Me, sword fairy!

Me, sword fairy! Chapter 331:

The mental power tactics gave him the privilege of maintaining consciousness in hell. Su Changge's entry into hell was also in his expectation. Qin Jinghong's spirit was also attracted by the secret method she created during her lifetime, and could kill him. Luji and the ring were also taken.

Just the last step.

Qin Jinghong Shouyuan was exhausted and died, so even if she resurrected her, it would only resurrect a dying old man, but what if --- her realm reached the longevity realm?

Gui Guzi returned to Qianlong Valley, where he set up the Burning Heaven Soul Formation. This formation allows Qin Jinghong to maintain a long life state for a period of time. During such a period of time, he will make more moves to let him and Qin. Jinghong stepped into the real longevity together.

Those who have inherited the name of Guiguzi definitely have such confidence.

But his game was broken.

Three people broke the game.

One was Su Wangyou. He was the one who accidentally participated in the break. He told Su Changge the true function of the sword of reincarnation, allowing Su Changge to see through the true identity of Guiguzi.

The second one is Su Changge. Naturally, there is nothing to say. He found a complete line among a mess of clues, connected them together, and finally saw through the identity of Guiguzi.

And the third one is the real breaker, the'power' opposite to the'wisdom', the'fool' who is lured here.

Emperor Tiandao.

he came.

He is like an unreasonable brawny who overturned the chess game in one hand, then put the knife on Guiguzi's neck, and then asked him if he was convinced?

This is the absolute power. There is no need to talk about any reason or calculate any mess, as long as a is past.

The Great Emperor Tiandao thought so and did so. He knew that Su Changge was calculating some messy things, even the Guiguzi opposite him, but he really didn't care.

Really, I don't care at all.

[You are too arrogant, the third prince...]

Gui Guzi said silently in his heart, and then took out a ring.

This is the ring that Su Wangyou got a long, long time ago. The moment he got the ring, he wanted to use this ring to kill the Emperor of Heaven, but the Emperor of Heaven never came, but he died, but he died, the Emperor of Heaven. Here comes.

Su Wangyou entrusted this ring to Su Changge, hoping that he could use this ring to kill the Heavenly Dao Emperor, but this direct but inaccurate piece was taken away by Guiguzi, and Su Changge found the heavenly path. Emperor.

After tossing and turning many times, the one who faced this ring in the end was actually the Great Emperor of Heaven.

Perhaps this is destined.

Gui Guzi calmly looked at the torrent of internal energy that was coming back towards him, his eyes passed through this endless torrent of internal energy, and he looked towards the Great Emperor of Heaven who seemed to be watching the dead.

Gui Guzi is too familiar with this look.

[But this time, it will not be me who will die.

Gui Guzi's eyes are extremely calm, he has already passed the age of'showing firm eyes', unless a certain emotion reaches the extreme, otherwise he will never show his emotions on his face-if he shows it Such an expression, then it must be a smoke bomb from Guiguzi.

The combined experience of tens of thousands of years in two lifetimes has made Guiguzi's Taoism as hard as steel.

That terrifying torrent of internal energy has rushed to the front of Gui Guzi.

Gui Guzi closed his eyes and said softly.

"The secret method of time..."

"The eternal me!!"

Zu Guang's first snow in 4449.


At the same time, the torrent of internal energy swallowed Guiguzi.

Chapter 23 I Ask You

The torrent of internal energy swallowed Guiguzi, and his figure turned into nothingness the moment he was hit.

The Great Emperor of Heaven snorted coldly.

[Only this level...?!

He folded his arms around his chest and turned around.

"It's boring."

"Did your father teach you?" The old voice sounded behind the Great Emperor Tiandao, and the suppressed anger, as if the roaring sound of a beast came, "When the battle is not over, don't turn your back to the enemy. dead."

The Great Emperor of Heaven was startled, then he stayed still and turned his head slightly.

Gui Guzi was standing in the torrent of internal energy, his body was constantly being destroyed, and then the power of time flowed to restore his body to perfection, but the torrent of internal energy destroyed his body in a flash, the power of time Circulate again...


Guiguzi's body was constantly being destroyed, and it was constantly recovering intact.

The pain of body being destroyed is unimaginable by ordinary people. If it is an ordinary person, it will faint in pain in an instant, but Guiguzi does not have it. He just clenched his teeth, his veins violent, but he never made even a horrible sound howl.

Descendants of Ghost Valley, there has never been a reason to beg for others.

Gui Guzi took a foot slowly.

While he was walking, his body was destroyed at least three times.

————But he moved a bit after all.

The Great Emperor Tiandao completely turned around and dropped his hand.

"————Retract the foreword." The Great Emperor Tiandao showed a serious expression. He stepped forward with one foot and turned slightly to the side. Then he stretched out a finger to Guiguzi.

"I will kill you without leaving the piece of armor you killed."

Fists squeezed sharply.

For the first time since entering the ancestral light, Emperor Tiandao showed such an expression, not because of the opponent's strength, but because of the opponent's will.

Guiguzi's expression has been completely distorted, and the pain that challenged the limit of human endurance almost completely destroyed his will, but even so, he still said so.

"Come and try it."

The torrent of internal energy dissipated, not because the Great Emperor Tiandao took the initiative to terminate --- once this thing of "Juexue" was shot, there was absolutely no reason to abandon it halfway.

It was Gui Guzi who consumed all the internal energy with his own body and took all the attacks.

Because of this, the Great Emperor Tiandao decided to kill the enemy in front of him.

It's not that he didn't know the secret method of time at all. When he was young, some experts in the universe empire also mentioned the secret method of time to him, calling it the ‘strongest secret method in the immortal realm’.

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