Me, sword fairy!

Me, sword fairy! Chapter 316:

But Su Changge has not studied this ring until now, and he will not study this ring.

Because he vowed to bring Su Wangyou back, he would never touch Su Wangyou's things!

He believed that one day, he would throw this ring to Su Wangyou with a smile, and then said to him, "Don't pass the ring to men in the future, it's gay'.

Su Changge believes that this day will come.

No, maybe, he believes he will do it one day.

Su Changge didn't know that his pride might ruin the entire ancestor.

And the other vitality lies in Zhang Tulong - perhaps in Ye Jin Tian Ming.

In the previous article, it was also mentioned that a strong imperial realm could reshape the body, but Zu Guang did not have an emperor realm to do this again.

Because their spirits have all gone to another place.

It's all here... Ye Jin Tianming's hands!

This is a shocking conspiracy that has devised countless powerhouses throughout the ages. So far, no one (except Ye Jintianming) knows what this conspiracy is, but after the death of all powerhouses above the fairyland, the spirits will be included, as long as In Zuguang, there is no escape...

If, I mean, if Zhang Tulong is willing to————maybe he has to let go of the spirit inside...

What is a heavenly emperor?

No matter how strong the emperor realm is, it can kill longevity in seconds, and smash eternal life.

So - what if there are many immortal realms?

In this mysterious and ancient era, Gu Hong never minded stretching out hideous minions like those who dared to spy on the world's secrets.

Something happened, ask for a day off and find a chance to make up

I had already coded the characters today, but I saw that the number of characters was only one thousand and eight, so I added a small plot, and then accidentally typed a character wrong. When I pressed delete, I didn’t know what I pressed, and I went back. More than two thousand words were gone, and the draft box of the book guest was empty. I tried to reverse the cancellation, but it didn't help at all. I was desperate.

In short, there are still at least seven updates this week. This chapter will find time to make up. It should be very soon after playing it again, but even today, it’s too late...

Chapter 9 Father

Emperor Tiandao left Tiandao Palace alone.

No one dared to ask his destination.

If you abandon all unnecessary appearance factors and look at the appearance of Emperor Tiandao alone, he is actually still a childish teenager.

He looks really too young, too young to look like a warrior, let alone the ultimate leader of a war weapon.

The Great Emperor Tiandao came alone to the square where the crossing gate leading to Zuguang was located.

What is the use of the gate, presumably its name has been explained very clearly.

In order to facilitate the entry of warriors in groups, this kind of crossing gate has always been placed in an empty place such as a square.

This can be regarded as a military powerhouse. Before crossing the boundary gate, there are two emperor realms guarding it.

It’s hard to imagine that the two imperial realm powerhouses will actually fall into the state of “guarding the gate”, but in fact, in the Heavenly Dao Continent, guarding the crossing gate is a symbol of glory, status, status, and strength. You will be ridiculed if you guard the gate.

But three of them are exceptions...

Emperor Tiandao is one of them, and the strongest one.

With a soft smile on his face, he lightly stepped into the piercing gate.

The two emperors turned a blind eye to it.

The luck of the Great Emperor of Heaven is good, perhaps the luck of the martial artists like Zu Guang is good.

When Emperor Tiandao came out of the secret realm under the Xuantian Waterfall, all the warriors who studied the secret realm were in a meeting, and no one saw the Great Tiandao.

In fact, Zu Guang is really lax in this regard. Zu Guang's battles can be called wars. There were no more than ten battles. Among them, there were several ancient behemoths like Dalingshan and Baihu.

The two biggest wars were nothing more than the civil strife in the Shang country and the war launched by the Xia country against the Qin country.

The world has really relaxed for too long.

They didn't even consider the possibility of invasion by foreign enemies.

Naturally, the Emperor of Heaven, who walked out from under the Xuantian Waterfall, was also regarded by other warriors as a family member who came to the secret realm to hone his own. Some people saw his extraordinary temperament and nodded at him with a smile.

The Emperor Tiandao was very interesting, and he nodded and smiled in greeting.

But he did not stay here long.

He went to a place.

Taixu Mountain.

There was originally a Taixu Pavilion at the foot of Taixu Mountain, but then the owner of Taixu Pavilion died-and after dying in such an extremely bad manner, the people of Taixu Pavilion also gradually left, dying to death, and finally It ceased to exist and was replaced by Taixu City.

Speaking of it, the original battle with Pavilion Master Taixu can basically be regarded as Su Wangyou's debut battle. The original battle allowed him to officially enter the sight of Zuguangwuzhe - actually speaking. It should be the battle in the chaotic desert, but after Su Wangyou defeated Chu Yi and became famous as Zu Guang, people became interested in him and tried to pick up his record. Only then did they discover that he was Earlier there was a record of killing the Emperor Realm...

Su Wangyou's prestige is now so high that it even surpasses that of the Emperor and Chu Yi. In a sense, this place is his birthplace, and naturally many storytellers will tell his stories.

The Great Emperor Tiandao wandered around here for a while, and he heard six versions of the story in the mouths of nine storytellers...

He did not stay here for long.

He went to the Secret Realm of Too Void.

Taixu mystery, once opened in a hundred years, can only enter under the age of fifty.

Now that the Taixu Secret Realm was less than five years away from the last time it was opened, naturally there was no one before the Taixu Secret Realm.

————After all, the secret realm is here, it will never run or disappear.

Obviously, the Taixu Secret Realm was not opened, and the age of Heavenly Dao Great Emperor was much higher than fifty.

But the Great Emperor of Heaven took a step, and then walked in.

Walked in without hindrance.

In this way, he entered the too virtual secret realm.

That is to say, at the moment after Heaven Dao Great entered the Taixu Mystery Realm, the look of Heaven Dao Great Emperor that had not changed since he appeared on the scene finally changed.

He seemed to regret, sympathize, and blame himself.

In the end, the Great Emperor Tiandao sighed for a long time, and walked in one direction.

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