Me, sword fairy!

Me, sword fairy! Chapter 213:

Su Wangyou touched the ring on his hand.

This ring is indeed his biggest ultimate move, but he originally wanted to keep this ultimate move for another person.

[If it is used on this guy, what will the Emperor Tiandao do?] Su Wangyou looked at his sword.

[Sure enough, I still don’t have enough strength...]

Su Wangyou silently opened up those auxiliary exercises. His own talent was terrifying. In addition, he added the passive and title of boosting the speed of cultivation. Now practicing these auxiliary exercises is really like a fish in water, and ordinary people need to use it. It only takes two or three days for a cultivation technique that can only take two to three years, or even more than ten years.

Su Wangyou is now a cultivation machine.

Practice in the morning, practice at noon, practice in the afternoon, and practice at night.

Su Wangyou felt the pain.

But it's not because the practice is too boring, but because of contrast.

If it is in reality, he can see these things at a glance, and he can practice them in a few seconds, but in the game, although he can still see them at a glance, he needs to practice for several days to learn. Contrast is not an ordinary pain, as it is said that it is easy to change from frugality to extravagance, and it is difficult to change from luxury to simplicity.

Although the talent is there, the foundation is different.

Because even Su Wangyou's father could not copy Su Wangyou's bloodline, just as he could not copy his own bloodline.

He, as well as Him, are unique in this world, inimitable, insurmountable, and even a great existence that humans cannot imagine.

Su Wangyou's bloodline is still asleep, but it will wake up sooner or later until then————[DATA EXPUNGED].

Eternal Life is a game that has surpassed the times by tens of thousands of years, but even if it is a game that has surpassed the times by hundreds of thousands of years, it is impossible to truly copy the blood of Su Wangyou, or even the connection can not reach it.

Therefore, Su Wangyou could only endure the pain of'one exercise actually takes three days'.

————If you let people who have practiced an exercise for decades outside know about it, you will probably be pissed off.

This is what Su Wangyou thinks, but even if the idiots really knew about this, they would only think that'my husband is awesome'.

Spring goes and autumn comes, another year.

Su Wangyou put down a supplementary exercise book and stood up.

Conquer secret methods, body protection techniques, essence and mysteries, body techniques, and even health secrets.

He has practiced.

Su Wangyou is like a sponge that can never be saturated, greedily drawing nutrients.

In one year, more than three hundred days, he never let up.

"So..." Su Wangyou moved his muscles and bones, and his bones and hair made bursts of noise, "Let me see my achievements this year."

Subsequently, Su Wangyou left the cave.

At the same time, the mighty sound of the misty mountains.

"Chu Yi, hasn't fought in a year, is it itchy?"

Chu Yi, who was practicing swordsmanship on the Misty Peak, heard Su Wangyou's voice and chuckled.

Afterwards, he shouted out loud.

"War! War! War!"

At this moment, it's all about fighting.

Regardless of life and death, regardless of superiors, only battle.

Afterwards, the two figures met in the air and began a round of confrontation...

The old man with the sword back stood on the edge of the cliff, watching the battle between the two, and sighed: "You are young and frivolous, so you can fight with the sword... It's a real world."

The battle of Su Wangyou's exit shocked the entire Misty Mountain, because he and Chu Yi were really too fierce. When the two of them fought, the sword energy and the sword light were thrown away, as if they were not inwardly. Looking at it from a distance, I thought it was the Fa Xiu of the two emperors at war.

Su Changge, Jiang Tairan, Bai Ruoli, Sect Master, the old man with a sword, and the elders of Misty Xianzong watched from a distance, and sighed from time to time.

"Chu Wushuang has been suppressed..."

"Elder Su's sword light is too fierce? Isn't Jian Guang angry?"

"He just has to throw his sword light. If Ran Xu is cut by Liang Yi, he might be cut off directly..."

"That said, this dyed virtual sword is indeed a bit unable to keep up with Elder Su..."

"Ranxu is also a semi-sacred tool at any rate, can it give some face?"

"Liangyi Sword is the best divine sword in the world, it's not comparable."

"Seriously, they are too much to watch. The sword light and sword energy are almost like fireworks."

"It's best not to let Su Wangyou hear what you said, this guy can hold a grudge..."

"Hey, I want to tell Elder Su what you said!"

"Hehe, I, Su Changge, even if I say this is all right in front of him, but you, Bai Ruoli, I just have to say a few bad things about you in front of Su Wangyou, hehehe."

"Σ( ° △ °|)︴No, shameless villain!"

"Ahem, Young Master Su Changge, as Bai Ruoli’s master, I can’t assume that I didn’t hear what you said. By the way, can you help me say something nice? Ah no, don’t use that look Look at me, I'm his elder, how can I have that kind of thought?"

(In the heart of the suzerain: [cnm as long as a woman, how can I have no idea?])

"Master, master!"

"Wait, why did the topic suddenly turn off!"

"By the way, Elder Su has become more tempting since he was tricked into practicing the charm technique last time..."

"That's my credit! Besides me, who else can lie to him to practice charming skills?!"

Deathly silence.

"?" Su Changge looked at everyone in confusion, and said, "What's the matter? Why don't you speak?"

Bai Ruoli covered his mouth with his hand, gleefully pointed at the back of Su Changge.

The cold sweat flowed down instantly.

Su Changge's legs softened and he used his ultimate skills without hesitation.

"Dad! Forgive me! I won't dare anymore!"

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