Me, sword fairy!

Me, sword fairy! Chapter 206:

"Hiding the head and revealing the tail--" Wang Mang squinted his eyes and said, "I don't have time to entangle you with these things now. I just ask, Su Wangyou can make your resurrection invalid?"

"That's not right. So far, only one crazy knife man has not been resurrected. The people he killed in the chaotic desert can be resurrected..."

"I don't care about these." Wang Mang said coldly: "I ask you, is it possible? The people killed by Su Wangyou can't be resurrected?"

"In theory, yes."

"That's good." Wang Mang stared at the person in charge in the dark shadow, and said word by word: "I want him to die."

"That's natural, we think so too."

"But you missed it more than once."

"So they will definitely not be able to run this time." Sombra smiled at Wang Mang, showing his white teeth, "Our sub-rudder in Shang Country will be dispatched all the time. Then you just need to find a way to clear the relationship. "

Wang Mang took a deep look at him, then turned around and left without delay.

After Wang Mang left, the black shadow leading him let out a long sigh, then he took off the mask on his face, revealing a face.

Chu Yi's face.

"I was really scared to death just now."'Chu Yi' later patted his chest in fear, his actions looked extremely motherly, "Oh, it's a dangerous job to pretend to be the boss, I think that I will pretend to be like this in the future. Sword Soul, I was so excited."

"We haven't succeeded yet." The poisonous spider sighed, "Chu Yi or Su Wangyou, they are all alive and well."

'Chu Yi' took the mask back, "Please, we are all out this time, unless they can bring the ancient kingdom monarch, otherwise the boss alone is enough to take care of them, okay?"

[The sword in the chaotic desert, I will return it to you personally, Chu Wushuang————] This person who is known as the "Thousand Faced Lord" swears.

At this time, the people in the submarine did not know that they had been spotted.

They stayed in the submarine for more than 20 days, but because there was no such thing as a watch or an alarm clock, everyone didn’t know how long it had passed. They just estimated that it was 22 to 20 days based on the feeling of the warrior. Four days.

"Twenty-three days and four hours more." Su Changge said.

Su Wangyou looked sideways: "How did you know?"

"From the moment I boarded the ship, I was counting." Su Changge said concisely, and then the group put on a silver-white windbreaker.

————Shangguo is covered with snow all the year round, this coat can play a protective role.

Su Changge whispered: "I repeat it again, run with me, try not to make any noise, and try to stun if you see people. If we go well this time, we can get the Legacy of the Ancients in only four hours, and then use Su Wangyou’s magical talisman returned to the Misty Xianzong, so you don’t have to worry about the awakening person disturbing the Shang Kingdom, so try not to kill. If the opponent is strong and resists fiercely, don’t keep your hand, kill! Just like that, go. !"

After finishing the last sentence, Su Changge stepped away and started to run.

Fast, really too fast, just in less than a blink of an eye, Su Changge ran hundreds of meters away.

It is impossible to achieve perpetual motion at such a speed. It can only be said that Su Changge intends to fight quickly.

Su Wangyou did not hesitate.

"Treading the waves--"

He created a balance between the speed bonus of walking on the waves and the speed of recovery of internal energy, ensuring that he was in the best condition and then started running.

Everyone resorted to the secret method and followed Su Changge.

Their destination is only one.

The far north.

At present, the only place where ancient relics can grow.

And in this place, someone is waiting for them.

The mad ghost licked his fingers, his eyes staring into the distance.

[Come...Come...come soon!

The mad ghost held his heart and showed a murderous smile.

[Su!forget!worry!I could kill your parents back then, now I can kill you too!

Chapter 43 Encounter

This time Ye Jintianming really laid his blood, and dispatched more than a dozen people at once, among them there were even core combat forces in several organizations.

It’s no wonder that Ye Jintianming’s strongest point is that they can be resurrected, and now Su Wangyou can kill them completely. No matter what power Su Wangyou has, this is something Ye Jintianming cannot tolerate. In this operation, the priority of killing Su Wangyou even surpassed Chu Yi and Su Changge.

"Thousand-faced Langjun, hide it!" The poisonous spider scolded, "You are in the Void Realm. Do you know how many Emperor Realms can be resurrected by resurrecting your Void Realm resources? If you die again, no one will be saved. you!"

Qianmian Langjun remained silent, but took a half step back in silence.

"It's coming." Suddenly, the black shadow at the top spoke.

Many dark shadows were taken aback, they didn't feel the breath at all.

However, people are indeed here...

Su Changge took the lead and rushed to the forefront, but at this moment, Su Changge's face changed wildly, and he said loudly, "Run!"

The group did not hesitate at all, and immediately turned around and tried to escape.

The first black shadow shook his head and said to himself: "Run? Did you run?"

Afterwards, the shadow stomped and jumped on it in an instant.

The speed of Sombra is too fast, and his goal is also very clear, that is, Bai Ruoli.

Yes, it was not Su Changge who ran in the first place, nor was it the main Su Wangyou, but Bai Ruoli in the back of the team.

Persimmon, you have to pick it softly. If this group of people really abandon Bai Ruoli without hesitation, the shadow is willing to accept it.

Bai Ruoli is just a method of cultivation, and in terms of speed, he is not as fast as everyone else. As for the defense method?

For Sombra, the defensive method of the mere fairyland is simply a joke.

Seeing that Bai Ruoli was about to be overtaken, Zhu Yao gritted his teeth and turned around.

There is no doubt that Zhu Yao is also a limit emperor realm, but her limit is a little watery, because she can reach this realm by relying on a divine tool, and this shadow...

It is no exaggeration to say that in all the emperor realms from ancient times to the present, he can guarantee five contests.

In the official history, there are just a few that can be pressed on top of this guy, young Li Qinglian, Dacheng Su Changge, the Great Emperor...

Even Dacheng Chu Wushuang was pushed down by this black shadow, let alone Zhu Yao?

The two paired together, but Sombra has been accumulating power for a long time, but Zhu Yao attacked in a hurry. Coupled with Sombra’s strength to crush, Zhu Yao was beaten internally by just this one. .

Zhu Yao opened his mouth and spit out a mouthful of blood, and at the same time the bracelet in his hand turned into a stream of light and sent Bai Ruoli away.

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