Me, sword fairy!

Me, sword fairy! Chapter 252:

When one to ten units of internal energy are consumed, the internal energy of each unit increases ten units of power.

When consuming eleven to twenty units of internal energy, each unit's internal energy increases the power of eight units.

Ten to eight here does not necessarily mean the reduction of two units, but a certain weakening, and so on, in the end, it may even consume 100 million units of internal energy to increase the power of one unit.

The formula of each martial art is different, but this formula is always that the more internal energy is consumed, the more you lose. It's just the difference between more and less, but sometimes in order to break the defense, even if you lose, you have to recognize it.

In other words, if the basic power of a martial skill is ten, the basic cost is four internal qi, if you want 20, you consume ten internal qi, want 30, consume 30 internal qi, want fifty, consume seventy-five Internal gas.

The numbers are just examples, but they probably mean this.

And the effect of unlimited afterburner is to make Su Wangyou always take the biggest increase from the beginning.

In other words, if Su Wangyou wants fifty power, he only needs to consume twenty internal energy.

This is the so-called'never diminishing'.

There are different strengths in martial arts, some of which are strong in basic power, some are small in consumption, and some are small in increase...

Finally, the basic power is linked to its own strength, not the so-called fixed damage.

Chapter Fourteen The Chaffinch is safe in the stomach

Unlimited afterburner, this was originally a mad talent.

Just like physique and Jianxin, some people are born with certain talents, such as crazy infinite afterburning. Su Changge’s open learning speed is obviously also a certain kind of talent. Gu Canxin, who is called Professor Yang, is another example... Su Wangyou himself.

Su Wangyou's eyes were a little complicated.

He sat quietly for a long time, and then wrote such a paragraph on the book with his gasification pen.

Then he turned and left.

In the future, there will be someone who is destined to see these words written by Su Wangyou.

But now, the person who is destined has not yet come, so this passage can only be so dusty...

Su Wangyou pushed open the door, Chu Yi was waiting for him outside the door.

"Looking at you, it should be a success."

Su Wangyou raised his eyebrows when he heard the words, and asked in confusion: "Is there an expression on my face? Can you actually see that I succeeded?"

Chu Yi shrugged, and said helplessly: "People who fail are all going to lose their vitality. How can anyone be as angry as you?"

"That's right." Su Wangyou thought for a while, and then said: "Let's do it, Chu Yi, or you can start teaching me a tear in the dry manhole cover now, I am short of time, and I have to deal with the wind after a while. Lingzong matters."

Chu Yi raised his eyebrows and said, "Wind Spirit Sect? What is that? Is it a hidden sect?"

"It's just a small sect..." Su Wangyou sighed: "If it is a hidden big sect, I won't provoke it."

"A guy who wants to kill the Emperor Realm solo just after entering the fairyland is not qualified to say that."


"Should I send someone to help you deal with it?"

Su Wangyou thought for a while and said, "Forget it, it's better for me to go there in person."

"Follow you." Chu Yi led Su Wangyou to the martial arts field again.

"Then... I'll show you the side in slow motion first. Considering the characteristics of the move, even in slow motion, it won't be too slow. You have to see clearly."

Chu Yi bit his index finger away.

"A tear in the dry manhole cover!"

However, on Wang Wanhe's side, after taking the card for seven kills with the sword, the servant started to eat and drink, relying on the strength of his own emperor realm, trying to save the food expenses in the next few months.

"But ah..." Wang Wanhe lay on the floor in pain, clutching her stomach with her hands, and a big cold sweat kept on her forehead.

"Humans...have limits." She trembled, speaking the truth of the world, "Could it be that this is my limit?"

"No——————!" Wang Wanhe said unwillingly: "This is definitely not my limit, I———— will surpass all of this!"

This is a very handsome speech.

It would be better if...Wang Wanhe wasn't lying under the dining table and clutching her pregnant belly.

"Come here, serve! Serve!" Wang Wanhe yelled, "I can still eat!"

Soon there was a maid. She looked at Wang Wanhe and said embarrassedly: "This guest, I suggest you better stop eating. If this continues, I'm afraid..."

Wang Wanhe proudly said, "The bird knows Honghu's stomach?"

The maid was stunned. For the first time, she heard that someone could say how much to eat so nicely.

"But... this..." The maid was a little at a loss.

Wang Wanhe thought for a while. It was indeed a bit embarrassing to feel that she was so embarrassed to be a little maid, so she got up from the ground with difficulty and said: "Let's let your manager come over and talk to me."

At this time, the ancient kingdom monarch and others just finished their meal and passed by, and Wang Wanhe didn't deliberately lower his voice, so Jian Liuyun heard this sentence.

As I said before, this restaurant--maybe that this street is the property of Jian Liuyun's family.

Jian Liuyun thought that he should take care of it since he encountered it, and he reached out to push the door.

Jian Qisha turned pale.

He naturally heard that this was Wang Wanhe's voice, and subconsciously wanted to stop Jian Liuyun, but couldn't think of any reason, so he could only watch Jian Liuyun open the door.

"I am the manager of this hotel, what do you do?" Jian Liuyun said.

Jian Qisha was shocked when he saw Wang Wanhe.

"Why are you pregnant?"

Wang Wanhe raised her eyebrows and glanced down, only to realize that she was already in the kind of figure that'you can't see your feet with your head down'.

"Ah... something happened." The air flow inside Wang Wanhe's body turned, and her stomach quickly returned to normal, "Okay."

"It turns out that it was eaten like this..." Jian Qisha's face suddenly turned dark, "If you use your inner qi to digest like this, it is equivalent to not eating - - all you use is my money! Damn it!"

Jian Liuyun listened for a while, and probably had eyebrows, and said, "This is... Seven Kills your colleague in Misty Xianzong?"

"Yes, yeah, hello, uncle." Wang Wanhe took the sentence with seven kills and said, "Uncle and aunt look so young, maybe only three or four thousand years old?"

Three or four thousand years old, this is a very safe estimate. After all, they are in the emperor realm, and the seven swords are also an emperor. Moreover, the seven swords of the sword have also said before that his parents gave birth after achieving the emperor realm. He, then the growth time of the two generations of the imperial realm added up... three or four thousand years is at least, right?

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