Me, sword fairy!

Me, sword fairy! Chapter 290:

The name of the top ten sects has brought them countless conveniences - for example, it is easier to recruit excellent disciples, and it is also a price to pay for this title.

Disaster is approaching, please lead the charge.

————As for national power...

Xia Guo has a personal emperor, because the emperor is enough, he is the most important combat power in this battle.

The ancient kingdom has an ancient kingdom monarch, because the ancient kingdom mechanism is loose, and the ancient kingdom sword is loose in nature, unwilling to be restricted by the imperial power, and this action is extremely dangerous, so it really can only be done by the ancient kingdom monarch himself. ...

Shang Guo has always been in a state of autism. The people in the Central Plains did not expect them to send people out, so the Emperor did not issue invitations to Shang Guo.

Qin State is even more impossible...

Kongguo also sent five people, all of them in black robes covering their faces, silent, and said with an urn sound that they were only responsible for that battle.

Then, tactics were developed.

Although Xia Guo only produced a single emperor as a combat power, it does not mean that Xia Guo has nothing else but the emperor. Those old scholars who are living to be moldy have crawled out of the tombs and turned over those who were with them. The same old book almost decayed.

"The top of Tianhu Mountain, Pingtian Lake, seal, something full of murderous intent..."

Around these keywords, the bachelors frantically searched for information.

The yellowed ancient books, the dusty bamboo tube, the books that were pressed at the bottom and no one cares about, recorded some mysterious legends.

————This is their battlefield.

Gu Hong’s era is too mysterious. You should know that in later generations, there are not even more than 100,000 people who know Gu Hong’s era. In an era where information dissemination is extremely advanced, what a terrible thing is this?

But fortunately, Zu Guang is closer to Gu Hong than later generations. With the unremitting efforts of the bachelors, he finally found some information.

The emperor summoned the crowd and disclosed these information."In short, just such a record, I sorted out the order a little bit---Let's take a look." "There is an emperor in the world, called Huanyu, there is a mount, a famous mountain, fierce sex, good murder, good carnivorous, one If you don’t have meat in the sun, you will go crazy, the world will have no way, and the people will be killed for meat.

"Lingshan people, more than thirty feet tall, the king of different animals, his power is infinite, although ten thousand swords are added to his body, his head is like a tiger, his body is like a unicorn, his claws are like gold stones, he is crazy when he sees blood, and he sees flesh. It is madness, if it is madness, it cannot be defeated."

"The universe was unpopular, and ultimately defeated by Mo Nu. The Taoist sage Jinghongzi chased him for more than 30,000 miles, and finally chased him to Taixu Mountain. After that, there was no news from the world. Lingshan lost its owner, crazy, and fierce. Joining the world to kill people coincided with the fact that many powerful men were constraining the old part of the world. Lingshan had no scruples and killed 300,000 people in Jinling overnight. The sword demon Han Qinghua shot, and wanted to kill Lingshan with a single sword. Unexpectedly, Lingshan was born to A crazy beast, so he was hurt by it and had to flee in embarrassment. Later, he was conspired by a villain, and there was no more news."

"Later Yuenv took action and forcibly suppressed Lingshan, but Lingshan King Kong is not bad, even if all kinds of sharp weapons are added, there is no appearance of dying. No one of the world's strongest can kill Lingshan, and the more girl is looking for nothing. Quantum didn’t see him for three years. In desperation, he could only be controlled by the supreme array and secret method, and brought him to Pingtian Lake, the first sacred land of Zuguang, and sealed it with the power of heaven and earth, and wanted to weaken Lingshan with the power of heaven and earth. When the time is right, he will be released and killed."

Su Wangyou put down the information in his hand and rubbed his head with a headache.

[This is really...a super big fish...]

He raised his eyes and saw that the people of the ten sects, including the Emperor of the People and the monarch of the ancient country, looked very ugly.

Su Changge and Chu Yi were sitting on both sides of Su Wangyou, and the faces of these two were also ugly.

Chu Yi gritted his teeth and said, "Damn...what is it?!"

It's rare for Chu Yi to explode the swearing. If it was in normal times, Su Changge would never mind making a joke, but he really couldn't laugh at this time.

"Sword Demon... isn't it the one we met in the Hidden God Forest?" Su Changge smiled bitterly: "The strength of that guy... honestly, as long as Lingshan has 50% of the strength in its heyday, then we will There is no way at all."

"One year and seven months..."

Su Wangyou whispered.

"One year and seven months--"

He covered his eyes with his arm, as if talking to himself.

"It's too late..."

What's too late?

It was too late for him to develop to the point where he could defeat Lingshan.

This was originally a very inexplicable sentence, but everyone here understands it.

They fell silent, whispering from time to time.

The opponent was so terrible that there was a trace of fear on everyone's face.

But, it's just fear.

In the face of powerful enemies, it is normal to feel afraid.

They have fear on their faces, but they have no intention of shrinking.

Unable to retreat, a step back is an abyss.

"Your Majesty..." Someone hesitated and spoke again.

"This Lingshan, it---even the horrifying powerhouses of the Gu Hong period can't kill it, not to mention we...I think we should think of a way to repair the seal."

Sect Master frowned upon hearing this, and said, "Don't say such things in the future."

The man looked at the Sect Master and said, "Sect Master Misty, I have no other intentions. I just think that, including you, we are all vulnerable to Lingshan. Even if we can win, I am afraid we will win tragically. The price is too great."

The man talked freely.

"And the most important thing is, in case, I mean, what if we fail to defeat Lingshan--or fail to kill it? Instead of that, it's better to mend the seal..."

Sect Master interrupted the other party's speech without expression and issued a series of questions.

"Who do you want to make up? How to make it up? Can it make up for it?-Now it is Zuguang, and the seal technique is about to be lost! How do you make up to make up the top seal of the Gu Hong period!"

The Sect Master looked strangely angry. The man was also frightened by the Sect Master at this time. He stayed in place and did not dare to move. The Sect Master stared at the man and squeezed a few words from his throat.

"answer me?!"

After the roar, the Sect Master felt that she was a little gaffe. She took two deep breaths to calm herself down.

After a while, the Sect Master, whose expression on his face returned to normal, said to the human: "Sorry, I have lost my temper, go out and calm down."

Then she lowered her head and walked out quickly.

Su Wangyou heard her murmur.

"Even if we make it up, how should our younger generation make it up..."

Chapter Fifty Sneak Attack

This time the meeting ended up unhappy.

If what is recorded in the ancient books is true - that said, there is no other way but to believe.

So the period when Lingshan first came out of the seal was when it was at its weakest. From the ancient Hong period to the present, the seal has been weakening its strength, and the remaining seals can only last at most. One year and seven months, for such a short period of time, compared with the long indescribable years before, it was a drop in the bucket, and it changed later. In Su Wangyou's view, the best choice is to cut the mess with a sharp knife. Lingshan.

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