Me, sword fairy!

Me, sword fairy! Chapter 199:

Su Wangyou opened his eyes, and there was a long-lost character space in front of him.

After staying in the game for two years, suddenly returning to the real world gave him a feeling of being separated.

[Perfect fairy... It's coming soon.Just the last two elixirs.Su Wangyou licked his lips. He is a person with obsessive-compulsive disorder. He has taken more than 150 kinds of pills. If he doesn't take the last two, I am afraid he will be driven crazy.

[Next time I will get the two copies, but this is the highlight now.When Su Wangyou's thoughts moved, the Eternal Rubik's Cube in the backpack was taken out.

Unlike the struggle last time, this time he clearly knows what he wants.

(PS Eternal Rubik's Cube is described in detail in Volume Two, Chapter 46 and Chapter 47)

In the past two years, he has fought with Chu Yi several times, losing more and winning less. Su Wangyou carefully thought about the reasons, and finally determined that the culprit was the practice.

The method he is now practicing is Taihuijue, a mysterious old man from the realm of Taixu.

Su Wangyou recalled it carefully now, and felt that the old man was probably a monarch - at least once, but now it is unnecessary to say anything, because he has been killed by the madness.(In Taihuijue's introduction, some of this is a technique created by a king.)

This exercise is at the inheritance level, but it is considered a good exercise. If it is an ordinary child of the family, it would be great luck to practice this exercise, but for a Tianjiao of Su Wangyou's level, This exercise is indeed a bit of a hindrance.

Look at the Tianjiao of the same level as him, what Chu Yi, Su Changge, Bai Ruoli, Jiang Tairan, Li Buwu...

Which one of them does not practice eternal level exercises?

Chu Yi practiced in the [Supreme Sword Classic], known as the strongest kendo technique since ancient times (no one knows what Li Qinglian practices, but I will tell you soon...), let alone Su Changge, Guigu Can the school's heritage be poor?Bai Ruoli's practice, Su Wangyou, also knew it, called "Missionary Longevity Jue", a proper eternal level practice, where's Jiang Tairan?When it comes to the inheritance of Taoism, what else can you think of?[Wonderful me congenital emergence in a qi determination], and [Supreme Sword Scripture] the five-five-five-five-five-five-five-five-five-five percent of peerless exercises, but it is lost to later generations...

So Su Wangyou's goal this time is very firm.

That is an eternal level exercise method. If possible, it is best to use a high-level eternal or even extreme eternal level exercise...

Qinglian Divine Sword was really refreshing for Su Wangyou that time, and it was at that time that he clearly felt the terrible eternal limit of the limit.

Skills——Gong Method——Main Training Method

Su Wangyou clicked a few times, the Eternal Rubik's Cube changed for a while, and finally turned into a book.

[True Taixuan Magic Art]: Major in exercises.

Skill introduction: Li Qinglian once created his own technique [Qinglian Sword Sutra], and when he visited the heavens and worlds, the fit between the Qinglian Sword Sutra and the six forms of Qinglian was too high and the power was too strong, which led to Li Qinglian herself After hurting a righteous man by mistake, Li Qinglian felt very self-blame, so she created another exercise called "Tai Xuan Shen Gong". Compared with Qinglian Sword Classic, Tai Xuan Shen Gong and Qing Lian Six The fit of the style is not high, and the killing power is weaker than the Qinglian Sword Classic, but the Supreme Profound Art is far more versatile than the Qinglian Sword Classic.

[Xia Ke Xing]: Passive skills, Xia Ke Xing, sword not stop, when the player uses any martial arts to attack, the attack is increased by 30%.

[Kill one person in ten steps, do not stay for a thousand miles]: Passive skill. When you are in a combat state, every time you kill a person, you will get a certain number of levels of [Aura] according to the comparison of the strengths of the two sides. Each level of momentum will get 1% of the total Attribute bonus, up to two hundred layers.

[Silver saddle illuminates the white horse, whistling like a meteor]: Passive skill, self-moving speed, attack speed increased by 50%.

