Me, sword fairy!

Me, sword fairy! Chapter 210:

Su Wangyou nodded.

Only then did Su Changge let go, and put his mouth close to Su Wangyou's ear.

"So, so, so, so..."

"Look at me." Su Wangyou forcibly endured the feeling of shame in his heart, and said again and again: "Poisonous spider - looking at me, I ask you, am I beautiful?"

"Beautiful..." the poisonous spider replied incomparably demented.

She had just been hit by the suzerain, and she was conspired by Su Changge to be mentally depressed. In this state, facing Su Wangyou's seduction, even if she was Da Luo Jinxian, she just wanted to smash it.

Su Wangyou hurriedly winked.

But Su Changge was already laughing stupidly.

"Hahahahahahahahaha, I'm so ridiculous, hahahahahaha ———————"

In order not to harm the big event, Su Wangyou can only endure Su Changge and continue to use the charm technique.

[You wait, Su Chang Ge, you!Wait for me!!Su Wangyou's heart is extremely sad and indignant. Now he wants to stab Su Changge to death with a single sword and smash him into thousands of pieces, but he still wants to continue to lure poisonous spiders for major events. This pain and shame... Who can understand?

At the critical moment, the emperor was reliable, he instantly stunned the poisonous spider and held it in his hand.

Su Wangyou saw that the poisonous spider had been subdued, and immediately drew out his sword.

Su Changge became serious at this time.

"Don't make trouble, the other party is likely to react. Let's hurry up and take the deserted legacy and run away." After that, Su Changge ran out a few kilometers away quickly, incarnate ten million in an instant, and grabbed a big one. The ancient relics of Ba————this large amount of ancient relics is almost all the relics of Shang Guo...


After Su Changge finished speaking, he took the lead in taking out the magic talisman, everyone also took out the magic talisman, and the figure disappeared instantly.

Misty Mountain, Misty Palace.

All those people just now sat in the Misty Palace with a poisonous spider lying on the table.

Su Changge patted the table with a bruised nose and swollen face, and said: "Next is to torture information..."

[...Why was Su Changge beaten like this in just an instant...] Everyone secretly looked at Su Wangyou who was expressionless.

[Unexpected grudge...]

"Torture information?" Sect Master sneered: "It's better to search the soul directly, do you still have to say something to this evil spirit?"

The scene was quiet, even the most benevolent emperor could not say anything against it at this time.

The Emperor is indeed a bit overly kind, but this does not mean that he is a Virgin.

In any case, he is an emperor.

"Alright." The Taoist elder nodded, and said: "I just don't know if there will be any obstacles in searching for the soul. This night is so mysterious, I am afraid it is not that simple..."

Su Changge grinned and said, "Then it depends on me..."

Having said that, Su Changge jumped onto the conference table and stretched out his hand to press the poisonous spider's forehead.

"Take a look, her memory."

Chapter 46 The Shadow

In the deep crypt, many dark shadows stood silently, only Zhang Tulong groaned weakly to the limit from time to time.

Just now, he used the technique of space shifting again. The consumables that cannot be used in battle, such as magic runes, are so highly regarded, let alone this kind of shifting technique that can be used in battle?————Also tm is multiplayer!

The consumption and side effects of this powerful secret method...

The black shadow glanced at Zhang Tulong, then slapped a pill into Zhang Tulong's hands, and praised: "The inheritance of Ghost Valley is really extraordinary. If Su Changge can be used by me..."

Zhang Tulong spit out a mouthful of blood, stuffed the pill in, and said weakly: "That's impossible."

The black shadow was interrupted by Zhang Tulong, but he didn't look unhappy.

"Yes." Sombra nodded, and said in agreement: "That's impossible. This child seems to be approachable, but his heart is arrogant. I am afraid that his arrogance is not weaker than that of Su Wangyou. I want him to Doing things for me is indeed impossible."

Lan Langzhu leaned against the damp wall and said coldly: "The poisonous spider was caught by them."

The shadow was silent for a long time before slowly speaking: "I know, it's... a pity."

Afterwards, Sombra flipped his hand and took out a glass ball with a red liquid flowing inside.

Inside, it pretends to be the spirit of the poisonous spider. When everyone joins the organization, they must give the core part of their spirit to the black shadow ———— or be forced to hand over the spirit, even though they will be controlled. Life and death, but also has the ability to resurrect.

Everyone was surprised, Zhang Tulong took the lead and said.

"My lord... Is this giving up poisonous spiders?"

"Otherwise?" Sombra looked at Zhang Tulong in amazement, "Are you going to the Emperor of Humanity and the Monarch of Ancient Kingdom to save her?"

When the black shadow speaks, his tone is extremely natural, even with a natural feeling.

Everyone felt a chill in their hearts and closed their mouths one after another.

Seeing that no one was speaking, the black shadow squeezed the red glass ball. The blue veins on his hand continued to violently squeeze the glass ball.

Zhang Tulong stepped aside, only feeling extremely chilling.

He only joined the organization through the poisonous spider. The poisonous spider has been doing his best for the organization for thousands of years. He doesn't know how many dead souls under his hand, but now, he actually killed it if he said it...

Inside that glass ball, there is the spirit of the poisonous spider. The spirit is gone, but there is really nothing left, let alone the chance of resurrection, even the chance of reincarnation.

Zhang Tulong was determined to resist, and a sense of depression entangled in his heart, making him feel unspeakable irritability.

But he dare not.

Being in the same emperor realm, he would be forced to run away in embarrassment by his master nephew in the fairy realm, but the black shadow in front of him could directly attack the human emperor. How could the difference be so big?

Zhang Tulong sighed secretly.

[Sigh... Venomous spider, have you ever thought about today?As far as that adult is concerned, your life is not worth a lot of money...] Just as the glass ball burst into pieces, sudden changes occurred.

The magic knife that belonged to the mad swordsman suddenly emitted a strange red light, and then flew up, stabbing straight at the shadow.

Out of some mentality, no one stopped the knife.

The black shadow snorted coldly, and the air inside his body surged like a tide, and in a blink of an eye it turned into a huge wave, tearing the magic knife to pieces.

"It's your master's resurrection, and it's not the enemy of my one unity, let alone you are just a waste knife!" The voice of the black shadow is extremely hideous.

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