Me, sword fairy!

Me, sword fairy! Chapter 197:

In the end, the two female elders were still held and did not fight.

"Oh, I really want to eat it, Elder Su's craftsmanship is really good." Sect Master touched his stomach, and meditated: "But it doesn't seem convenient for us to go like this..."

[How can it be inconvenient? Elder Su is always very good at talking about this kind of thing, I think you can't help it!Many elders are silently complaining in their hearts, why are they not like this?

Do you want this old face?

------and many more?!Old face?!

In an instant, more than thirty eyes gathered on the only young man in the field - Bai Ruoli.

"Ruo Li..." Sect Master's voice suddenly became extremely heavy. She looked into the distance with indescribable depth in her eyes, "Do you know? You have a mission from the moment you were born, this mission ...Is given to you by God."

"Haha!" Bai Ruoli sneered. After spending more than ten years with this master, how could she not know the other person's urinary sex, "This mission is given to me by your stomach, right?"

An awkward expression appeared on the face of the Sect Master. She coughed twice pretending to be heard, and said, "Anyway, you can go to Elder Su to order something to eat. The teacher will not treat you badly."

Bai Ruoli looked at the Sect Master contemptuously, and said, "Isn't my face a face?"

"Are you a junior..." Sect Master advised: "Go, be obedient."

Bai Ruoli pondered for a while, and said, "But...Elder Su and I are the same age, I am not a junior in terms of age..."

However, Zhu Yao was a little impatient when she waited. She showed a kind smile and stretched out her hand to press on Bai Ruoli's head, "Senior Nephew Bai, are you going? Or are you going to die...not going? ?"

You just said it, right?You absolutely said it just now, right?If I don't go, I will kill me, right!I didn't expect you to be such an elder Zhu!

Bai Ruoli replied quickly: "I want 30%!"


"Two and a half!"


"Twenty percent! The lowest!"


After getting Zhuyao's reply, Bai Ruoli stepped on the flying sword and flew towards Longyin Peak...

"Speaking..." An elder pointedly said hesitantly: "Do you see that over there, does it look like Elder Wang Wanhe?"

Everyone followed his gaze and found that Wang Wanhe was sitting among the group of Su Wangyou, chatting and laughing with those young people...


After a long silence, the Sect Master finally spoke.

"Why won't my parents give me a cheeky?"

"Elder Wang is really talented in this respect..."

"You are envious... Damn it, I am so envious."

"Would you like to let the elder Wang secretly bring us something now? Shinephew Bai is not embarrassed to have too much."

"Hehe, do you want to grab something to eat under Elder Wang's mouth? It's not bad if she doesn't come to grab you."

"...I'm sorry, it's my whimsical thing."

When Bai Ruoli arrived at Longyin Peak, Wang Wanhe was making comparisons with everyone.

"I think back then, when my old lady was 1,200 years old, there was a dragon on the Yangtze River doing evil, that's called an evil! How can I tolerate this? At that time, I carried a sword and went there.

Wang Wanhe said, taking a bite of the barbecue she was holding, and said vaguely: "Just then, hey, the whole Yangtze River, the water will flow back in ten days!"

"That's not a big deal, you young people don't know it, when I was 1,500 years old, which was about 700 years ago, back then..."

Bai Ruoli walked in and sighed: "That flood dragon still ran away."

Wang Wanhe seemed to be strangling his throat, unable to say a word in an instant.

Seeing Su Wangyou and others looked at her, Wang Wanhe had no choice but to mumble: "People are not sages, people are not sages..."

But Bai Ruoli hadn’t finished saying, “Seven hundred years ago, my master mentioned to me that going up to Kuangshan to make monsters. It is said that a masked sword fairy cut off the top of Kuangshan with a single sword. The result was that the monster above was just right. Going out to search for food, there is nothing fart, on the contrary, it is a famous mountain on Kuangshan..."

"Don't... don't say it!" Wang Wanhe couldn't hold back Su Changge's teasing gaze.

Bai Ruoli stopped speaking and looked at Wang Wanhe with a smile.

Su Wangyou said: "Senior Nephew Bai, come and sit down, don't stand."

Bai Ruoli showed an awkward look. She thought for a while, ran to Su Wangyou's side, and whispered a few words into his ears.

Su Wangyou casually glanced at the Xianling Peak next to him, nodded, and said: "It's really hard for you, go."

Bai Ruoli breathed a sigh of relief, then collected all kinds of dishes, and then left.

————The Liu Beast is really big before it's a loss...

Su Wangyou turned his head and found Wang Wanhe was blowing again.

He glanced at the people, Qin Luoxue listened happily, Chu Yi also looked very interested, Mo Qianzhong had a trace of curiosity and admiration in his eyes, presumably that kind of rivers and lakes are far away from him, right?

Su Changge looked at Wang Wanhe with a gaze looking at Qin Luoxue. Fortunately, Wang Wanhe didn't seem to notice. Fifth Huazhi didn't seem to care, just eating elegantly. As for Tang Congxin, she just wanted to have a good time.

Su Wang sat quietly.

Warm sunshine, swaying breeze, grass, fresh air, friends, beautiful women, wine, food.

He thinks such a day is really good.

If possible, he really hopes that this period can be extended indefinitely.

"Su Wangyou!" Su Changge roared suddenly, and then raised his glass to Su Wangyou, "Don't be angry, let's fight for alcohol, dare?"

Su Wangyou glanced at him and replied faintly.

"Su Wangyou is never timid."

Chapter 35 Two Years

Su Wang faintly looked at Su Changge, who was drunk on the ground, and the corners of his mouth rose slightly.

"I don't drink much in my life." Su Wangyou took a sip of his wine and continued, "but I've never been drunk."

(The PS paragraph is from Xuezhong. I remember the original sentence seems to be'I don't fight a lot in my life, but I haven't lost it')

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