Me, sword fairy!

Me, sword fairy! Chapter 372:

"It's the same with him?" The military division asked with a smile.

The man was silent for a while. Although the military commander did not name him, he knew that the military commander was referring to the Emperor of Heaven.

The man paused, showing a bloodthirsty and cruel smile.

"Ah, he is the same."

The strategist smiled and did not speak.

"Then---you enter the arena." The military master Dingshen said: "The people of the eight major families have probably begun to work with Taoism. Unsurprisingly, most of the masters in the Central Plains will go to Taoism to station."

"At that time, you have to take action." The military teacher said: "Taoism is just a cover, our real goal——————"

The military division squinted his eyes and said each word.

"It's the ethereal fairy sect."

"I want you alone, without damaging the foundation of Misty Mountain, slaughter that sect---to me."

"Can it be done?"

This is undoubtedly an embarrassing request. Where can the real top powers take care of so much?

Don’t you see that Su Wangyou split open Tianhu Mountain, the highest mountain in the world, with a single sword—or just cut it in half!

(The battle between Su Changge and the Great Emperor Tiandao, who is almost a complete official history, even destroyed one-twentieth of the ancestral light.)

What's more, the height of Miaomiao Mountain is only one third of that of Tianhu Mountain... Even if Miaomiao Mountain is completely destroyed in a great battle, it is not a strange thing. However, the military commander actually asked not to damage the foundation of Miaomiao Mountain. If the order is For the Eight Great Families, the people of those Eight Great Families must think that the military division is embarrassing them.

But the man just responded in a low voice: "Yeah."

He didn't ask what kind of sect the Misty Xianzong was, how big the Misty Mountain was, or what kind of masters the Misty Xianzong had.

He just agreed to the matter.

After hearing the words, the military teacher was relieved.

[No matter what---I finally have a handy card in the hand.] [Then————Come and try to play against the game, Zu Guang’s counselor.

[In this life, unless Li Qinglian was born six thousand years earlier, no one can stop me!!You, will eventually...


Since the Confucian group of Confucian scholars who can be truly called saints died in the battle of the white tiger, Taoism has vaguely gained the head of a hundred schools of thought. Although the Guigu Sect is in full view, it is only a generation after all. One person, one generation of small sects, can't match Taoism at all, and other aristocratic families are inferior to Taoism. The Yinyang family had the opportunity to become the real head of the 100 families, but it is a pity that their saint is succeeding. At the ceremony, he ran away with the Great Emperor of the Deep Sea...Although he came back later, the reputation of the Yin Yang Family plummeted as a result, and he could no longer compare with Taoism.

But today's Taoism, no matter where you look at it, does not look like the head of the hundred schools of thought.

Broken walls, severed heads, blood, dead bodies.

Vultures hovered above, and these things that even ordinary warriors could easily shoot down with one arrow are now unscrupulously watching the corpse underneath.

It's been three months.

The evil demon from the outside world has attacked Taoism for three full months.

Even if the warriors of the Central Plains kept organizing reinforcements spontaneously, even if the sword fairy of the ancient country came across thousands of mountains and rivers to support, even if the merchants of Xia Kingdom kept sending supplies, even...

Even so, Taoism would not be able to sustain it.

It is hard to imagine that kind of despair without experiencing it personally.

As long as there is one more side of the evil demon outside the sky, even if it is just an emperor realm master, the battle will become extremely tragic.

That emperor realm would rush into the fairy realm of Taoism, and even among the juniors of the sage realm, kill them. After each battle, the most dead group of young people will always be the infinite possibilities.

But Zu Guang is out of the emperor realm, but it is of no use. As mentioned in the previous article more than once, the Heavenly Dao Continent has something called a battle formation.

The gap between this thing and the formation...

It can be seen from the word'war' that Zu Guang's formation is basically a'trapped formation' to prevent detection' for use in some special situations.'

As for the formations that really help the battle, there are very few, really very few, and the effect will never be very good. It is really a bug that the Guigu faction can have that kind of formation that can improve the realm. What kind of evildoers have been in Guiguzi throughout the ages.

And the battlefield...

What I have to say is something like the'Zhen Wu Qijie Formation', which is completely different from Zu Guang's formation.

Relying on the battle formation, the warriors of the Heavenly Dao Continent can win more with less and win the strong with weak.

One-on-one, that ancestor light warrior can win eight games in ten games. The warriors of Heavenly Dao Continent have a taste of "assembly line". Their internal energy quality is low, and the amount of internal energy is also small. Their combat experience may be better than that of the ancestors. Guangwu people are a lot richer - after all, Zu Guang really has been at peace for too long, but --- their combat experience is mostly battlefield experience, even fools know that group frames and one-to-one, It's completely two concepts...

But if it is ten to ten, one hundred to one hundred, or even one thousand to one thousand, the Zuguang Warrior... nine defeats in ten battles.

Zu Guangwu has always used the form of guerrilla warfare, but under the sign of the military division, the entire Tiandao Continent gathered all the forces to attack Taoism, forcing Zuguangwu to fight the frontal army of Tiandao Continent.

How did Zu Guang fight against an organized and disciplined army?

As a result, there were repeated fiascos.

More than once, someone has proposed to abandon the Taoist base.

However, there are still some people who insist that they cannot give up. The status of Taoism is too lofty. The head of the hundred schools of thought, one of the ten major sects of Zuguang, if it is captured in this way, the enthusiasm of the Zuguang warrior will be too big, and it will be too great for pure rely This is undoubtedly fatal to the Zu Guangwu who is eager to fight foreign enemies.

"Let's hold it for a while, hold it for a while..."

"A turnaround, maybe it will come soon..."

"Soon, coming..."

The second elder sister on New Year's Eve is still trying to appear

Zu Guang, December 31, 4448, New Year's Eve.

From the various small theaters of Zuguang.

Chu Yi (practising sword with sweaty sweat): The so-called New Year's Eve is meaningless to me. Only practicing sword can make me feel happy!

Qin Luoxue (passing by and squinting): Isn't it because there are no girls to ask you?Oh, I don’t even bother to expose you~~~

Chu Yi (action pause): In that case, don't say it!

The soul of the sword of the ancient country is absolutely praised for being single.

Jian Qisha (Autism): No, so why do I have to spend the New Year with you? I obviously want to go home with my parents...

Wang Wanhe: Do you think I want to... But you see that the disciples around you are discussing this. If at this time we (at this time Jian Qisha pointed out that it is'I' instead of'us'), will we be alone? I am not a left-behind widow and lonely old man, ooh, I'm only one or two thousand years old, but a young girl in season!

Jian Qisha (squinting eyes): Then why don't you go to Elder Su, because of his character, he wouldn't refuse you?

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