Me, sword fairy!

Me, sword fairy! Chapter 365:

'God must not call his name directly'

'Title doesn't work either'

'Who allowed you to see my old lady's photos?'

'Don't even think about it, Si Zhai steamed goose heart.'

'Day, you all have to die'

Almost... this is what it looks like.

It is said that after'she' was defeated by'Gu', she kept her promise and lived in the central area of ​​Yanjing - and the house had a garden, swimming pool and other mess, covering an area of ​​nearly 90,000 square meters.

This is the center of Yanjing...

But since she died alone, no one can cure her. Even if she breached the contract and came out to turn the world upside down, no one could control her.

Moreover, because of the ability of'her', you can't even think of'her'. Once you have the intent to kill her in your mind, you will be instantly taken away from your mind and become a doll of'her'.

No one in the world dared to call the queen by her name ---'she'

However, Su Wangyou was thinking about how to defeat'her' unscrupulously, and was completely unaffected by her ability.

He staggered his'time' to connect with the world.

Everything he did happened in the "past".

Su Wangyou was a second slower than the world, and everything he did at this time actually happened in the'past'.

what?I offended you last second?Called your real name?

Spicy, go find Su Wangyou from the'past'!Why are you looking for my "now" Su Wangyou!

[Those who have the ability of time — there is no past, no future.

"I will always live'this time'!"

Su Wangyou of the'past' has been manipulated because he called her real name directly, but this has nothing to do with Su Wangyou of the'now'. Those with the ability of time will always live in the'this moment'.

Su Wangyou stood in front of'her', raised her chin, looked at it carefully for a while, and finally whispered, "It's just a fake."

'She' is an extremely beautiful woman-but that's all. If you leave out the influence of ability,'she' is not the kind of unparalleled beauty, if you want to score, it is about 98 points.

Compared to Su Wangyou's mother, Penglai Shan Huiye, let alone Su Wangyou himself.

But...'She' looks a lot like a person, a... the only person rated at 100 points.

Su Wangyou shook his head, turned and left.

Grow old, die, lose, you are fake.

The second place in the league'she' lost.

[Task progress-nine out of ten]

"Next, the last one."

As we all know, there must be five of the four heavenly kings, while the alliance has ten seats...only nine.

The first "solitary" in the alliance has long since died, but this seat has been reserved for him, even if scholars are now in full swing, Qin Jie is ambitious, and Century Nova has unlimited potential, no one dares to move this seat.

Maybe they will be stronger than the first, but they will never be the first.

The dead cannot be surpassed, and the deeds and stalwart image left by the'solitary' cannot be surpassed.

————This sentence does not hold true for Su Wangyou.

"The dead... can also be surpassed."

Su Wangyou no longer hesitated, he passed through time and returned to twenty years ago.

The end of the melee era of superpowers was also the year of lonely death.

The superpowers hope to use their power to seek more privileges, but they are suppressed by one person.

This person is the "solitary", a super wall that suppresses all superpowers on the entire earth with his own power.

Look at the super powers that Su Wangyou defeated earlier, what are they hanging on the wall...

Lifting the ninth place with a weight of twenty moons with one hand can move the entire galaxy to the eighth place countless light-years away, the seventh place that invalidates all abilities and infinitely evolves, and the sixth place that leads others to death. The fifth place for forcibly gambling with others and arbitrarily set bets, the fourth place that controls the darkness, the third place that learns the abilities of others at will, and the second place that is not allowed to call his name directly.

And these people, except for the seventh who was not born at that time, all the others have been defeated by the lonely.

A real monster.

But such a person is kneeling on the execution ground at this time.

Order has been established, but there is still an invincible knife hanging on the heads of sentient beings. Every day this knife keeps going, some people will not be stable.

It is not only the person who wants this knife to cut, but also the person who wants this knife to protect.

But none of these people can solve this knife.

The only one who can kill this knife is himself.

Standing on a high platform, the judge with no expression asked: "Gu, on June 19, you fought the'Omen of Destruction' Yufei by the riverside, resulting in the deaths of 3,091 people around you. deny?"

'Gu' lowered his head.

"I think."

"On April 8th, you beheaded the bloody beast, but you also caused the destruction of at least two billion farms and pastures, do you recognize it?"

"I think."

"July 25th..."

"January 8..."

"March 11th..."

"I recognize them all." Gu raised his head, revealing the face of a tired young man, "Can I die?"

Su Wangyou expressionlessly read the timeline of'Lonely'.


"You guys, do you want to beat me?"

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