you don't help me, you will lose a kind, innocent, lovely, hardworking, thrifty and beautiful senior sister." Ning Yuluo hugged Dongfang Xiao's thigh tightly.

"Let go!" Dongfang Xiao said with a dark face: "Also, which of the above words is related to you?"

"I won't let go!" Ning Yuluo cried out at the entrance of the cafeteria, "I'm going to starve to death, my God, this unscrupulous senior girl is going to starve to death her senior sister, how could it be so vicious. Strategy~~~~"

Eyes from all directions gathered on the two of them. Dongfang Xiao suddenly felt feverish on her face. She suddenly tried hard to pull her legs out, but Ning Yuluo was too tight...

A little despair appeared on Dongfang Xiao's face.

"Let it go... let it go, that's it!"

"Yeah!" Ning Yuluo stood up with a shriek, patted the dust on her body, and then grabbed Dongfang Xiao and ran to the place where she was selling vegetables. She quickly reported more than a dozen dishes. For a dish name, Dongfang Xiao's face lost a trace of blood. In the end, Dongfang Xiao's face was already pale.

But Ning Yuluo took her to her seat without a trace of shame, and said, "It's okay, I will pay you back when my monthly payment is issued."

"You said that in the first month of getting started..." Dongfang Xiao stared at her, and said: "What's more, the master sister said that I won't give you a monthly confession before the fairyland."

"It's okay!" Ning Yuluo said vowedly: "When the time comes, I will ask the second senior sister, she will definitely agree."

"I hope so..." Dongfang Xiao hugged her wallet in distress, not knowing what she was thinking.

The dishes were brought up one by one.

When the two were eating together, Bai Ruoli, with some bandages on his face, walked in.

She coughed, then stretched out her hands and pressed it, signalling everyone to be quiet.

————It was lunch time at this time, and most of the disciples and elders of Misty Xianzong were eating.

"Now I want to announce one thing."

Bai Ruoli paused for a while and said: "Our sect has an extra Ke Qing elder."

The disciple underneath began to whisper in an instant, but the elders on one side were the old gods.

"I believe some people should have guessed it." Bai Ruoli said, "Yes, this new Keqing elder is Su Wangyou, the champion of the Eight Great Classics and Integrated Wars!"

Afterwards, before the disciple underneath began to speak, Bai Ruoli shook his inner energy and said loudly, "Quiet!!"

"Every Monday and Friday from 2pm to 5pm, Elder Su will discuss the Dao at Longyin Peak. The main talk is kendo. In addition, at 9 o'clock on Saturday morning, the actual combat lesson given by the seven killers Now it’s changed to a two-person rotation. You can ask your teacher about the specific situation, and finally — — don’t harass the elder! Above!”

After Bai Ruoli finished speaking, he said: "If you have any questions, don't ask them. I just ask them symbolically. Even if you ask them, I won't answer them, so don't waste your tongue."

Afterwards, Bai Ruoli disappeared after a flash.

When the disciple below was about to start discussing, the masked woman in purple clothes slapped the table fiercely while eating.

"Shut up! You can't eat and sleep! How did I teach you?!"

Many of the disciples Qi Qi became well-behaved. JPG emoticons, and did not dare to make any noises—obviously, these disciples were very afraid of the purple-clothed women (crossed out). Obviously, the purple-clothed women were very much Have prestige.

Jian Qisha watched the disciples' reaction, and couldn't help showing an expression of envy.

If only he could be so majestic...

Opposite the Seven Kills of the Sword, there was a woman with long brown hair. This woman was also the Sword Emperor, that is, the Sword Emperor who refused the request of the Sect Master because of poverty.

She saw that Sword Seven Kills was in a state of trance, and could not help but had some unclean thoughts. She lowered her head and glanced at her tofu soaked in water, then glanced at the big fish and meat on the Sword Seven Kills dinner plate. After swallowing, she glanced left and right, and after making sure that no one was looking at her, she secretly stretched out her chopsticks...

Chapter Eleven

"This is your elder identity token. From now on, every month's monthly payment will be entered on the tenth, and Longyin Peak will be yours from now on. If you want to accept some disciples, you can, but Don't go too far, after all, you are just the elder Keqing." In Longyin Peak, the sect master handed a simple token to Su Wangyou, and then took over a set of clothes from the maid on one side.

"In the future, you will wear this suit when discussing the Tao and in class, and you will be free at other times. Do you have any questions?"

Su Wangyou took the clothes, nodded, and asked, "Are there anything to pay attention to when taking the actual combat class?"

"Basically, there is nothing to pay attention to, but sometimes some arrogant disciples are dissatisfied. Don't be too angry. After all, they are just a bunch of children."

Su Wangyou asked again: "What if I can't go to class and discuss the Dao because of my assignments?"

"You can let the elders of the Seven Kills of Swords act for you, and you have to make up for it afterwards. As for the discussion, you can only find time to make it up afterwards." Sect Master replied: "The elders of the Seven Kills of Swords are still very good to talk to, and he seems to be talking to you. Quite adored."

"I understand." Su Wangyou said.

Sect Master nodded and said: "If you still don't understand, you can ask Elder Jian Qisha, if you have any problems in life, you can go to Bai Ruoli --- this girl is used to worrying, it doesn't matter."

Su Wangyou nodded.

"Then, I will leave first." After that, the lord turned and took a few steps, and the figure faded.

Su Wangyou looked at the time.

Today is Thursday.

"That said, I will talk about Taoism tomorrow."

Su Wangyou thought for a while before stepping on Feijian.

————He planned to go to the Hall of Merit for a look.

The Hall of Merit, you can guess its general function just by looking at the name. The monthly payment of Misty Xianzong is not just money, but mainly points, and the function of points is to exchange items in the Hall of Merit.(I won’t say what PS can be changed. Everyone knows that it’s too watery.)

Of course, the points that everyone gets every month is only a small part, even the elders won’t take too much. After all, the life span of a warrior is so long. You can take it once a month. If you give too much, you can still get it?

So there was the Demon Slayer Hall.

The mission Su Wangyou said earlier was to accept the mission in the Demon Slayer Hall and then complete a certain specified task.

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