Me, sword fairy!

Me, sword fairy! Chapter 231:

————Yes, it is hanging in the middle.

Because a normal container can't store this sword at all.

Even if it is a scabbard that fits better, if it touches it a little bit, it will be cut off instantly.

So it can only hang.

This sword is extremely gorgeous, with a long and slender body, shining with silver light, and the hilt is carved with complicated and exquisite runes, which looks very mysterious.

This sword is called unsheathed.

Both Su Wangyou and Penglai Mountain Jiuxiao thought that this sword was just an ornament, because they had never seen Su Hongmo use this sword.

But Su Hongmo knew that this sword was not an ornament, it was the strongest and most invincible murder weapon in the world.

"Go." Su Hongmo opened the piano case and said softly: "You have been waiting for a long time, right?"

The sheathless flew out instantly, trembling twice, as if saying goodbye to Su Hongmo.

After that, Wushe disappeared instantly.

Suddenly, a meteor drew across the sky--no, it wasn’t, the meteor was rushing here!

Meteor pulled out a very long and very long tail.

Su Wangyou stretched out his hand and held the meteor.

Until then, everyone can see the true face of this meteor.

It is a sword.

[Pseudo·Unsheathed]: Light sword weapons.

Weapon introduction: Created by a great existence that cannot be directly called by his name, it is the strongest slaying soldier in endless time and space. Throughout the universe, parallel universes, and the torrent of time, there is only'no front' Can compete with it.

[No sheath (pseudo)]: able to cut off solid, liquid, gas, space, time, soul, life, and everything that can be described or described by'language' (except Wufeng).

(For PS, refer to Straight Death Demon Eye, replace kill with cut.)

The time of the sword has been fixed, cannot be damaged, and will not change in any way due to time.

The sword does not adhere to cause and effect, ignoring the paradox of time and space. Anyone who is killed by the sword or injured by the sword will be cursed without the sheath. Unless the person with the sheath takes the initiative to eliminate the curse, the cursed person cannot be resurrected. , And the wound cut by the sword cannot heal itself, and the treatment is ineffective.

[Heaven and the world, this sword has no sheath]: This skill is not unlocked.

[This body is a sheath]: This skill is not unlocked.

[No sheath, no edge, no self, no sword]: This skill is not unlocked.

Equipment level: pseudo·transcendence.

(I admit, this is the closest imitation in the world, but it is only an imitation after all. Even if there is a sword in this world that can be called unsheathed, it will definitely not be this one.)

Su Wangyou held this sword.

An inexplicable sense of familiarity came.

Su Wangyou seemed to feel the sword cheering.

This feeling is really amazing, like...

[Like I have used this sword for many years...]

Although there are thousands of thoughts in his heart, the current situation does not allow Su Wangyou to think about these things.

"Six forms of Qinglian." Su Wangyou said loudly: "Four forms·Crossing group————Feng!"

It was still the familiar sword light that penetrated the world.

Qinglian Six Forms, the name of this martial skill, the Emperor has heard of it. Su Wangyou suppressed and killed the crazy swordsman with this trick in the first battle in the hidden forest of the gods.

Although Renhuang didn't think this trick could work against a master like Mo Ge, he still gave up the idea of ​​fighting against Mo Ge at this time.

At this point, Human Sovereign stopped the power accumulation in his hand, and jumped out, Mo Ge did not pursue it either.

Because he also needs some time to get acquainted with the power of the longevity realm, the emperor's retreat is exactly what he expected.

As for Su Wangyou's attack, Mo Ge didn't take it seriously.

No matter how genius Su Wangyou was and how capable he was, he was just a virtual realm, a fragile virtual realm that had just been promoted.

Throughout the ages, there have been many examples of killing the emperor in the fairyland, but none in the imaginary realm.

Mo Ge had a mocking sneer on his face, "Small bugs!"

Obviously, this is just a trash talk used by the two sides when fighting against each other, but if this is heard by later generations of Li Qinglian...

After Mo Ge finished speaking the rubbish, he waved his robe, and the devil around him rose to the sky and rushed towards Jianguang.

The devilish energy rushed towards Jianguang, and when the two sides collided, the devilish energy was washed away.

Su Wangyou frowned when he saw this, and realized that things were not that simple.

Sure enough, the devilish energy did not dissipate after being dissipated, but scattered around the sword light, turning into a large ball to surround the sword light.

Seeing that the big ball of devilish energy gradually stabilized, Mo Ge slowly smiled.

If he was worried that Su Wangyou really had something to do, then he was really relieved at this time.

"I admit that you are indeed a bit talented, but unfortunately, you haven't had time to turn this talent into——————What?!"

In the sky, the ball composed of magic energy was completely dissipated in an instant, the magic energy was scattered in the air, and it was no longer able to reorganize.

But the extremely dazzling sword light is cast off.

Mo Ge gritted his teeth and showed an angry look.

"The secret method of time, looking back, it's been a hundred years!"

In an instant, a huge black channel appeared, absorbing sword light into it.

This secret method Mo Ge had been used before, and the ancient kingdom monarch's unique knowledge was blocked by this trick.

However, this time, Mo Ge really miscalculated...

This secret method about time may be really unsolvable for others, but for Su Wangyou, it is not a problem.

The sword he just got can cut the distance between time and space.

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