Me, sword fairy!

Me, sword fairy! Chapter 238:

Su Wang frowned, thinking that he should have stimulated the inexplicable self-esteem of these young people, but he has never been good at dealing with this, so he said: "Don't talk about these, let's talk about things in Xiaocheng. I ask you to answer, how?"

Speaking of revenge, Tan Tianyi immediately took a lot of seriousness, "Please ask."

"City Lord, and the Lin Family, what kind of combat power do they have?"

Tan Tian also said sternly: "The City Lord and the Lin Family Patriarch are both imperial realm strengths, but they are both the imperial realm that relies on drugs and sorcery to improve their strengths. Their strength is very limited. In addition, the City Lord’s Mansion has more than ten virtual realm worshippers. , The Lin family is the same, there are always more than a dozen elders in the virtual realm..."

Then, Tan Tianyi saw that he was clamoring just now,'Am I not enough alone?''S Su Wangyou took out the sound transmission note solemnly.

"Is it the elder of the Seven Swordsmen?...Okay, I will help you do six classes for you, no more."

"Wang Wanhe, come here... How about a rare feast for you?"

After the sound was transmitted, Su Wangyou pondered for a while, "Two parallel import emperor realms...should be enough, so let's do it - Tan Tianyi, why are you looking at me?"

Tan Tian also looked away and said, "No... nothing."

Want to laugh but dare not laugh.JPG

After a while, Jian Qisha and Wang Wanhe rushed over.

As soon as Jian Qisha came over, he yelled: "What do you mean by giving me six classes! Elder Su! During your retreat year, I took almost all the classes for you! So it should be said that I paid you back. In your six classes, do you know that group of bear kids... Oh, there is an outsider, Elder Wang, are you going to test on him the amnesia (physics) you developed recently?"

Wang Wanhe ignored the sword seven kills, "Elder Su! A word from a gentleman! A rare feast! Have we agreed?"

Su Wangyou replied in a dumbfounded manner: "Good, good."

Afterwards, he took out a sound transmission note and said: "You guys wait here for a while, I'll go ask something."

Su Wangyou walked away and said to Chu Yi: "Chu Yi, I want to ask you something."

Chu Yi practiced the sword while speaking through the voice: "What's the matter?"

Su Wangyou then briefly told him about Tan Tianyi and asked: "If I kill someone in the ancient country, your court...don't care?"

Chu Yi asked calmly, "Do you want us to take care of it?"

Su Wangyou was startled and said, "Since I took over this matter, of course I hope you don't care."

"Well, we don't care about this." Chu Yi chuckled lightly, and actively interrupted the transmission.

[This is really...]

Su Wangyou shrugged and turned to look at Tan Tianyi, "Yu Jian, will you?"

"Ancient people, how can anyone know how to use swords!"

"Well, let's go." Su Wangyou said, first stepping on his flying sword.

————That’s three thousand feet of gray hair.

"Elder Su, your sword is a bit long." Jian Qisha glanced at it and vomited: "Such a long sword is probably not convenient."

"It's always adaptable," Su Wangyou replied.


Eight days later, they arrived at Tianxiao City.

Here still maintains the consistent style of the ancient country, full of sword repairs.

During these eight days, Su Wangyou had told Wang Wanhe and Jian Qisha about the general situation, but neither of them seemed to care much.

To be honest... Jian Qisha and Wang Wanhe came on this trip almost as a tour.

It’s not that they are arrogant, but the fact is that this is true. According to Tan Tianyi’s words, the Lin Family Patriarch and the City Lord are completely parallel emperor realms. If Su Wangyou is willing to spend some time designing it and want to eat alone It is not difficult to drop these two.

If it weren't for things that haven't been resolved now, I'm afraid these two people have already begun to travel.

It's not that Su Wangyou couldn't understand the thoughts of these two people. After all, although they are both in the emperor realm, there is a difference in combat power...

To use an analogy, the weaker ones are like the crayons in the chaotic desert. Now Su Wangyou can beat them three or seven without using jerk. If he uses jerk, Su Wangyou can kill them with 90% certainty.

So, what about the stronger ones?

To use an analogy, the general boss of the evil demon outside the sky, the strongest emperor of the Tiandao Continent, is also Su Wangyou's most worried opponent at the moment. How strong is this guy?

There is such a passage in history books that records him.

[The Great Emperor of Heaven, breaks the upper limit of the emperor's life, survived more than 17,000 years, defeated the final creation of the Mohist school with one move, forced the fifth Huazhi of Dacheng with one look, defeated Chu Wushuang with three moves, and directly killed the emperor with one unique skill, the ancient country The monarch adopts a defensive position, and only supports five moves. Before the ancient monarch died, he passed on to Chu Wushuang. At the cost of three thousand years of life and Liuli Tongtong's sword heart, Chu Wushuang completely broke down. , Tiandao the Great was ambushed by Su Changge, Qin Luoxue, and Li Buwu, and was trapped in the Nine-Day Reincarnation Formation, but in the end he killed Qin Luoxue and Li Buwu and severely injured Su Changge, but these three won. In enough time, the two hundred ancient sword emperors surrounded the Emperor of Heaven, and consumed the emperor’s internal energy in a tragic way of exchanging internal energy with his life, but even so, the Emperor of Heaven still broke through Su Changge’s nine-day reincarnation On the way to escape, he encountered the shadow behind the scenes that had been waiting for a long time, and killed the shadow behind the scenes twice without a trace of internal energy. However, during this period of time, the seriously injured Su Changge came after him again. No one knows what happened after that, but since then, people have never seen Emperor Tiandao again, and...Zu Guang's territory has been reduced by one-twentieth.Now that the battle has passed ten thousand years, we are still fortunate that Heavenly Dao the Great has not entered the longevity realm, if he enters the longevity realm...the world, there is no ancestral light, no majesty, no Luo Sheng, no Tiande, also No country.] (PS Mo Ge is the shadow behind the scenes, this paragraph was written by those who resurrected 20 years ago.)

Chapter III City Lord's Mansion

Even Su Wangyou didn't know how to deal with an enemy like the Great Emperor of Heaven. The only way he could think of now was to use the question of the God of Truth.

[Battle of Hanging Waterfall...]

The Battle of the Xuantian Waterfall was the first battle since the invasion of the evil demon outside the sky, but Su Wangyou asked many people, including Su Changge, the know-it-all, but no one knew about the Xuantian Waterfall.

Then there are only three explanations. Either the Xuantian Waterfall is a secret realm, or the Xuantian Waterfall is not well-known, or there is no name for the Xuantian Waterfall. This name was added to it later.

[Let’s take a step and see...]

Tianxiao City.

Most cities in ancient countries are very deformed.

As we all know, there are only 300,000 people in the ancient country, which is about one-thousandth of Xia.

There are too few people in the ancient country.

There are many reasons for this. To explain briefly, it is the matter of being born as a master.

If you are born a master, you are an ancient countryman, otherwise, it is not.

As long as the parents are from the ancient country, the offspring must also be from the ancient country. If only one of the parents is from the ancient country, then it is hard to say.

There are only 300,000 people in the ancient country, but there are tens of millions in the ancient country.

These people... are basically Xia people.

They come here to look for business opportunities.

What business opportunity?

People are the biggest business opportunity.

I don’t know how much the average force of the ancient country is higher than that of other countries. Even if it is a farmer, he will be a master when he grows up. A dart is more than enough. If such a combat power is not used, let him go farming?

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