Me, sword fairy!

Me, sword fairy! Chapter 326:

He traversed the country of Xia, traveled all over the Central Plains, slashing the ancient country.

No one can stop him.

The Emperor was smashed into the ruins of the imperial palace and remained unconscious.

Xia Guo's great sacrifice was smashed half of his head with a fist, and he was hanged by secret methods.

The crazy ghost fights with three moves, and the invincible physique that can resist the Lingshan head-on is almost completely shattered, and there is still no sign of recovery.

The suzerain and the Taoist elder teamed up, but the divine soul was broken through the eyes of the great emperor Tiandao a thousand miles away, his mental strength was greatly damaged, and he fell directly into a coma.

The Great Emperor Pangbu of the Deep Sea broke through the body of countless divine weapons, but was punched through his heart, and then kicked into a mountain.

The monarch of the ancient country held the Liangyi sword and faced the Emperor Tiandao on the top of the ten famous mountains of Zuguang, but was broken by the Emperor Tiandao with one hand. Then the sword heart collapsed and his cultivation was reduced to the virtual realm. The vitality is badly hurt.

Within the vast 100,000 mountains of the empty country, the mysterious and unpredictable Emperor of the empty country confronted the Emperor of Heaven with evil and secret methods, but was completely overwhelmed by his unique skills, and any method was meaningless.

Go all the way, fight all the way, win all the way.

Invincible, this is the strongest emperor realm in the world-even if the Great Emperor of Heaven is the most detested evil demon of the future generations, no one denies his power and ranks him first in the emperor realm.

"Is it only this level?"

The Great Emperor of Heaven sighed softly.

"It's really weak." Heavenly Dao Great Emperor said indifferently, "Is this world already so weak?"

"Well, let's get started."

He took out the sound transmission note.

Pass my order————

[The war of aggression against Zuguang begins now————!

In the Heavenly Dao Continent, the evil demons outside the heavens who received the order came out. They didn't have any doubts about the order of the Heavenly Dao Great Emperor. When they received the order, they immediately began to enter the barrier gate in groups.

Strategic materials were prepared long ago, and every soldier was kept in the best condition. They maintained the battlefield and, like the most rigorous army in the future, attacked Zuguang.

The warrior who was studying the secret realm in the Xuantian Waterfall was stunned. At the moment when he was stunned, a knife had been cut on his neck with a clean hand. Before he could react, he was chopped off his head.

Then, with this knife as a signal, the war began.

In the official history, the war between Zu Guang and the evil demon in the sky lasted for a long time.

The evil spirits outside the sky have a complete set of military discipline. The discipline of the army and the undisciplined attitude of the ancient sword fairy are at two extremes. Moreover, the Tiandao Continent has battle formations that Zuguang does not have. The most important thing is that they are always in the offensive position. Zu Guang had the opportunity to counterattack a long time later.

And Zu Guang is not without advantages, on the contrary, Zu Guang's advantages are not small.

In any case, here is Zuguang, Zuguang Warrior is fighting at home.

Second, the average strength of the Zuguang warriors is higher than that of the warriors of the Heavenly Dao Continent.

Secondly, it is the horror power of the Zuguangwu fighters. Their action power even surpasses that of a disciplined army. This has also contained the alien evil spirits many times. It took hundreds of years for the alien evil spirits to barely adapt to the horror of the ancestor light fighters. Action force.

Then, and the most important point, is the appearance rate of Tianjiao - take Zhengshi Zuguang's time as an example, how many top Tianjiao?

Su Changge, Chu Yi, Li Buwu, Ji Jun prisoner, there are a total of four top Tianjiao!

A little bit later, Jiang Tairan, Bai Ruoli, Qiu Tayu... at least twenty or thirty.

And where is the evil demon?

Only one Red Ghost Sword Emperor could barely be regarded as the top arrogant, and his strength was obviously weaker than the above four!

And a little bit less, there are definitely not more than ten on the Heavenly Dao Continent.

(In fact, many geniuses appeared during the several thousand years in the period of war in the PS, here is just this period of time.)

Not to mention the monster in that monster born in the last year of Zu Guang——————Li Qinglian...

This is Zuguang's greatest advantage.

Even if it is the Great Emperor of Heaven, isn't it also Gu Hong, who is the predecessor of Zuguang?

Of course, these are all matters of official history.

And if you let go of the official history and look at Zu Guang in the game now, you will find that Zu Guang has been driven to a dead end.

Lingshan was beheaded by Su Wangyou, that is to say, Heavenly Dao Great Emperor would not be held back by Lingshan for four thousand years. He jumped out from the beginning and directly beat the entire Zuguang high-end combat power. Disabled!

You know, Zu Guang just experienced the Battle of Pingtian Lake, the top masters had already died a lot, and the rest were still old and wounded. As a result, the Emperor Tiandao suddenly ran out and made such a wave...

Zu Guang faced despair at the beginning.

Total desperation.

They have to face tens of thousands, even hundreds of thousands of disciplined warriors, they have to face battle formations they have never seen before, and they have to face the strongest in the Heavenly Dao Continent, the strongest imperial realm in history.

————The Great Emperor of Heaven!

With Tianhu Mountain as the starting place, the evil demon from the Heavenly Dao Continent cast aggressive eyes on this world.

And now, the top masters either died in the battle of Pingtian Lake or lost to the hands of the Great Emperor.

The top masters have fallen, so can those top tianjiaos afford these things?

The savior from later generations is sleeping in the boundless hell, the future Wushuang sword emperor is still wandering on the road of the heart and the devil, the first assistant of Zuguang is still indulged in the grief of losing his master and friends, the greatest giant of the Mo family is still at this time in mechanical arts It is ignorant, the emperor of the later generations is hiding in Longyin Peak and wiping his tears. Ji Jun, who is known as the half-life invincible black robe, is still trapped in the heart of Su Wangyou's sword. Luo Zong's strongest little uncle was also locked in a secret realm, unable to be born.

Who else?

There is one more person.

Everyone fell, and there was one person standing, even if he experienced no less than those who fell.

His name is Su Changge, and he never fell down from beginning to end.

Chapter 19 The First Snow (Part 1)

It's winter.

Su Changge stared blankly at the snowflakes that fell on his shoulders.

This is the first snow in Zuguang's 4499 years.

Su Changge thought for a while and opened the umbrella to block the snow that fell from the sky.

He stepped away and walked towards Qianlong Valley.

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