Me, sword fairy!

Me, sword fairy! Chapter 349:

There are even people who accidentally "kill" themselves by shaking their hands when cutting the dead line...

The addition of these layers of reasons finally led to the decline of superpowers in reality.

However, in this world, superpower is the main theme.

Chapter 4 The Heart of the Transcender (2)


These three words are not just for fun.

Unlike warriors, superpowers have to constantly develop their superpowers throughout their lives.

To use an analogy, now the third in the'Alliance', the old man nicknamed the'Scholar', the ability to awaken at the beginning is only to enhance memory.

However, under his continuous development, his abilities have been constantly undergoing qualitative changes, from enhancing memory to not forgetting, from not forgetting to short-term copying of all body art, to permanent copying body art, and then to a short time. Copy the super powers you see, and then use some of the super powers you see to reverse all the other's super powers.

To this day, as long as someone uses super powers in front of his eyes, he can instantly release all of that person's super powers - and blue!

This person is probably an example of a textbook level that has developed his ability to the extreme.

Speaking of'alliance', we have to mention the current state of society again.

There are no warriors here, only superpowers, and superpowers are above the top——Is this possible?

It is indeed possible that a person with superpowers is indeed much higher in social status than ordinary people, but it is like those urban novels-dominate the life and death of others at will. Although they can do it, they dare not do it.


Because of the'Alliance'.

The ten strongest superpowers in the world gathered together. In order to maintain the organization established by the world, the ten of them signed the'Superpower Treaty' and unilaterally made it the rule of the world's superpowers.

It is hard to imagine that this incident was actually done by them who are also superpowers.

When this treaty first came out, voices of opposition, ridicule, satire, and all kinds of disapproving voices came from the mouths of superpowers - and ordinary people.

What happened next is very simple.

The first "solitary" in the original alliance shot and began to kill.

From Washington to Paris, from Tokyo to the Middle East, all the way, all the way to kill.

The other nine people in the alliance stood by, and the whole world was turned upside down.

Many people tried to stop him, claiming to kill gods, claiming to invalidate all superpowers, claiming to directly control the consciousness of others, claiming to ignore all harms...

In fact, these are not claims, but none of these people can succeed.

As a result, the entire human world was forced to surrender by this individual. The world government and the alliance signed a treaty, and cooperated with the alliance to strictly monitor the domestic superpowers. Every superpower who may develop into a combat superpower must Sign a treaty - or be monitored day and night.

There is no other reason, the danger of combat superpowers is really terrifying.

At present, people with superpowers are roughly divided into three levels, not because they do not want to subdivide, but because the huge gap between people with abilities makes it impossible for people to divide them in detail.

Three levels.

Getting started, destroying the world, and getting into the slightest.

Naturally, there is no need to talk about getting started. Ninety-nine percent of superpowers in the world are at this level.

And destroying the world... the superpowers who can reach this level are considered to be able to destroy the entire earth by one person without the influence of other superpowers and unlimited spiritual power...

There are really many people who have reached this level.

Just to cite two examples, the ninth in the league, absolute power, has the power to throw twenty moons with one hand, can fly faster than light, break all the physical rules in the world, and even travel in time and space with the body.

And in the league ranked by combat power, he is only ninth...

Why is such a person only ninth?

Because he has too many weaknesses, he will die if he is touched by the Demon Eye of Death, he will lose if he is touched by a fantasy killer, and he will be crushed when he is met by a third person, and he will be...

To put it simply, the ninth has no merit other than physical strength and ignorance of physical rules.

Almost every few months, the ninth was beaten up by a new superpower or even killed, but he could always be resurrected afterwards.

Minimal...This is a realm that is difficult to describe. At present, there are only second, third, original first, sixth, and eighth superpowers in this realm, a total of five people.

Su Wangyou turned off the webpage, feeling complicated.

"What's all this mess, this world."

[Try it a little...]

Su Wangyou thought for a while, and began to practice Qi Jue in this world - the entry technique for all martial artists, after hundreds of revisions by later martial artists, almost reached the perfect initial Qigong practice.

"Success... succeeded?" Su Wangyou clearly felt the internal energy in his body, and he couldn't believe it.

"That's it?" He muttered to himself: "I thought there would be any rules of the world, and I couldn't practice."

[Anyway, this is good news. Even if I am not a superpower, at least I can rely on cultivation—————????????Su Wangyou got excited and stood up directly.

He rushed to the mirror in disbelief and stared at the person in the mirror, as if he could not believe that this person was himself.

Just now, he clearly felt it.

The bones of this body are so bad.

Those exercises that he can usually learn at a glance are as difficult as Yugong Yishan when practicing in this body.

[If this continues, I won’t be able to reach the Grandmaster Realm in a hundred years...]

Yes, the foundation of this body is so bad that in this world, such a body is absolutely impossible to become a talent by training martial arts.

[It seems that this dungeon must take the route of a superpower... But the problem is that I in this world does not seem to be a superpower.Su Wangyou sighed slightly. The awakening of superpowers in this world does not even have a pattern. Countless scientists in this world have studied for countless years without researching it, and Su Wangyou is not so proud that he can do it.

[I don’t have any connection conditions, I don’t even have a clue at all, and I don’t have a memory, I don’t know exactly who I am in this world, but since it’s me...] Since it’s me, then it’s not necessary Disguise, because Su Wangyou is always Su Wangyou, and Su Wangyou never has to pretend to be someone else.

At this moment, Su Wangyou's cell phone lit up.

Su Wangyou clicked on the phone.

A message from a person with a blank profile picture.

are you available now?Can I have a little chat?

Su Wangyou opened the chat interface, and then his eyes fixed on his id.

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