Me, sword fairy!

Me, sword fairy! Chapter 244:

So there is this book.

Speaking of... the last book I changed every week, the plot was chaotic, and the writing was inexplicable, just because I was covered in a comprehensive cover at the beginning, but I remember that there were still 1,600 collections when I broke the change. This shows that the introduction is cheating. The importance of people...

I carefully conceived this book and updated it every day. I asked myself that although it was not well written, it should have made some progress. As a result, I only had 400 collections after writing it for two months... I have to thank the lost gentleman again for pushing this wave. I have successively increased more than two thousand collections...

In addition, some trivial things.

Su Changge was set up to fight like a dog in team battles, and he played ten alone. There were many specific cases. Su Changge's battle of fame was basically fought without teammates.

Qin Luoxue's character prototype is the fairy peach blossom in the rivers and lakes of the Han family, but it is also biased by Su Changge.

Chu Yi's initial personal settings were basically the same as Su Wangyou - except that Su Wangyou was not handsome.

The setting of the younger sister in Su Wangyou’s character background was actually reserved for Jiu Xiao. I originally planned to let these two roam in the ancestral light together, but then I found that Jiu Xiao’s strength could not keep up with the first echelon, so I gave up. Yes, this pit will probably not be filled in the future.

The weak do not deserve to have love.JPG

Tang Congxin is actually a very important role-think about it, Su Changge Tangtang Qilinzi of the State of Qin, how could he bring such a simple maid when he came to Zuguang to restore the country?

In fact, I originally wanted to write a pure three-nothing, like Chu Xuan's protagonist, and then he was slowly led by Su Changge, like this.

But I was not able to do it because of my lack of writing skills, so I had to change the settings midway, which is a pity.

last of the last.

This is a chapter, it hasn't been updated today.

See you in the poor picture (~~▽~)~

Chapter 8 Darkness

After all, the old man wanted to use his strength in the fairyland to forcibly stop the battle between the two.

As an emperor, Wang Wanhe naturally noticed the old man's actions early, and wanted to stop at the moment - after all, it was very tiring to perform such a dish forcibly.

But the young man opposite didn't seem to think so. The strength that Wang Wanhe showed was very subtle, and it happened to be the type that made people feel like'I can fight back.'

"Go away! Don't stop me!!" The young man yelled in anger and slashed it with a sword without any hesitation. If the old man continued to stop him, he would surely be slashed by this sword.

This old man is also one or two hundred years old. The young man’s mind and nature had been worn out by repeated and unsuccessful failures. Even if he was treated like this by a straw bale, he did not show a half-angrily look, just under his eyes. Occasionally, there was a touch of self-sorrow.

In Zu Guang, and even later Dahua, Luo Sheng, I don't know how many warriors are like this old man, hoping to be drunk like a dog for a trace of unattainable breakthrough.

Talent is such a terrible thing. The Void Realm can be reached when Chu was a child, and even has been deliberately suppressed for more than ten years for the stability of the realm, but for these inexhaustible warriors, the Void Realm is their lifelong dream.

Probably such a person is a mediocre life, no accomplishment.

Suddenly, Wang Wanhe lost the thought of acting, she glared at it impatiently, and directly glared the young man with blood and nose.

The young man fell to the ground softly as if he had been smashed from the bone.

Wang Wanhe waved her hand and the Misty Xianzong's standard long sword returned to her hand. With a light wave of her hand, her inner energy gushed out like a tide, blowing the pile of disciples besieging Tan Hongxiu to pieces.

The old man was startled, and smiled bitterly: "It's old..."

The word'husband' had not yet been spoken, and the old man suddenly realized that a senior warrior like Wang Wanhe looked young, but his actual age...

So he changed his mouth and said: "I'm looking down..."

Jian Qisha shrugged and winked at Su Wangyou.

[I knew this guy would definitely not be able to play.

Su Wangyou didn't answer, but just walked out.

He walked to Tan Hongxiu with a look of bewilderment. Although the identity of the other party had been determined, the scene to be acted in was still to be performed, so Su Wangyou asked, "Tan Hongxiu...right?"

Tan Hongxiu saw Su Wangyou and stayed for a while, although she replied in a low voice, "Yes..."

Su Wangyou's expression remained unchanged, "It's like this, your brother Tan Tianyi... did us a favor, so now, I'm here to give you justice."

Give you a fair.

Even though this is the most peaceful period of Zu Guang, there are too many unfairness in this world. Su Wangyou's words are very heavy, but he must be no better than his name Su Wangyou.

He said: "My name is Su Wangyou."

Su Wangyou, Zu Guang's most valuable name, not even one.

The champion of the Eight Jue Grand Ceremony, the world's first arrogant, the youngest elder of the Misty Xianzong, the preacher who makes Jian Xiu close and fearless, and the second sword soul of the ancient country.

However, in the eyes of those women, none of these... can match his face.

But Tan Hongxiu's focus is not here, she said excitedly: "My brother... is he there?!"

"He is in Tianxiao City, I will take you to see him." Su Wangyou turned around and said to Jian Qisha and Wang Wanhe: "Let's go."

"Wait!" Wang Wanhe pointed at Feng Lingzong's people, wondering: "What do they do? We don't care?"

"They are listening to what I said just now." Su Wangyou said meaningfully. He looked at the old man from the corner of his eye, "Right?"

The old man's forehead was full of sweat, and he bent down, not daring to say a word.

"Yes, the villain heard. Su Shaoxia...want to be fair."

"Look, he is listening." Su Wang said carelessly to Wang Wanhe.

As a reckless man, Wang Wanhe looked dazed, and didn't know what Su Wangyou was talking about.

Jian Qisha couldn't stand it anymore, so he hurriedly explained the sound transmission to Wang Wanhe.

After listening to the sound transmission, Wang Wanhe suddenly realized that she whispered: "You scholars are really good at acting."

Su Wangyou pretended not to hear Wang Wanhe's words, he stepped on Feijian and headed towards Tianxiao City.

The group of people gradually moved away, leaving Feng Lingzong and a group of people slumped to the ground.

The young man woke up with a grunt. He struggled to open his eyes, only to find that the old man was standing in front of him blankly like a mountain, blocking all the sunlight.

"Are you looking for death! You--" the young man screamed halfway, and the old man grabbed his throat, making him unable to say a word, "Do you think you are Feng Lingzong? Walking in the world?"

The old man suddenly showed a terrifying smile.

"You provoke a terrible person."

The disciples of Feng Lingzong looked at each other.

The old man fainted the young man and said loudly to the confused disciples.

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