[After dazzling ears, the spirit of the spirit]: Passive skills, the implementation of the increase of own attributes, the lower the percentage of Qi and blood, the greater the increase, when the own Qi and blood are lower than 10% and still have the intent to fight Two hundred levels of momentum.

[The Fragrant Swordsman of Death, Not Ashamed of the World]: Passive skills, if you die, you can still fight after you die, and the upper limit of your aura is increased to 500 layers, and you can directly gain 500 layers of aura and drop one layer in one second. When the momentum is zero, oneself dies.

[Who can write your Excellency, Baishou Taixuanjing]: Active skills, invincible knowledge that cannot be described in words, Li Qinglian once admitted that this move is the strongest one he has created in his life.

You can only use it when you have 200 levels of momentum.

Since no one can force Li Qinglian to use this trick so far, and no one else in the world has this magical skill, there is no other description.

Gongfa effect: All attributes get an immeasurable increase in terror.

Power level: the limit is eternal.

(I thought I was number one in the world, but then I learned that there are some things in this world that can't be cut by my sword, such as missing, some people can't even be defeated by me, such as dead people, what do you think? His Majesty the Emperor)

"..." Su Wangyou looked at the book, lost in thought.

[No opening!

"No, it's not the time to talk about this." Su Wangyou raised his head and said, "You are peeking. Did you arrange this?"

There is no sound.

"Well, since it wasn't my dad who did it secretly, then I got it by my own ability! How can something that is obtained by character be called a dog?"

With Su Wangyou's beautiful beat technique, all the Taihui internal Qi in his body quickly turned into Taixuan internal Qi.

Supreme Profound Divine Art is indeed powerful. Su Wangyou has just started to learn, and he feels that his inner Qi upper limit has exceeded his just now, and even his physical fitness has improved by nearly 20%.

You know, he had already trained Taihui to [Complete]...

This is the difference between the ultimate eternal level exercises and the inheritance level exercises. The two are completely incomparable. Similarly, if you compare Taihuijue with the perfect level exercises, there is no comparison.

Afterwards, Su Wangyou quit the game and took out his phone to take a look.

"August 25th..." Su Wangyou suddenly remembered the start time of the university department of Taixuan College.

[I remember it seems to be September 5th... There is another entrance exam, forget it, it doesn’t matter to me anyway.A certain Seventh School Huiwu champion thought so.

after all……

In reality, he is much better than in the game.

Chapter 37 The Song of Su Changge

Su Wangyou ate a little bit, and then entered the game again.

He also thought about whether to go out and play with his classmates for a few days, but finally gave up.

[Up until now, is immortality really just a game for me?] This question must have been answered by Su Wangyou.

After obtaining the Supreme Profound Divine Art, Su Wangyou’s combat power has skyrocketed. Not to mention the increase in basic attributes, the 30% increase in attack power and 50% increase in attack speed and movement speed are not It's a joke.

Su Wangyou dared to say that now he can easily suppress Chu Yi, and he can defeat Chu Yi in a crushing posture without both parties using their jerk.

—————— As long as the dye is not cut off by Liangyi.

After all, Ranxu is a weapon that purely increases sword energy. In the words of the game, this is actually a staff in light sword skin...

The Liangyi sword is a genuine Taoist artifact...

Except for the Taixuan Divine Art, the increase of more than 150 kinds of pills in the past two years has also reached a new height in Su Wangyou's strength. Now if he confronts the crazy ghost again, he must be able to make two moves. Up.

——At least Su Wangyou thinks so. The crazy ghost killed him with a punch at the beginning, which made Su Wangyou worry about it.

As for the facts, it is hard to tell.

The promotion of Tai Xuan Divine Art to Su Wangyou was too great, causing Su Wangyou to swell for a while.

Although he is ungrateful, he is not unfeeling. This change is not surprising. If he is truly unfeeling, then he must be...

The final form of Hongchen swordsmanship, the strongest and most invincible move in the whole set of swordsmanship to break Hongchen, Su Wangyou has already learned it?

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