Me, sword fairy!

Me, sword fairy! Chapter 229:

But this time, his target was the ancient monarch who was being attacked by the shadows.

After all, Human Sovereign had just used a trick, did not mention it in one breath, and could only watch Mo Ge attacking the ancient monarch.

"No gathering magic!!"

Mo Gu shouted hoarsely.

"Life has never met here!"

Su Changge's face changed drastically.

Because of the ink separation, there is no gathering of words.

The power of non-convergence is his natal technique, and what he uses is probably his fate and skill!

The monarch of the ancient kingdom sighed. It is reasonable to say that it is impossible for him to make such an action at this time, because sighing takes time, and he is being attacked by the dark shadow, and he can't spare any time.

But he did it.

Because the time flow in the echo valley at this time becomes very slow.

Everyone's movements seemed to be slowed down a hundred times, incredibly slow.

Everyone could clearly see the murderous intent on Mo Ge's face.

"Is it the secret of time?" The ancient monarch looked at Mo Ge, who moved slowly like a tortoise, and chuckled, "I will too."

"Chu Yi! Be optimistic about you!" As soon as the monarch of the ancient kingdom stretched out his hand, the Liangyi sword in Chu Yi's hand flew into his hand, "I only use this trick once, and it depends on how much you can learn."

"Sword Absolute Sword Technique."

The ancient monarch said word by word.

"Absolute Sword·Large Vertical and Horizontal Style!"

Subsequently, he made two swords.

One sword, from top left to bottom right, one sword, from top right to bottom left.

A very simple diagonal cut.

A simple oblique cross cut that only one person can perform throughout the ages.

No sword light, no sword energy, no sword light.

This sword is like a child's casual swing, even if it is Tang Congxin, I am afraid it can easily escape.

But Mo Ge couldn't escape.

He knew he couldn't hide.

He has urged the time secret method several times, but every time the future is the same.

He could not hide, and was divided into four.

He used the time secret method to simulate 17 times in a row, and he was also beheaded 17 times in a row.

He still wanted to continue the simulation, but the sword had arrived, and in desperation, he had no choice but to resist.

For the eighteenth time, a real person played.

The result was exactly the same as the previous seventeen times, the ink compartment was divided into four.

"The secret method of time, I am still me!"

In an instant, the four-divided ink partition turned into smoke and dust, and not far away, the black shadow slowly took off his hood, revealing his terrified expression.

Chapter 62 The Battle of Echo Valley (8)

Mo Ge is still alive.

Relying on the Secret Method of Time, he escaped several times, and now, the whole person's condition is still almost intact.

On the side of the ancient monarch, there is no strength to fight again...

[The secret method of time...what the hell is this?!

I believe that Su Changge is definitely not alone.

This secret method is too strong...

But no matter how strong this secret method is, it still has to be played.

And now the two clones of Mo Ge have disappeared, logically speaking...

Forget it, there is nothing reasonable to say, he should have been killed long ago, but in fact he was not.

The Emperor was really angry this time too, one punch after another, continuous, with every punch and every palm with tens of millions of force.

Mo tried to get away several times, but he was stuck to death by the emperor, unable to move at all.

In the process, Mo Ge's physical strength and internal energy were also rapidly consumed.

[No, the emperor’s martial arts skills are too high. If I can’t get out, I will be stuck to death sooner or later. I must get out as soon as possible, and then look for opportunities...] Mo Ge once gritted his teeth, completely ignoring the emperor’s offensive. To the Emperor's Tianling cover.

He hoped that the human emperor could hide for a while, as long as the human emperor had a slight retreat, it would be difficult for him to move the secret method, and then there would be room for hand saw...

But he saw the expression of the emperor.

Incomprehensible, arrogant, and mocking.

He understood.

The meaning of the Emperor is very clear.

[Injury for injury?Are you worthy to change with me?

The Emperor hit him with a punch, Mo Ge spit out blood, and the skeleton of his body was instantly shattered.

And Mo Ge's fist also hit the human emperor's heavenly spirit cover, a pity...

The emperor, unscathed.

Mo Ge, who had lost his skeleton, fell to the ground feebly like an octopus.

"It's now!!" Su Changge shouted: "Uncle, do it!"

Subsequently, Zhang Tulong and Su Changge, who had been hiding since the beginning of the battle, shot together.

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