Me, sword fairy!

Me, sword fairy! Chapter 319:

But it has not disappeared. One day, these will all erupt.

In a more violent, more absolute form.

Until then, endlessly dying.

Guigu faction, one person per generation.

The head of Guigu of the previous generation committed a big taboo, and he eventually suffered from the consequences and died at the hands of his disciples.

"Since we have already negotiated..." Su Changge paused, and looked at Zhang Tulong seriously, "You should tell me too? What method can be used to recognize Su from the vast soul. The soul of worries?"

"It's very simple." Zhang Tulong said: "One thing he carried with him during his lifetime is enough. Your relationship is so good, this shouldn't be a problem--"

Zhang Tulong's voice weakened, because Su Changge's face was gloomy and terrifying.

After Su Wangyou died, everything on his body was turned into nothingness. He only left two things, one is the sword of eternity, but that sword was newly acquired and its effect may not be sufficient, and the other...

Su Changge pinched the sigh of the God of Truth.

He nodded slowly and said every word.

"Do you have a secret method?"

Zhang Tulong narrowed his eyes and suddenly smiled.

"I know what you are worrying about. It's okay. This is not a terrifying secret method. I will teach you later, along with this contemplation method---all things are handled by you, how about?"

Su Changge's face looked better now.

"it is good."

Chapter 12 Destiny

"In that can also start preparing, right?" Zhang Tulong stared at Su Changge closely.

"Even if we can bring out the spirit of Su Wangyou, his realm is only the virtual realm, and the virtual realm cannot reshape the physical body. Although we can resurrect the virtual realm here, we have already spent the two battles of Guiguzi and Lingshan. There is no resource for reviving a virtual realm."

It is amazing that the Ming Ming Emperor Realm is stronger than the Void Realm, but the resources needed to resurrect the Void Realm are more than the Emperor Realm.

————Let’s say that the resources needed to resurrect the Emperor Realm are the least, and the resources consumed will increase exponentially when going down or up.

And the hardest thing is to resurrect an ordinary person whose lifespan is exhausted. This is almost impossible. Even resurrecting a hundred immortal realm powerhouses is easier than this...

Su Changge nodded.

Su Wangyou is a virtual realm, unable to reshape his physical body. It is also very simple. Just let him reach the emperor realm. In the eyes of many warriors, things that are as difficult as reaching the sky are the simplest in the eyes of these two ghost valley descendants. Yes, not to mention anything else, if Su Changge wants to reach the emperor realm now, he can use thirty methods without saying anything.

————Of course, almost all of them have irreversible damage to his foundation and longevity [Monumental Spirit Array]

This is how Su Changge selected.

This is a special formation method, and its effect is more like that kind of pill, allowing people to break through a large realm in a short time, and it can directly affect the soul.

——-Of course, the effective range is under the Emperor Realm.

There is also an enhanced version of this formation called [Brahma Soul Formation], the effect is exactly the same, except that the effective range is below the immortal realm.

It is said that there is another Tongtian Dao Formation, but unfortunately it has been lost...

And this formation naturally has side effects, and there are many.

First of all, the loss of lifespan by eight hundred years—in fact, eight hundred to two thousand years. The specific situation depends on the martial artist’s physical condition, potential, Taoism and so on. Su Wangyou is perfect, so naturally he takes the minimum. This may be serious for others, but Su Changge believes that Su Wangyou's talent will at least be a longevity in the future, and a life span of 800 years is not worth mentioning.

Secondly, it is the confusion of internal breath for a long period of time. Simply put, the internal energy does not obey the command, and there is a certain chance of walking the meridians randomly. This is not a big problem. There are ways for the descendants of Ghost Valley.

In the end, this formation will consume the martial artist's internal energy to a great extent - and at this time Su Wangyou is dead, and other martial artists must start this formation.

This person is naturally Su Changge, because this is the core of the inheritance of Guigu, Zhang Tulong doesn't understand at all - even if he understands, he won't be able to go.

"I have prepared the materials--"

Su Changge said softly.

Zhang Tulong's eyes flickered, as if he was playing a gamble.

"This is the ultimate secret of our organization, Su Changge. I can't let you know the specific address, but you are far better than me in the ghost valley space secret method, even if you are limited by your realm now, you can't figure it out. That address, but if I take you there now and you break into the Emperor Realm in the future, you will surely figure out that place—that’s something I absolutely don’t allow.”

Su Changge was speechless to answer. He really has no reason to explain. Zhang Tulong's half-life military horse, through hardships, frustrations and failures honed him, his mind is definitely not influenced by Su Changge's mouth, Su Chang It is impossible for Song to persuade him to do nothing.

"So I give you two choices." Zhang Tulong said blankly.

"First, join Ye Jin Tianming and hand over part of your soul."

Su Changge raised his head.


The wind and snow that seemed to come from Tianhu Mountain whizzed by, burying everything.

Ten thousand years ago, Tang Shuxin, the ancestor of the Tang family, was determined to exchange Jinghongzi’s life, but he knew the heaviness of his blood, but time was tight, and he had no choice, so he had to find a woman in the brothel. He redeemed his body, then used the secret method to make him pregnant with his own blood, and then left without looking back.

The money he left was indeed a lot, enough for the brothel girl to live without worry for ten years, but Gu Hong was no better than Zu Guang. At that time, the war was in turmoil. After the brothel girl gave birth to a son, she was deceived by the mother and the son. Having taken all his family property, he also found a rope to hang himself at will, leaving only the five-year-old descendants of the Tang family living in the world and begging for a living.

At that time, Su Qianqiu, the ancestor of the Su family, adopted this descendant of the Tang family...

After thousands of years, the Tang family served the Su family from generation to generation, dedicating themselves to death.

But the situation in this generation seems to be reversed...

There are two people in this generation of Tang family, both are women, one is Tang Congxin, and the other is her younger sister named Tang Lianxin.

Tang Lianxin is different from her elder sister. She is shy by nature and is not good at contacting outsiders. She has lived in Qianlong Valley since she was a child, and has not even made a step out of the valley.

And her body is even more fragile and terrifying, with constant illnesses from small to small. Fortunately, Su Changge and Gui Guzi are both masters of the medical profession, let alone minor illnesses, even terminal illnesses.

——-You should be prepared when you see that her minor illnesses continue. A normal warrior — even if it’s just a warrior in the Tong Xuan realm, how can he get so many diseases?

Obviously, Tang Congxin's talent is average, and now she is only in the Grandmaster Realm, and her sister is even more strange. She is not even in the Dao Realm. Her meridians can't store any internal energy, and her fragile physical body can't make her walk up. The way of body repair.

Obviously living in Qianlong Valley, the martial arts holy land of Qin State, but never practiced martial arts, this is really not a funny joke.

Tang Lianxin has always envied her sister, and can laugh carefree at any time.

If she had lived in Qianlong Valley all her life, the fear of birth would not be a big problem, but the problem was that at that time, Ye Jintian attacked Qianlong Valley collectively, and Guiguzi was afraid that Tang Lianxin would be injured by mistake, so she used the space secret method to send her. Zu Guang.

So the question is, how can a girl who has never left the house since she was a child, has a weak nature, is fragile, has constant minor illnesses, has an outstanding appearance, and is not a warrior. How can she survive in Zuguang?

Fortunately, Tang Lianxin happened to be sent to the ancient country. The ancient country was born with noble nature, and the people of Xia country did not dare to open any brothels here.

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