Me, sword fairy!

Me, sword fairy! Chapter 294:

[We are dead, but someone must come to live, Su Wangyou, you have to live, in this case, even if we are all dead, you can avenge us, I believe you absolutely have this ability.Each sect has left its own fire, and the fire of our ethereal fairy sect is you and Bai Ruoli. If news of our deaths comes, the elder Wang will take you to a safe place. The ten thousand years of inheritance of our ethereal Xianzong.] [Time is running out, Su Wangyou, the next words are my selfishness, if... the worst may happen, I hope you can help me protect Bai Ruoli until she can be alone At that time, this girl always thought she was very smart, but it was actually the flower and bird taking care of her in secret... Ah, to be honest, if I come back alive, I might be embarrassed to see this passage. Anyway... please. You, as for the battle, let us adults do it.[...I always feel that if you don’t say it, there will be a lot of regrets, Elder Su, I haven’t seen you smile yet, I really want to take a look...]

Chapter 53 I, Su Wangyou (3)

Su Wang quietly put down the paper in his hand.

He looked at Wang Wanhe calmly and said, "I'm going to Tianhu Mountain."

Without waiting for Wang Wanhe's refusal, he repeated word by word: "I am going to Tianhu Mountain."

"Enough." Wang Wanhe looked haggard, and she replied feebly: "If I can, I want to go too, but ah----"

Her expression suddenly became ferocious.

"Zu Guang's destiny is not yet your turn to let you kid decide! Let you lie here, just lie down!"

After roaring, Wang Wanhe stared into the distance in a daze.

"If you can, who wants to be a deserter?"

Su Wangyou didn't answer. He tried to run his inner Qi, but the result was the same as before, and his inner Qi couldn't be mobilized at all.

"Don't bother." Wang Wanhe seemed to perceive Su Wangyou's small movements, "It's useless."

Su Wangyou was silent, he looked around and whispered: "This is not your room, why are you shutting me up here?"

Wang Wanhe hesitated for a while, and said, "Tell's okay. Originally, the Sect Master intended to protect you, Bai Ruoli, and Su Changge, but --- Su Changge was in our hands. Fleeing, if you are placed on Longyin Peak, I am afraid that Su Changge will rescue you, and then you will go to Tianhu Mountain to die, so I placed you in the house of flowers and birds."

"How is it possible to win..."

Elder Qi had participated in the war against the sacred beast, the White Tiger, and he knew the horror of this behemoth. However, even the White Tiger was just a bigger doll in front of Lingshan.

The battle has been going on for a full half an hour. In this half an hour, more than a dozen emperor realms have been seriously injured, and there is almost no power to fight anymore. Two emperor realms have been swallowed by Lingshan. I am afraid that there will be ten deaths and no life. In addition, almost every warrior has more or less injuries on his body.

Lingshan was almost unscathed.

Yes, unscathed.

Except for the ancient kingdom monarch's unique knowledge and the deep-sea emperor Pang's failure to crack and release the magic weapon, all the other attacks did not cause substantial damage to Lingshan.

Seeing the companions fall down one by one, but the enemy is unscathed, how can it be possible to persevere without seeing the future battle?

But they must persist.

For the odds that even they don't know where they are.

"No! Your Majesty!" A Faculty said with difficulty: "If this goes on, we have no chance of winning!"

The Emperor stared closely at Lingshan. He avoided the blow from Lingshan's tail, while smashing a useless punch to Lingshan's body.

"I know! So we have to look for its weaknesses!"

"Your Majesty!" The Fa Xiu's voice was a little bitter, "If this guy really has weaknesses, he would have been tried out by the people of the Gu Hong period a long time ago. Where can we get it?!"

"Shut up!" Human Sovereign said angrily: "He has weaknesses. Finally, if there are no weaknesses, we have to create one for whatever we say!"

It is rare for the emperor to be tough, but unfortunately it has no effect on this battle.

There was a look of despair in that Fa Xiu's eyes, but a flash of enlightenment suddenly flashed in his eyes.

He stopped and said loudly: "Your Majesty! If I die, please help me take care of my wife and daughter."

Then he stepped forward in two steps and flew up.

[People in the ancient Hong period did not find the weakness of Lingshan, it must be because --- they are not willing to die, what if I dare to die?Fa Xiu stared closely at the mouth of the blood basin in Lingshan.

"If you can't attack from the outside! Just attack from the inside!"

Fa Xiu gritted his teeth, his body turned into a stream of light, and it actually rushed into Lingshan's body.

But before he could react, a tongue full of barbeds was wrapped around him. Fa Xiu hurriedly tried to mobilize his internal qi, but found that the internal qi in his body was not controlled at all.

Within two seconds, he died silently in Lingshan's stomach.

Everyone stared at Lingshan with anticipation, hoping that Dharma cultivation would deal a certain blow to it. They did not realize that Dharma cultivation had been completely corroded by stomach acid...

The battle continues.

The warriors launched an attack on Lingshan, but Lingshan ignored them.

But if Lingshan's attack hits a warrior-either death or injury.

This is like a gang of level 50 players in an online game with a copy of level 90, without any hope of clearing the level.

In such a battle with no future and no chance of winning, what kind of conviction do those warriors who are fighting can wield their weapons?

"Be careful!" A warrior walked carelessly and was about to be hit by Lingshan's blow. The Emperor couldn't care about the others, and hurriedly stepped forward to block the blow for that warrior.

But how can this kind of ancient monster attack be blocked by the warrior?

Human Sovereign was directly interrupted by this blow to the bones of his body, and blood spurted wildly.

But fortunately, the human emperor did not die, and with the recovery ability of the longevity state, it would not take long to recover.

Lingshan was obviously not a wise creature, and he didn't know how to fight after victory. After it slapped the human emperor with a palm, it roared towards the pile of people and killed it.

The Emperor of Humanity lay on the ice and snow in pain, coughed a few times, and vomited out the internal organs.

Suddenly, a figure stood in front of the human emperor, and the human emperor raised his head with difficulty, just to see the symbolic blue long hair.

The Emperor's eyes widened.

In front of him, a spatial crack was slowly opening, and dozens of powerful men who had disappeared in Zuguang for thousands of years were born again.

Zhang Tulong, Lan Langzhu, crazy ghosts, and some familiar but unfamiliar faces.

Ever since Mo Ge died, Ye Jintianming, who has been silent for news, was born again, but in a very funny scene, this time they are comrades-in-arms.

"If you do it, let's avoid it!" Zhang Tulong slowly straightened his waist, "If you want to trouble us in the future, we will naturally stay with us all night, but now--"

Zhang Tulong grinned, showing a terrible smile that has been passed down from generation to generation in Guigu, "Let’s take care of this ghost first!"

Many powerhouses in Ye Jintianming rushed up.

Among them, the biggest help is the crazy ghost. He is almost Zu Guang's strongest physical cultivation, and he can handle the attack that even the human emperor can't handle.

Lan Langzhu didn't rush up, he still stood in front of the emperor.

"In the beginning, you let me go once, but this time we are even tied." Lan Langzhu uttered a blank expression, then turned around, looked at Lingshan, and turned his back at the Emperor.

He whispered: "Do you remember the trick that grandfather taught us?"

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