Me, sword fairy!

Me, sword fairy! Chapter 340:

"Affectionate people always live well, don't they?"

"But that kind of person is also very sad, isn't it?"

"If I continue to live, then I will become such a person sooner or later." Li Qinglian looked into the distance casually, "Anonymous, you have to live, as proof that Li Qinglian has lived in this world."

Wuming did not answer, but looked into the distance following Li Qinglian's gaze.

In the distance, a cloud of rays of light emitted ten thousand rays.

He replied softly.

"I will work hard."

Dahua 4000 years.

Wuming still broke his promise.

The sixth-generation leader of Ye Jin Tianming —— Zhang Tulong designed to seize his longevity fruit at the cost that the entire Ye Jin Tianming was almost destroyed.

Li Qinglian returned from outside the sky, but what she got was such a news.

He didn't say anything, just silently buried Wuming.

Li Qinglian is not a wise man. He does not have the ability to see through everything to find the real murderer. Zhang Tulong happens to be a super old bachelor who has been immersed in this way for thousands of years. During the thousands of years of Zuguang, even a fanatic like Su Changge I couldn't find him, let alone Li Qinglian.

And the most important thing is - Li Qinglian, who has returned from a trip to the outside world, knows that the world can no longer bear his anger.

But he was even more disappointed in this world.

When Li Qinglian was a teenager, he had heard the stories of Zuguang heroes more than once in the mouth of a storyteller, and those stories always made him excited.

However, since joining the WTO, he has not seen so many beautiful things. He has heard that the emperor of Xia is an emperor with no talents. However, under his rule, Xia has always enjoyed peace and security, whether it is economy, culture, military, farming, etc. And so on, all aspects are standing on the top of the world. On the other hand, the Fifth Huazhi, she strives to govern, day and night, and hands-on. It can be said that she has broken her heart for Dahua, but Dahua still has an extremely dark side.

How gloomy is it?

If it is said, perhaps the people of later generations hate this group of people more than the evil demon.

Li Qinglian has the ability to punish evil, but he knows that he is unable to promote good.

This country is already shaky.

Stinking flies and bugs crawled out of the heroes' corpses, buzzing, thinking they were the masters of this country.

But there is still one person alive, so they dare not move.

——————The remnants of Zuguang, the fifth Huazhi.

Yes, remnant, this group of people secretly called the Fifth Huazhi.

Wait a minute, she won't live long.

The Chronicle of Zu Guang clearly records that Zu Guang has a total of 10,321 years, and the Fifth Huazhi was probably a figure of Zu Guang around 4,400 years, and it is almost 10,000 years old.

Although the emperor realm's lifespan is limited to 10,000 years, every battle will leave hidden wounds-unless it is a warrior who is academic and does not fight, otherwise who dares to say that he has no hidden wounds on his body?

What's more, the fifth Huazhi is also a strong man who was killed from the battle of the evil demon outside the sky. Can she experience fewer wars?

The lifespan is shorter as the number of hidden injuries is increased.

Those flies were watching in the dark, waiting for the day when Fifth Huazhi died, Empress Wuwei, they could not wait to enjoy the power brought by the throne, but as long as Fifth Huazhi could not die, they would not dare to move.

Li Qinglian saw this, and he believed that the Fifth Huazhi also saw this.

Li Qinglian happened to want to kill someone—because of something unknown.

So he entered the palace and asked the Fifth Huazhi.

He just asked bluntly.

"Can I kill someone?"

The Fifth Huazhi looked at him and replied seriously: "No."

"Why? Don't you even have this courage?"

"The ancestors of this group of people have done a lot, unless it is a rebellion, otherwise they cannot be killed." Fifth Huazhi said slowly.

Li Qinglian retorted: "Laughable——————"

Then the next sentence of the Fifth Huazhi came out.

"This is what Su Changge said."

So Li Qinglian shut up.

Although he didn't know Su Changge, he knew that if Su Changge was here, he would definitely kill that person without hesitation, but Su Changge was dead, only the command left by him was'live'.

Ten thousand alive Li Qinglian can't compare to the order of a dead Su Changge.

Li Qinglian was silent for a long time before she said.

"Are you really willing?"

What are you willing to do?Naturally, watching this dawn people suffer, watching this world live in dire straits?

No qualified emperor would say the word willing, but the fifth Huazhi was willing.

"I used to think that Human Emperor is really a fool, but now I think he is really a good emperor." Fifth Huazhi said coldly: "Unfortunately I am not."

"You are crazy." Li Qinglian left the palace, but her mood didn't change much.

He turned his head and took a deep look at the country.


There is no doubt that this country is dying and rotten to the bones, and pure force cannot change all this.

Li Qinglian does not have the ability to change these things.

He held the Qinglian Excalibur with a calm expression.

He talked to himself like a dream.

"Green lotus six styles · foreign styles."

"Dream back to Zuguang————Xia Kexing!"

A sword slashed towards the sky, turning into countless silver lights scattered on this continent.

At the same time, a glimmer of understanding suddenly flashed in the eyes of countless people of insight.

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