Me, sword fairy!

Me, sword fairy! Chapter 283:

[This sword is immortal]: If there are no special circumstances, this sword will not be damaged, and no matter how many years have passed, and what kind of secret method it encounters, it will not be changed even a little bit.

[Eternal Body]: Passive skill. This equipment will allow the sword bearer to have a pseudo-eternal body, and the sword bearer’s recovery ability can be increased to 300%.(Including but not limited to injury recovery ability, internal energy, mental strength, etc.)

[Bonus of the Eternal God]: Passive skill, this sword has been blessed by a certain great being, and the life span of the one who holds this sword is increased by five times.

[Sword light does not go to 30,000 years]: Passive skill. When the sword holder uses this sword to perform similar moves such as'sword light, sword energy, sword light', the effective kill time and kill range of the move doubles , The power remains unchanged.

[Death and Life]: Death and Life...

Active skill, it consumes a small amount of internal energy every second after it is turned on. After that, every attack on itself will carry eternal death, and its power will increase by 30%. When the attack [touches an enemy], it will permanently weaken the enemy The upper limit of internal qi and the upper limit of qi and blood, and a small part of feedback is given to itself.

The use of this skill requires great cause and effect, please do according to your ability.

Equipment level: the limit is eternal.

(They are all dead, I'm still alive.)

Su Wangyou finished reading the attributes of these two swords.

He was not very surprised. Although these two swords are strong, they are not invincible. The original Qinglian Excalibur made him feel the feeling of invincibility in the world. That is the real killing. To cut the divine weapon, Su Wangyou wanted a sword like this, but until now, he has not encountered a sword like this.

And these two swords... are mostly auxiliary effects.

Su Wangyou sighed softly, but he also knew that few weapons in the world could have such a simple but domineering increase like the Qinglian Divine Sword.

[Speaking of which, that unsheathed sword is really overbearing, that Mo Ge is so physical, I cut it down with a single sword, but it is like cutting a piece of thin paper, without a trace of resistance...] Su Wangyou is thinking here. , And Li Buwu on one side has already made up for it.

Su Wangyou just sighed, and his soft sigh became a symbol of failure in Li Buwu's eyes.

Li Buwu comforted: "The two swords can stay here for so many years but have not been taken away. It definitely makes sense. The Samsara Sword Master and the Eternal Sword Master are so terrifying. One can take away these two swords here..."

Halfway through Li Buwu's words, he saw Su Wangyou bending down, and skillfully pulling up the sword of eternity. His movements were so relaxed and free that Li Buwu didn't react for a while.

Chapter 42 The Storm Is Coming

Su Wangyou drew the sword of eternity, and the sword of reincarnation immediately screamed, as if dissatisfied with Su Wangyou's choice.

Su Wangyou combined his sword into the sheath - in order to prevent the situation like three thousand feet of white hair, Su Wangyou prepared many scabbards. Anyway, the sigh of the god of truth has unlimited storage space.

Until then, he looked at Li Buwu unhurriedly, but Su Wangyou hadn't spoken yet, and Su Changge's ridiculous voice came from afar.

"Little brother, what are you talking about?"

Li Buwu's face turned dark, he looked at Su Wangyou, wanted to say something, and finally fell silent.

If he exchanges identities with Su Changge, Su Changge has a hundred ways to go back - Su Changge can, but Li Buwu can't.

Li Buwu is not good at words---perhaps that no one can be called'good words' compared with Su Changge.

Seeing that Li Buwu didn't answer, Su Changge felt boring. He curled his lips and stopped talking.

Su Wangyou took a few steps, traversed a kilometer in an instant, and returned to the lake.

Chu Yi glanced at the Eternal Sword that had restored the light of the divine sword, and praised: "Don't lose the Liangyi."

After thinking for a moment, he said again: "Not as good as Qinglian."

Qing Lian was the Qing Lian Divine Sword. After Su Wangyou killed the mad ghost and the mad swordsman, he casually mentioned it to Chu, never thinking that he kept remembering it.

Regarding this, Su Wangyou also agreed. The Qinglian Divine Sword was really the first killing artifact he had ever seen - provided that the sword holder had to know the six Qinglian styles.

It was a sheathless, nothing but no cut, at this point, it was far from the Qinglian Divine Sword.

Su Changge looked at Su Wangyou for a while, and sighed: "I know you can do it, but I don't know what Hushan will become this day."

Su Wangyou was stunned. The reason why Tianhu Mountain can maintain this appearance is entirely because the eternal sword intent of the Eternal Sword is held here. Now he has taken the Eternal Sword. I am afraid that it will not be long before Tianhu Mountain will be lost. The wind and snow swallowed...

"I just don't know, what kind of change the sword of reincarnation without the suppression of the sword of eternity will bring to this place." Su Changge held his chin for a moment and said: "The eternal sword will make Tianhushan Changchun ten thousand years old. , The lake does not rise or fall, so what will happen to this reincarnation sword intent..."

"We will see it sooner or later." Mo Qianzhong smiled faintly, "We are still young, we all have talents, we... can live a long time, no matter what, we will always be able to see that day."

Chu Yi raised his eyebrows and said in a low voice.

"Well said."

Su Changge smiled, right as default.

Su Wangyou couldn't help but sigh secretly, Mo Qianzhong's pattern is really different, it is absolutely impossible for him to say such a thing when he is replaced by him.

[Pain... urges people to grow.

[No, it should be forcing people to grow...]

Li Buwu just lost his face, but after all he was walking in the world of the top sect of Zuguang, he soon calmed down. He returned to the lake, slightly bent over Su Wangyou, and said: "Congratulations ."

In any case, Su Wangyou is an elder. Although he is a year older in terms of age, it is Su Wangyou who has overwhelmed his generation when it comes to seniority. What's more, Su Wangyou's talent really convinces him. Oral, to put it simply, Su Wangyou can afford him this stoop.

Su Wangyou said something thoughtlessly.


Everyone was confused, only Su Changge said in agreement.

"finally come."

Mo Qianzhong thought Linglong, and immediately guessed: "Could it be... Huazhi is here?"

On the edge of the top of Tianhu Mountain, Fifth Huazhi was covered in forcing wind and snow, his eyebrows were covered with ice scum, and his lips were frozen and purple.

But after all she boarded.

Fifth Huazhi squeezed his hands and climbed to the top of the mountain. At this moment, Fifth Huazhi felt like he had entered a warm spring from a severe winter.

This is also the idea of ​​most people who have climbed Tianhu Mountain. With such a small distance, the temperature difference is almost 100 degrees Celsius!

This is the mystery of the sword of eternity...

She reluctantly climbed up, but laughed regardless, as if answering Mo Qianzhong, shuddering and shouting.


At this moment, the trembling Fifth Huazhi hiding in the small corner of Huangluocheng merged with the Fifth Huazhi trembling now standing on the top of the ancestral light. Su Changge was in a trance, as if he was returning. Arrived in that small city.

so good……

He walked over quickly, took out a coat and draped it on the fifth Huazhi-this was actually an act of facilitation, after all, the formations and secrets he arranged were really useful.

Su Wangyou has always been wondering, where did Su Changge learn those strange formations and secrets, there are too many and miscellaneous, there are some inexplicable things, and even the secrets of treating aunt, Su Chang The song has made it clear that he knows three kinds...

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