Me, sword fairy!

Me, sword fairy! Mime private 362

"Of course." The girl put on a fighting posture expressionlessly, "If you are a pervert like you, I have to catch it back and adjust it well---interrogation."

"Have you ever heard of..." Su Wangyou said slowly.

"What?" The girl tilted her head.

"There is no room for two facial paralysis characters in one book!"

After Su Wangyou finished roaring, he rushed forward and hit the past with an uppercut.

The girl's face changed wildly, obviously because she didn't expect a person with time ability to have such subtle eyesight, and she could see the weakness in her posture at a glance.

"It's a pity, it's useless." With the girl's sigh, Su Wangyou only felt that he had hit the steel with a punch, and he could clearly hear the sound of his hand bones breaking.

[Is it similar to the ability-derived technique of'physical strengthening'?

"I said." The girl grabbed Su Wangyou's weakly hanging slender arms, tilted her head and said, "Don't you think you can defeat me with physical skills?"


Su Wangyou didn't answer, but only used his ability to return to four seconds ago.

Although his abilities are invalid for the'Century Nova', the'Century Nova' cannot prevent him from activating his abilities.

"Let me take a look." Su Wangyou said blankly: "Is your ability really as others have said, without flaws."

"Of course." The girl said indifferently, "I have no flaws. The old man (scholar) has already made up my last shortcoming. Now I am invincible."

[It's really unnecessary confidence.

"Go back to the late Cretaceous and play wrestling with Tyrannosaurus rex!"

"Do you want me to go back 60 million years ago?" The girl said with a smile, "It's useless, I won't be affected by your ability——————"

Her smile froze.

"No, I don't want you to go back 60 million years ago."

Su Wangyou said lightly.

"I want the earth to return to 60 million years ago."

Chapter 16 The Heart of the Transcender (14)

"You guy--- shouldn't it be serious?" The girl's expression also became solemn, "Isn't it just after stopping time and sneaking into the women's toilet and being found, just for this kind of thing, you have Let the earth go back 60 million years?!"

"Don't pretend to be stupid until now." Su Wangyou ignored the girl's words and replied blankly: "I came to defeat you."

As soon as the voice fell, the earth instantly went backwards 65 million years.

The entire world was vicissitudes of life in an instant, and the power accumulated by the entire human society for thousands of years was vulnerable to Su Wangyou's ability. Without any resistance, the earth instantly returned to 65 million years ago.

Su Wangyou took the girl back to the end of the Cretaceous period, which was also called the Maastricht period.

Seeing that the girl pretended to be dumb and useless, she couldn't help but sighed, and said, "What is your purpose? Is it good for you to revert the earth to this period?"

She proudly said: "Do you think you can defeat me with these dinosaurs? Or are you showing off your powerful abilities to me?"

It happened that Su Wangyou couldn’t name it, but he knew it was a carnivorous dinosaur. This dinosaur opened its blood basin and bit at the girl without hesitation, but when it was about to bite the girl At that time, the dinosaur stopped.

It approached the girl docilely, like a dog.

"Unfortunately." The girl stretched out her hands and smiled: "This entire era has been judged by my abilities as the creation of your abilities, so - in this era, I am invincible!"

Century Rising Star.

All the abilities against the "Century Nova" are invalid, and changes due to this ability will cause the "Century Nova" to produce antibodies - or evolve.

It is an invincible ability, and people who possess this ability are invincible from the beginning.

Is that right?

"It's just human beings after all." Su Wangyou looked indifferent, and he turned around without hesitation, and disappeared.

The girl maintained her domineering posture, motionless.

One second, ten seconds, one minute.

Three minutes, five minutes, one hour.


"Am I...was he tossed 60 million years ago?"

(It's actually 65 million years, but she doesn't know.)

The girl suddenly realized that she was in a bad situation.

Because of Su Wangyou's abilities, she has'antibodies' to this entire era. Simply put, she is invincible in this era, but - does this invincibility make sense?

It doesn't make sense. There is no human being in this world except her, and her invincibility is meaningless.

The girl had this experience too. She was the eighth traveler who met the alliance. The traveler moved the entire galaxy directly, leaving the girl alone in the empty original galaxy. This was also affected by the girl’s ability. It was judged as the'effect of ability', so the girl could survive in the universe. She wandered in the universe for dozens of days, and then scholars came to rescue her and moved the galaxy back.

Later, this shortcoming was also made up, and the girl was consciously invincible, but unexpectedly...

"First is space, then time?"

The girl gritted her teeth.

[60 million years...]

[I will be crazy.

In my mind, the thought of'lived 60 million years to complete the anti-kill' flashed by, and was soon lost by the girl. She shouted to the sky without spine: "I admit defeat, I lose. , Let me go back——No, fast forward the earth 60 million years."

As her voice fell, the world was vicissitudes of life again, and in a trance, the girl returned to the world 60 million years later.

She collapsed to the ground and suddenly found herself in a cold sweat.

[Ah... Long live modern times.

The seventh place in the league, "New Star of the Century", lost.

[Task progress-five out of ten]

The sixth place in the league is currently one of the few superpowers known to be'minimalist'.

The title of the Star of End Yan, holds the power that can lead everything to End Yan-but his ability is not as violent as you think, not the ability of the second lady or the two rituals. ————It should be the ability of "Reaper is here".

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