Me, sword fairy!

Me, sword fairy! Chapter 302:

Someone spoke out tentatively.

The momentum of Su Wangyou's attack was too terrifying. Even though Lingshan had left an invincible impression on everyone, no one thought it could resist this attack.

"Have you won?"

The people looked at each other.


They looked at each other, seemingly unable to believe that victory came so easily and so suddenly.

But how can the reality be so simple?

Before Su Wangyou could answer, under the six-kilometer cliff, there was a weak but extremely angry roar from Lingshan.

If Lingshan is really weak, how can his roar span six kilometers and reach everyone's ears?

Su Wangyou looked still.

"It's not dead." He turned around, looked at everyone, and said seriously: "But I'm going to die."

Everyone remained silent, and some even sobbed lowly.

They are all the top warriors in the world, and it is natural that Su Wangyou has borrowed some sort of secret method to live in the world, but looking at this secret method that is many times stronger than before, I want to know that it is a secret method like Huiguangfanzhao. .

They didn’t think that Su Wangyou could use it again. Once Su Wangyou died, the entire Zu Guang would probably also go with him. Lingshan would destroy everything...

Su Wangyou was still extremely calm, as if the person who said he was going to die was not him.

"But I have a way to kill Lingshan."

Everyone was shocked and looked at Su Wangyou.

The emperor's face was as sinking as water, but Zhang Tulong said decisively at this moment: "What method? Hurry up!"

Su Wangyou pulled up his gray hair three thousand feet, and whispered, "I have a secret method that can kill people and increase momentum. The stronger the momentum, the stronger the strength. When you reach a certain level, you can cut Lingshan."

On Pingtian Lake, the wind and snow roared.

The endless wind and snow seemed to swallow all of this.

Where did the murderer go?

Aren’t they all on Pingtian Lake?

Elder Qi gave a sorrowful laugh. He remembered his youthfulness and youth when he first came out of the cottage, remembered his master, the grandfather of the sovereign, taught him Chunchun, and remembered the battle of the gods and white tigers. , He thought of Su Wangyou's move just now.

Elder Qi no longer hesitated.

He took the initiative to walk over, stretched out his hand, and pressed Su Wangyou's shoulder with his skinny palm.

"Su Xiaozi, the old man has always believed in you, this time, I also believe in you!"

After that, he didn't hesitate, and took the initiative to hit Su Wangyou's sword. Su Wangyou steadily held the white hair three thousand meters, allowing it to penetrate Elder Qi's heart.

[You killed a monk in the limit monarch realm and gained 30 levels of momentum. Since your realm is a virtual realm, you can kill the enemy by leapfrogging, double your momentum, gain 60 levels of momentum, and your current momentum is 352 levels.] (The previous killer move used two hundred layers.)

Su Wangyou held the corpse of Elder Qi and placed it gently on the ground. His hair fell down and blocked his face. People could only hear his low murmur.

"Su Wangyou...speaking and doing it."

As soon as Elder Qi died, Su Wangyou's momentum rose by three points, and everyone saw this scene and made a decision.

Qin Youyou crawled over slowly, she got up, and walked to Su Wangyou's face with teary eyes.

Before Su Wangyou could speak, she took the initiative to say: "I played the song of broken soul, even if you don't do it, you can't live long."

Qin Youyou looked at the monarch of the ancient kingdom, took out a waist card and handed it to him, "This is the identity token of the palace lord of Qinsheng Palace, and don't let Luo Xue see my body..."

The ancient kingdom monarch opened his eyes, then nodded.

"Take care."

He said.

Qin smiled faintly and freely.

"You too."

Three thousand feet of white hair was stained with blood again.

[You killed an emperor realm and gained 20 levels of aura. Since your realm is a virtual realm, you will double your momentum when you go to the next level to kill an enemy.Su Wangyou drew out her white hair for three thousand feet, only to feel that the sword in his hand was sinking a bit.

The Taoist elder sighed long and smiled bitterly: "I didn't expect to die in Lingshan's hands, but instead died in his own hands..."

He looked at Su Wangyou and solemnly said: "In this case, Zu Guang's future is up to you."

Su Wangyou nodded seriously.

The Taoist elder smiled with satisfaction and let the sword pierce his heart.

[You killed...]

"That's not bad, at least don't worry about the worthlessness of your own death...] [You killed...]

"The posterity is terrifying..."

[You killed...]

"It's time to find an old friend for a few sips..."

[You killed...]

"I don't know whether the underworld will accept my lonely ghost..."

[You killed...]

One after another died without resistance under Su Wangyou's sword.

Another person stood in front of Su Wangyou.

It was a mad ghost. He had endured several attacks from Lingshan. He was already scarred and his intestines were almost hanging outside.

His look was complicated, but in the end he just said seriously: "Little white face, don't let me down."

Su Wangyou pierced his heart, and at the same time replied, "Yes."

[You killed...]

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