Me, sword fairy!

Me, sword fairy! Chapter 367:

Although the future of the wasteland has disappeared, the melody of this world will never change. Superpowers will never be satisfied with the status quo. Ordinary people will always be oppressed, and there will always be people with justice in mind.

In the infinite future, Su Wangyou saw infinite possibilities.

But no matter which future it is, the earth will be destroyed.

Can't stop, can't resist.

No amount of power is useful.

"So, I realized one thing." Xingkong Su Wangyou looked at Su Wangyou flatly, "The future I have observed is the future without Su Wangyou, because those with time ability have no past and future. But if I participate in this future, the future will be changed by me."

"I will change this future." Xingkong Su Wangyou said word by word: "Definitely."

"I will - in this infinite despair and reincarnation, find a truly perfect way out for the earth!"

"But before that!"

The starry sky Su Wangyou suddenly looked at Su Wangyou.

"I am in another world! You and I still have a battle!"

"I am the lord of time, the traveler on the Ganges of Time, the savior of the apocalypse, the immortal reincarnation, come on!!"

"Face me!!"

Chapter 20—The Heart of the Transcender (End)

What is the duel between two time capable people?

Stopping time is meaningless, bullet time or time acceleration is even more a joke. If you really need to get that little bit of control, the two will only infinitely stack higher bullet time, and finally pass a second. A quadrillion years, such a duel is meaningless.

Priority is undoubtedly very important-whether it is against warriors or superpowers.

But those with time ability are exceptions.

Their physical strength, mental strength, and mental state are always at their peak. They are the most perfect perpetual motion machine. The most important thing is that they are'locked in blood'. If it is not an instant spike attack, it has no meaning. .

——Pain is meaningless to the two of them. Su Wangyou experienced unimaginable suffering when he was six years old. Su Wangyou in the starry sky is the man behind the countless world lines. The pain is for him. Just a joke.

Time capable people—— especially this kind of time capable people who surpass everything, their battles often...

"We have no past and no future!" Xingkong Su Wangyou said loudly: "Come on! The battle happens at this moment!"

"Come on." Su Wangyou replied.

"Oh the sun! Collapse!" Xingkong Su Wangyou had one hand on his hips, his eyes horrified.

The sun was accelerated by him for billions of years in an instant, and it was at the end of its life. The instantaneously expanding sun swallowed the surrounding planets - together with the earth, and then

"Don't involve the earth, it's already miserable enough." Su Wangyou sighed, the swelling sun quickly retreated, and the swallowed planet returned to its original state.

"Isn't it common sense to blow up the earth before the fight?" Xingkong Su Wangyou shrugged, and the fight just now was not even an appetizer for the two.

"Have you seen the singularity in that legend?"

A singularity is a "point" with infinite density, infinite heat, infinitely high temperature, infinite pressure, infinite space-time curvature, and infinitely small volume.

In the "Big Bang" theory, this singularity is the origin of everything.

"Do you think this statement is true?" Su Wangyou asked back.

"It doesn't matter whether it's really..." Xingkong Su Wangyou scorned: "When I think this statement is true, this statement must be true, it must be - your consciousness is too low. Up!"

"The singularity of the universe, the beginning of chaos!"

A singularity appeared in Su Wangyou’s chest, the next second

"The sense of sight and infinite repetition!"

Su Wangyou's body was densely covered with countless singularities.

Xingkong Su Wangyou snapped his fingers.


Then he saw the'singularity of the universe' that was expanding in his body.

Su Wangyou's voice came slowly.

"Timeline copy and timeline replacement."

"You should try it yourself."

Xingkong Su Wangyou sighed: "It seems like we can't tell the outcome."

When he spoke, the singularity on his body disappeared without a trace, and the energy that was enough to destroy the current universe one trillion times also completely disappeared.

"Perhaps because your abilities are too strong." Su Wangyou replied blankly.

This power does not belong to him, it belongs to the starry sky Su Wangyou. This is a force that is almost invincible. Su Wangyou can't imagine what kind of talent can defeat him like this.

Even with 10,000 Li Qinglian in front of him, he can defeat them in an instant.

Having this power means omnipotence.

"After all, why are you here to fight me?" Su Wangyou asked: "I was indeed instructed by something (system) to come and defeat you, but why are you?"

"Me?" Xingkong Su Wangyou said indifferently: "Me too."

He reached out and pinched the universe.

"Doomsday exercises and the collapse of the universe." In the collapsing universe, the starry sky Su Wang said indifferently: "Although it's useless, please try this."

"Since you know it's useless---Don't use it for me!" Su Wangyou whispered: "Stop it."

The world is still.

"Don't use these useless tricks anymore." Su Wangyou arbitrarily defined these universe-destroying attacks as'useless tricks', and then said: "Warm up - stop here!"

It may be one ten thousandth of Planck's time, or it may be the beginning to the end of 100,000 universes.

The battle is over.

(Emmmm, the later memory killing probably appeared in the omitted part of this part. It is considered the real main line of this book, but now it is still based on Zuguang.)

Task progress————10/10

[The main task has been completed]

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