Me, sword fairy!

Me, sword fairy! Chapter 369:

[Fourth·Dark Lord·Control Darkness: Passive skills, can hide in the shadows, move freely in the shadows, but cannot launch attacks in the shadows.

Skill level: eternal.

(It is precisely because of darkness that light is so great.)

[Third person·Scholar·Absolute Copy]: Active skill, after use, it can completely copy the opponent’s “skill”. This skill can only be used once. Before the skill is used, the new skill cannot be copied without cooling down. There is no cost to copy skills.

Skill level: The limit is eternal.

(Now, it's mine...)

[Second Person·She·God shall not directly call his name: Anyone who maliciously talks about himself will be noticed by himself, and his general location will also be noticed by himself.(Need to be in one plane)

The realm premise can be set to block the discussion of those weak and small.

Skill level: high-level eternal.

(Do you---Dare to discuss me?)

[First Place·Lone·Final Creation]: Passive skills.

The ultimate human being created by'Su Wangyou' with the power of infinite time, everything has reached the limit of human beings, and is the most perfect human being.

Effect: The side effects of all skills are reduced by 90%, ignoring any skills, exercises, martial arts, unique learning conditions and cultivation conditions.

Skill level: pseudo·transcendence.

(This world...needs me.)

[THE WORLD]: Active skills.

Pause the world for one second.

The cooling time is one thousand years.

Skill level: beyond.

(Su Wangyou, this time — everything is up to you.)

(The above are all the skills of [Alliance Ten Seats]]

[Unique·Infinite Talent]: The ultimate talent of a person named Su Wangyou. The infinite talent developed by his own infinite possibilities is the one with infinite possibilities among all the “Su Wangyou”. Worry's proof.

Effect: All the skills with [level of practice] cancel the setting of [level of practice] and change to [becoming stronger by practicing endlessly].

Skill level: beyond.

(The so-called talent...)

Chapter 22 I'm Back

[Good... so strong!!

This was Su Wangyou's reaction when he saw his own awakened talent, and then his next reaction was.

[As expected of me!

He thought so.

(Does not include unlimited talents.)

If nothing else, just the perfect control alone is enough for a warrior to eat for a lifetime.

Afterwards, Su Wangyou saw [Ten League Seats].

[...Although it has been predicted, it is really an exaggeration to cut into this shape...] Although every skill in the ten seats of the alliance can be called an invincible bug skill, it is for the Soviet For Wangyou, the system has already shaved off these skills...

If you don’t say anything else, let’s just stop. Su Wangyou can stop as long as he wants. In addition to stop, he has at least 20 ways to use his time ability, but once he reaches the system, it becomes After a'pause for one second with a cooling time of one thousand years'-even changing the instance does not bring refreshing wise skills.

Although a one-second pause is enough to determine the outcome of a battle, even so, the cooling time of a thousand years is too much...

Don’t mention what other people’s skills are weakened. The ability to move the entire galaxy at will has become a space movement that can only jump around within a few hundred meters. The seventh invincible body is barely restored. Meaning, but still very weak...

Then, he saw the last talent.

Only unlimited talent.

Su Wangyou's first thought was

[Gan...Why even cut me?

But in the end, he just sighed and clicked on the Zuguang copy.

I am back……

He thought so, his pupils became brighter.

I am back!

[Su Wangyou, back!

With the drop of Su Wangyou's finger, the main task appeared in front of him.

[Main task has been released]

[Repulse the evil demon from outside the sky and temporarily stop attacking Zuguang]

It has been more than half a year since the evil demons invaded Zuguang.

From the initial rush to the present...

Sorry to use the wrong word.

Zu Guang, from the very beginning, there was no rush.

This era has terrifying speed of reaction and action, as well as its incomparably powerful execution and self-judgment that no one in any other era would dare to imagine.

An ordinary warrior dared to defy the orders of superiors for the slightest chance of victory, carrying the disapproval of his comrades, the anger of superiors, and fighting for his own life to fight for the chance of victory that may or may not exist.

Zu Guang's mechanism is loose, which is both a weakness and a strength.

Just like the discipline of the evil demon, it is both a strength and a weakness.

Don't mention the ancient country. The Central Plains was originally a mass of scattered sand, and the Emperor was knocked unconscious by the Emperor of Heaven. He is still in a coma.

Logically speaking, such an ancestor light should be collapsed at once.

————If they were changed to the outer demon and their leader became like this, the outer demon would definitely be collapsed at the touch of a touch, but Zu Guang was different.

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