Me, sword fairy!

Me, sword fairy! Chapter 296:

The masterpiece, the artifact handed down from the ancestors, the shameless secret.

Someone saw other warriors take out the personal artifacts of their missing father, but still actively sacrificed themselves, creating an attack opportunity for the warrior who was almost certain to kill his father's enemy.

A warrior was accidentally swallowed by Lingshan's entrance, and his body was bitten and shattered, but while he was still alive, a soft internal energy was sent out, pushing another warrior who was about to be bitten by Lingshan.

Death, despair, blood, failure, wailing.

Can not see the future, even the connection bureau has long been doomed to war of terror.

The emperor's voice was bitter, and he said weakly: "The retreat... is not guilty."

But no one paid any attention to him, Lan Langzhu said sarcastically, "Zu Guang doesn't have a spoiler."

Everyone understands that there will never be such an opportunity again.

There will never be so many peerless masters together again.

There will never be such a double formation that can suppress and control Lingshan so easily.

There will never be... such a weak Lingshan.

This is the last and only chance.

Last, last chance!

The Lan family has a super killer move, but this move must be used by two people together. The brothers naturally learned this move, but in the first half of their lives, for various reasons, they did not use this move. Today, they abandoned all prejudices and discord, put everything behind their heads, stood together and fought side by side. This trick was naturally used by them, and left a trail on Lingshan. A huge wound.

Lingshan has suffered seven injuries in total - in fact, it has suffered many injuries, but it is truly injured, only seven times.

The monarch of the ancient kingdom cut two wounds by one person, and the two of the Lan family worked together to make a wound. Pang Bu cracked the artifact and made a wound. The ancestor of the Yin Yang family made a wound. The great elder of the Shenluo Sect made a wound. A mad man pretending to be a beggar also left a wound on Lingshan at the cost of his life.

And these people are very aware of the terrible recovery ability of these ancient giants, so they all use secret methods to let their internal energy penetrate into Lingshan's body.

And this is probably the only advantage of human beings. If it is a human, it will definitely use internal energy to suppress those alien internal energy at this time, but these ignorant ancient behemoths don’t understand this. Lingshan can only rely on its own recovery ability. Confronting those inner qi, perhaps because it has been sealed for too long, Lingshan’s recovery ability has not reached its peak state, and it can even be said that it is far inferior to its peak state. Therefore, Lingshan still has seven Very conspicuous wound.

And these seven wounds are everyone's final belief.

This is their last chance to win.

Elder Qi's eyes were red, and now this tragic battle reminded him of the battle of the gods of the white tiger. Back then, his wife and son died in front of him, but he was helpless. The current scene and The overlap back then made him almost mad. He was bloodied and madly attacked Lingshan almost completely useless.

Anyone with a discerning eye can see that Elder Qi is already entangled with a demon at this time. He is already old, and he is attacking like a frenzy. In addition to the demon, I am afraid... Surviving, I am afraid that my life will be soon.

But who can say anything about him?Who can remind him?

This is not a friendly exchange game...

Qin Youyou sat on the edge of the Tianhu Mountain, with an indifferent expression. She kept playing the long piano on her lap. She played very fast, and the strings quickly cut her fingers, and drips of blood stained the piano. Xian, Qin faintly but unconsciously, still playing attentively, the ethereal voice of the Great Dao blessed on many warriors, so that their strength skyrocketed.

The name of Zu Guang's first assistant didn't fall from the sky.

No one was protecting her. If Lingshan had wisdom, then Qin Youyou, who was a pure auxiliary monk, would definitely be killed. There was no resistance at all, but Qin Youyou's expression did not fluctuate from beginning to end.

She knew what she was doing, that was enough.

The ancient monarch wielded the Liangyi sword frantically, and the Liangyi sword burst into his hands with endless divine light. It is not much stronger than when it was in the hands of Chu Yi. He is the strongest attacking power among all people. The burden on him is undoubtedly the heaviest. The ancient monarch bit his teeth so hard that his gums began to bleed, as if he could kill the Lingshan.

"Kill! Fight to the death!"

He roared hoarse, the god of Liangyi sword shining on the world.

"Kill! Kill! Kill! Bring out a brilliant universe, and a perfect ancestral light!"

"Liang Mougou has lived in the world for more than eight thousand nine hundred years. Only today is he understands his own mind. What he has learned throughout his life is nothing more than this one..."

"I am the ninth-generation suzerain of the ethereal Immortal Sect! Now when the ancestor is alive and dead, ancestors! Help me!"

"Liangyi! Liangyi! Liangyi! Two——————————yi!!!"

"Kill! There is no reason to retreat in this battle, today there is me without it, there is it without me!!"

"Unparalleled Combat Style·The world has me (the world has no me)."

"I, Li Xingzhi, deserve to be worthy of others in my life, from the law to the sword, from the body to the sword, and not to retreat, come on!"

"Master, you kept telling me back then, don't use Broken Soul Song, but if you really don't want me to use it, why teach it to me? Fortunately, there are descendants in the Qinsheng Palace..."

"Before I married you, I was the saint of the Yin and Yang family, and I am still the same now!"

"Then I am different. Before I met you, I was just a poor boy from a fisherman's family. Fortunately, God was good to me. If I could die with you today, it would be pretty good."

"Come on! You chopsticks! My crazy ghost has never been afraid since I was born!"

"Although you are not a dragon, but in terms of the nobleness of your blood, it is no different from a dragon. The old man slaughtered you, but it is not worthy of my name..."

"My Taoists have no reason to retreat!"


Chapter 56 I, Su Wangyou (6)

Everyone is full of determination.

They will use everything they have to win.

However, if you can achieve victory with determination alone, what do you need to do with something like strength?

No matter how desperately Zuguang's warriors are, what kind of hoarse voices, what kind of deadly battles, what kind of... until they die.

It's useless.

From the ancient Hong era, the invincible behemoth that can be defeated but cannot be killed, Lingshan, still stands there with bloodthirsty and violent eyes.

After Qin Youyou played the Soul Breaking Song, a mouthful of blood was spit out, and the whole person fell on the Changqin, with a very weak breath.

Without the assistance of Qin Youyou, the momentum of all the warriors fell together. Although Lingshan had no wisdom, he could see the strength and weakness of the momentum, and immediately launched a strong offensive.

The crazy ghost slapped Lingshan five times in a row, and finally couldn't hold it anymore. He was slapped and slapped flying out, and fell from the highest peak of the ancestral light.

Seeing that the situation is not good, the Emperor Brothers hurriedly gritted their teeth and went up, but they weren't pure physical cultivation, how could they stop the attack of the ancient behemoth like Lingshan?

One person after another rushed up, and then they were easily shot or killed.

One after another, the moths fight the fire.

The last drop of blood drained, and before that, there was no reason to stop them from going to death.

The Sect Master also went mad, completely disregarding her own state, and let out all kinds of absolutes as if she didn't want to be angry. When she recovered, she found that the huge claws of Lingshan had reached her.

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