Me, sword fairy!

Me, sword fairy! Chapter 344:

One is far and the other is close, two voices sounded at the same time.

"You————put—————— fart!"

[What are you doing, counterfeit?

The person who said the last sentence was Su Changge. He gritted his teeth and shouted: "Fuck your mother shit! Can't you see Lao Tzu?!!!"

And the person who said the next sentence was standing on the torrent of time, holding the dragon of time like a rabbit with one hand.

He said blankly: "I caught you."

In the next moment, everything becomes nothing.

—————————— Time Reverse

After Su Changge yelled, he immediately used a secret method to take away Su Wangyou’s soul, and then left hell. He didn’t know what demons and ghosts were affecting Su Wangyou just now, but he was able to make trouble here, it must not What simple goods

Su Changge saw that he was about to leave hell, but his movements suddenly slowed down.

[Just now... what happened?

But when he saw Su Wangyou's soul in his hand, the unclear sense of sight in his heart was immediately thrown out of the clouds by him.

"Follow him, I'll talk about it later!"

Subsequently, Su Changge left hell.

He returned to the cave and activated the formation without hesitation.

Within an unspeakable battlefield.

Two identical He stood, facing each other far away.

"This is the nine thousand five hundred and forty-two of the seven hundred and eighty-six thousand five hundred and twenty-fourth powers we fought. You still haven't won."

"But I'm not dead either."

"Do you think you can win?"

"Can you kill me?"

"Do you think I can't do it?"

"You can, but neither can you."

"Yes, I can't. God can't create a rock that he can't move, but he knows the way to lift that rock, doesn't he?"

"You mean your son? His weakness is beyond my imagination. To be honest, is he really your son?"

"I hope you can think so when you die under him."

"I hope so."

At the same time, in a certain cave in Zuguang.

A person is waking up.


"Damn it, how come any small town on the border is so involved?!!!"

Yang Lun was very annoyed and threw the paper with the battle plan on the conference table.

He is the eldest son of the Yang family, one of the eight great families of the Heavenly Dao Continent. Although he has little talent, he can hardly take on important responsibilities. This time he was originally planned to earn some military exploits under the arrangement of the family. Things.

————The first step failed, let alone what happened later.

Yes, their failure is almost obvious. The battle has been over for a full day and night, but the city is far away from the fall, and their reinforcements are coming soon.

Huangluocheng was only a medium-sized city in the ancient country, and it was still the kind of city far away from the center. No matter how you looked at it, this city was not difficult to master.

————If the people living in this city are not ancient people.

"What on earth are those two guys?!" Yang Lun shouted.

Their battle was not hopeless. In this battle, a total of five emperor realms came. According to the data, there is only one city lord in Huangluocheng who is the emperor realm. Even if some big clans are immortal, there are only three at most. It’s just an emperor realm, and the facts are true. Huangluocheng does only have three emperor realms—these three emperor realms are not the top emperor realms, and even the middle level are somewhat reluctant. There are five on the Tiandao continent. The advantage of the Emperor Realm is almost crushing, but at this moment, two people suddenly popped out...

Two very young teenagers, their youth is almost written on their faces, the two of them are only virtual realm cultivation bases, but they can smash the emperor realm, and even kill the emperor realm. Because of the joining of these two people, the whole battle happened. After a great change, Tiandao Continent, which finally lost its top combat power advantage, fell into a dead end.

Because they found that they might not be able to leave, not long ago, spies came to report that Zuguang’s reinforcements were everywhere - but their reinforcements were delayed and delayed.

And those two teenagers are just...

Ye Guzhuang and Ji Jun prisoner!

(PS did not expect it, you will definitely guess Su Changge and Su Wangyou!)

When Ye Guzhuang participated in the Eight Jue Ceremony a few years ago, he was also among the young Tianjiao who claimed to be able to kill the emperor with an immortal. Now a few years later, he has stepped into the Void Realm, and his strength is even greater. It was unfathomable. The Emperor Realm who fought with him was a swordsman in the Heavenly Dao Continent who was known for speed. Ye Gu played far less than him, but he was always able to beat fast. The swordsman was completely trapped by Ye Gu Song. In the rhythm, he finally died under the sword of Ye Gu play.

Naturally, Prisoner Ji does not need to talk more. In the official history, many Zuguang historians have always believed that if Prisoner Ji hadn’t been abandoned in the Battle of the Xuantian Waterfall, then the future would definitely be able to compete with Chu Wushuang. Since he lost to Su Wangyou, he has been honing his Dao Xin, coupled with Ye Guxuan's training for him, now wanting to suppress an ordinary imperial realm, it is naturally a simple matter, Ye Guzhuang cuts After killing the swordsman, he took a free shot and joined him to kill the Emperor Realm.

After five on three, the game couldn't be clearer.

"Ye Guzuo, Prisoner Ji!" Yang Lun gritted his teeth and said: "It's these two people, damn... and the red ghost, damn if you don't listen to orders!"

The Red Ghost Sword Emperor is exceptionally talented and naturally disdains Yang Lun’s orders from mediocre people. Although Tiandao Continent is known as a military weapon, because of the difference in personal strength, it cannot be like the military institutions of later generations. What the soldiers would do?” The Red Ghost Sword Emperor entered the ancient country alone, and disappeared at once. Although he was in the Void Realm, he was also an Emperor Realm power. Now the Emperor Realm power is so important that the extra one is almost It can affect the entire battle, and the most important one is suddenly missing, and Yang Lun is naturally half-dead.

Although Yang Lun was extremely angry, he responded quickly. He knew that the general situation was over now and that there was absolutely no chance of winning in this siege, so he planned to retreat first, so he said to his adjutant. .

"Retreat first, retreat to the south, I remember you said someone stopped our reinforcements, right? Let's reconcile with the reinforcements first. Maybe we can outflank those who stop them."

The adjutant nodded, slammed the dagger into his heart, and said, "Yes, yes."

Yang Lun, despite his lack of resourcefulness, is still a disciple from a big family. He has the cultivation base of the virtual realm. The adjutant’s movements are really not fast. He can naturally react. Even though he is shocked, he still reacts. He hurriedly planned to block the stabbing, but when he was running his inner energy, a sense of powerlessness surged into his heart, and in a trance, the dagger had already penetrated his heart.

Yang Lun fell blankly.

He died so easily that he felt a dream.

[I just died like this?So casual, so sudden death?Born in an environment like Tiandao Continent, Yang Lun naturally knew that he would die sooner or later, but he did not expect that this day would be so sudden.

He had known that he would die, but he felt that he should die on the battlefield, among a strong opponent, so maybe he could die safely as a warrior.

[That's it... dead?

He showed an expression of disbelief and then died.

The adjutant stared at him carefully for a while, then said to himself.

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