Me, sword fairy!

Me, sword fairy! Chapter 322:

how is this possible?!How could the spirit rush out by himself?Could it be that secret method that was almost lost————?!] Su Changge rushed out.

But it was too late.

The soul released an extremely powerful inner energy, and in a blink of an eye, a terrifying aura storm formed. Amidst that aura storm, a figure slowly formed.

"How is it possible!!" Su Changge was like a demon god, "Zhang Tulong! Didn't you say that the spirit is unconscious there?!!!"

"There are exceptions!" Zhang Tulong resisted this aura storm. Neither he nor Su Changge were good at attacking warriors. Faced with the aura storm, they were completely helpless. The great existence of the lord of beasts has a secret method that can break through the limits of this hell and have consciousness in it! But that guy is dead! The spirit is also beheaded. He has no disciples, no wives and children, only the underworld Four beasts!"

"The white tiger was invaded by the devil and died in the god city. The phoenix has lived in seclusion for a long time. The Qinglong only has an old relationship with the Emperor Deep Sea, but the Emperor Deep Sea has not died! Xuanwu has been suppressed under Xuanxia Mountain! It stands to reason that this world No one knows that secret method."

All Su Changge's expressions disappeared.

He asked quietly.

"Is that secret method called mental power tactics?"

"!!!!how do you know?!"

Of course I know……

Su Changge closed his eyes.

Five years ago, Qianlonggu.

[Long Song, this time out of Qianlong Valley, this time out of Qin Kingdom, you are the one who enters the Jianglong, you have learned everything that should be learned, and I have nothing to say.So said Gui Guzi, who was still a good teacher at the time.

[But I still have a task of becoming a teacher here. The Phoenix inheritance is about to be born. You go to Phoenix City in the ancient country to meet Phoenix, ask Phoenix for a secret technique, and report the name of our Ghost Valley School.] [That secret method is called...]

"Yes, it is the mental power tactics."

Reiki storm, dispersed.

Guiguzi walked out of it calmly, still holding a cloud of spirit in his hand.

He opened his mouth and said calmly.

"You are too tender, Su Changge."

Chapter 15: Ghost, Valley, and Child

Su Changge's head buzzed, his thinking almost stopped.

The resurrection of Gui Guzi completely surpassed his expectation, making his head completely dead.

But Su Changge was Su Changge in the end, he quickly calmed down, and at the same time, without even saying a word, he stretched out his hand to the storage artifact.

"Yes, he is very decisive, and he deserves to be the disciple I taught." Guiguzi's face showed a look of satisfaction, "It seems that you have never been vain in the past five years, and you also remember that an emperor has just resurrected. When he was at his weakest, you did a very good job of starting to be strong."

As if Gui Guzi didn't realize that Su Changge was going to attack him, he commented on Su Changge casually.

He paused, and said blankly: "When the Emperor Realm was resurrected, I was indeed very weak. I have no energy in my body and my spirit is very weak. If you use'that' at this time, maybe I am I really will die here, and there is no possibility that the soul will be spared."

"Five years, five years ago you let me go to Huangluocheng to find the phoenix!" Su Changge said without a trace of emotion, "five years ago, did you start the layout?"

There was a mocking smile on his face.

"Five years? Who are you looking down on?" Gui Guzi sighed, "I have been planning since I was born."

This sentence is undoubtedly a sorrow, even if it is a character like Li Qinglian, he was just a baby who didn't understand anything when he was born. Su Changge only used this as a Guiguzi to emphasize his own layout. statement.

"It's a pity, you are going to die here."

Su Changge said in a declarative tone.

Gui Guzi shook his head.

He squeezed the spirit in his hand and asked, "So why do you think I should bring this spirit out?"

Su Changge's movements froze.

"That soul... is Su Wangyou's?!"

Gui Guzi didn't answer, but just added another force in his hand, causing the spirit to collapse.

"Now, put that thing back right away." Guiguzi said calmly, "Otherwise, even you, you won't be able to resurrect a man whose soul is broken."

Su Changge squinted his eyes. Instead of taking it back, he pulled the thing out.

That is the ultimate killer of the Ghost Valley School, a weapon that'cannot be described by words'... or an object?

"Don't talk about that kind of nonsense, Master, I don't believe you at all. The spirits are all exactly the same, with a little difference in size at most. Tell me, how can you recognize that it is Su Wangyou's spirit and bring him here? !"

Su Changge chuckled.

"Isn't it a ghost grabbed by hand?"

Before Gui Guzi could answer, Su Changge looked fierce.

"Don't tell me anything,'I just saw this spirit running towards that door', don't talk about this kind of nonsense, you don't do anything unsure, if Su Wangyou's spirit is just far away from you, then you Can't find that door?"

Su Changge held the ultimate killer of the Guigu faction and aimed it at Guiguzi.

He said indifferently.

"That's not Su Wangyou's soul, you can't fool me."

Gui Guzi clapped his hands and exclaimed, "What a courage, Su Changge, it seems that you have really grown a lot in the past five years. You can say this to your teacher so decisively. This is really..."

Gui Guzi shook his head, and said regretfully: "Unfortunately, you guessed wrong - you should be trying to follow my words to get my way of distinguishing spirits and souls. It's okay to tell you."

Gui Guzi said with a smile.

"Cang Qiongzi, the fifth-generation descendant of the Guigu Sect, left such a secret method, but I took it away, but your uncle should know about it. Your master said it back then."

Su Changge looked at Zhang Tulong, and Zhang Tulong nodded bitterly.

Su Changge's hand trembled slightly.

"Then what you have in hand--------" Su Changge said word by word, "In the end..."

"Whose do you think this spirit is most likely to belong to?" Guiguzi asked.

Su Changge's voice is bitter.

"Su Wangyou's spirit can make you survive from my hands, so this must be Su Wangyou's."

Gui Guzi nodded and said calmly: "It's just a basic inference, so now - give me the thing in your hand and the ring that Su Wangyou gave you that claimed to be able to kill someone. ."

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