Me, sword fairy!

Me, sword fairy! Chapter 354:

Suddenly, a thought flashed across like lightning.

[If we say that even this ability to explore the origin of the universe and know everything in the world is just a derivative technique...] [The true ability of the original body...]

Chapter 9 The Heart of the Transcender (7)

[Wait—I can read my own memory!Su Wangyou suddenly thought.

Su Wangyou has been restrained in his actions now. The reason is that he has no memory of the original body. In many cases, he can only fool others with specious statements, but if this lasts for a long time, he will definitely wear help, and it will be very troublesome.

Although it is unlikely, let's try it.

Su Wangyou's pupils shrank suddenly.

[Abilities launch!


He saw the stars.

Among the stars, a person stood alone.

That person is'Su Wangyou'.

"You guys, do you want to beat me?"

'Su Wangyou' whispered to the'things' in front of him, but now Su Wangyou's perspective is locked, and he can't see the object of'Su Wangyou'.

"So, let me tell you a few requirements."

"First: Every cell in your body must be able to withstand the explosion of the singularity when the universe first opened --- 92771636831831738 times per second, nine trillion each time, by the way, The human body has tens of trillions of cells."

"Second: In game terms, the above attack is just a DEBUFF similar to'bleeding'. You must ensure that your'recovery' speed can exceed the damage caused by this attack-if you can't do it Now, I’m sorry, even if you only lose one ten millionth of your blood every 100 million years, then you are dead."

"Third: Your life span must be unlimited."

"Fourth: Assuming you can withstand the first and second points, then you must have moves that can destroy your own body."

"Fifth: You must not understand this move before. You must develop and use this move within 1/74673448262746284 of a second, and you must have no creation at all before this 1/74673448262746284. The idea of ​​moves is not even allowed to be subconscious."

"Sixth: The above five points, you must be able to do it anytime and anywhere, including the past, including the present, including the future. When you were just born, when you were ignorant, when you were on the night of your wedding, When you are old, you must achieve these five points."

"Seventh: Your father, your mother, your master, your predecessors, everything in this world that has something to do with you, and everyone who has an effect on your growth, must do the above six points."

"Eighth—————— Guess?"

'Su Wangyou' stood there with boredom in his eyes.

"If you achieve the above eight - - seven o'clock, then you probably barely have the strength to linger under the automatic counterattack of my ability."

"So, any of you want to try?"

'Su Wangyou' looked around, and finally stopped at Su Wangyou's perspective.

He opened his mouth and said casually.

"Want to try?"

After a while, Su Wangyou returned to reality from the starry sky.


Su Wangyou came back to his senses, but found that Liang Qiushi and Clausius both looked at themselves in shock...

"What's wrong?" Liang Qiushi reacted quickly and asked: "Suddenly became so weak..."

Su Wangyou looked at him, but found that he was in a cold sweat, his lips were white, and his whole body fell into Claus's arms.

"No, it's nothing." Su Wangyou pursed his pale lips, stood up amidst Clauris' regretful expression, and said every word: "There is a little problem with ability, but the problem is not big, it's okay. ."

"Really." Liang Qiushi pushed his black-rimmed glasses and said nothing.

"Worry, if you feel uncomfortable--" Krauris said with some worry, "Or go to the hospital for a look."

Then she suddenly revealed a real ugly face, "Why don't you lie down in my arms for a while."

"No, I'm fine." Su Wangyou replied blankly, and walked into the scene of the crime.

[This power, this power————————]

Powerful, unspeakably powerful, unreasonably powerful.

[This kind of power is simply the power of the father's level!] Su Wangyou's heart throbbed.

If anyone can really have that level of power, it is undoubtedly his father.

[Me in this world...]


Su Wangyou couldn’t return to God for a long time. The'Su Wangyou' standing in the starry sky surpassed everything and even surpassed Su Wangyou's body, whether it was the Great Emperor of Heaven, or Jinghongzi, or even Li Qinglian was unbearable before that starry sky Su Wangyou.

Except for his father, Su Wangyou had never seen such a strong man who transcended the universe.

[I must unravel the secret of this body's superpowers, this may be the biggest treasure of my dungeon trip...] Su Wangyou's eyes suddenly became firm, and the dazedness and unawareness just now disappeared.

[Let’s start with this case.

Su Wangyou walked into the scene of the crime, and the corpse of the deceased—that is, the corpse of Liang Qiushi’s son had been removed long ago, but it didn’t matter, the house was still there.

Ability to launch!

In an instant, the "memory" of this room was read.

The information given by Liang Qiushi came to mind.

[According to the forensic doctor, his son died at eight o’clock the night before, in that case——————] In an instant, Su Wangyou’s consciousness came to that point, a young man with a lot of hostility between his eyebrows Sitting on the sofa, talking on the phone.

He seemed to have a quarrel with the person on the other end of the phone, and it was the kind of quarrel when he first came up. Even when Su Wangyou read the memory to the beginning of the phone, the only effective information he got was the first sentence.

"You-----you dare to abandon me, you wait, I tell you! My father is one of the top ten directors of the alliance, even if I do such a thing, my father will protect me, how about you? A bunch of smelly mice in the ditch are waiting for me!"

Then came the meaningless mouth stinky link, and Su Wangyou frowned.

In the end, the violent youth threw the phone to the ground, breaking it to pieces.

"Damn, how do you explain this to the old immortal?"

"You don't need to explain to him——————"

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