Me, sword fairy!

Me, sword fairy! Chapter 225:

"Dare you... betray me?" Soi Ying narrowed his eyes. "Do you know that your soul is still in my hands?"

"The spirit of the Guigu Clan is not something you can handle." Zhang Tulong thought of this, his eyes gradually dimmed, "Even the Guigu abandoned disciple is the same."

There is nothing to say, Soi Ying is also a ruthless person who just does what he says. He instantly took out the container of Zhang Tulong's soul, and then crushed it.

Zhang Tulong didn't respond, but looked at him coldly.

What he said is true, the spirit of the Guigu Clan, does not allow outsiders to interfere.

Zhang Tulong's eyes were a bit scary at this time, and the black shadow turned around, only to find that almost everyone was looking at him with such eyes.

Su Wangyou, Su Changge, the emperor, the monarch of the ancient country, and even Chu Yi and Tang Congxin are all like this!

They were all looking at him with dead eyes.

You can't run, you will die here.

Sombra read this sentence from their eyes.

"You killed me, what's the use?!" Sombra suddenly became angry, "I dedicate myself to that great being, and this body is immortal! What if you kill me? Sooner or later I can come back!"

Zhang Tulong shook his head and sighed: "As of this time, haven't you figured out the status quo?"

The black shadow was taken aback, and then he clearly saw what was in Zhang Tulong's eyes.

This kind of thing is called ambition.

An ambition called Replacement.

An unprecedented sense of fear entangled the shadows.

Because at this time he realized that he really would die. If it were normal, the group of people would not betray him, but not long ago, he killed the poisonous spider...

(For high-level warriors, one year is indeed not long ago.)

This is a very chilling move.

[If I die, I am afraid that no one will come to resurrect me. Even if the Lord resurrects in the future, they can deliberately conceal my existence...] "Are you afraid?" The ancient monarch meant to take the initiative, and the human emperor and the ancient monarch also stood there very cooperatively, without any intention to do anything.

Because Su Changge said before he set off, don't do it without saying it.

Su Changge smiled and repeated: "Are you afraid? Mo Ge, Father Mo?"

One stone stirred up a thousand waves.

The image of the black shadow has always been mysterious, let alone the people of the emperor, even the group of Zhang Tulong, none of them know the true identity of the black shadow.

But now Su Changge suddenly said it incomparably.

For a long time, the image given by Sombra has been mysterious, cruel, dictatorial and powerful, and Mo Ge’s character is almost completely opposite to Sombra. The image given by Mo Ge is an old and kind person,'the weakest Mohist giant in history. '.

And now, the two figures overlapped.

The black shadow suddenly turned his head and opened his mouth wide, but couldn't say anything.

At this moment, it’s not impossible to deny the skinny face, and it is estimated to have a lot of usefulness, but it is really ugly to lose if you do that. People like Su Changge, if there is no definite evidence, will say this. Kind of words?

So Sombra took off his hood generously, revealing his true face.

It is Mo Ge.

Mo Ge, who almost never does anything with people, always smiles.

He is the man behind the scenes, the leader of Ye Jintianming, and the shadow of the history books.

Even Su Changge, who personally said that the shadow is Mo Ge, felt an unparalleled absurdity at this time.

Who would have thought that Mo Ge is a dark shadow?

Mo Ge looked at Su Changge with a miserable smile, "How do do you see it?"

"The reason is more, let me just say a few times." Su Changge narrowed his eyes and stretched out a finger.

"First, the encounter between Mo Qianzhong and us was too strange and too coincidental."

"[Su Shaoxia, you misunderstood, Grandpa Mo was always protecting me in secret.]" Su Changge said relaxedly: "This is Mo Qianzhong's original words, secretly protect, if you translate it, it means..."

"Secretly control Hongxu wild boar and let us meet Mo Qianzhong, right?"

After that, without waiting for Mo Ge's answer, Su Changge stretched out his second finger and continued: "Then the second point."

"The Mo family couldn't find the person who pulled out the portrait of Qianzhong's parents anyway. Then I carefully searched for the traces. Guess what conclusion I came to?"

"On the day that the portrait was turned over, only one person entered the room, and that was you, Mo Ge."

"Of course the Mo family can't find out who entered the room, because the person who took out the portrait is you, Mo Ge."

"These two points are enough to make me doubt you, and under the assumption that I doubt you, there is a third point."

Su Changge stretched out his third finger and said: "At the beginning, our group was going to Shang Country to steal the ancient relics. I, Su Changge, dare not say anything else. The secret is still very good. Then Will something go wrong in that place? Naturally, it is the Mohist who prepares submarines for us."

"As a giant of the Mo family, you know this submarine well, so you can naturally guess that our destination is Shang Guo. Then I asked my uncle, and as expected, you asked him about the perfect fairy. Only in Shang Guo."

"One time is a coincidence, two times is a coincidence, three times... can also be a coincidence."

Su Changge smiled and said: "The three things just made me tease you. At most, these three things just make me doubt you, but they don't make me sure about it."

Mo Ge didn't feel the killing intent of the Emperor Human and the Princess of the Ancient Country, and asked curiously, "If this is the case, then what makes you affirm this matter?"

"Do you know? There is a secret method in this world that can see through other people's real names..."

That's right, in the Battle of the Far North, Su Wangyou saw through the real name of Sombra and told it to Su Changge. Su Changge was willing to protect Su Wangyou and deliberately adopted this vague statement.

The black shadow froze for a moment and murmured: "So there are such secret methods in the world..."

"A thorough general, Mo Ge." Su Changge said sincerely, "Your identity is also exposed. Even if you leave here, you won't be able to run for long. The Mo family has your soul lamp."

Mo Ge suddenly laughed.


After a long time, he slowly said a word.

"This formation... Zhang Tulong told me before, it's called Dou Beast formation, right? I remember this formation... It seems to be completely closed, even the caster can't leave."

"I thought about it, I thought about it!"

Mo Ge suddenly went mad and said: "The way to break the game————————"

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