Me, sword fairy!

Me, sword fairy! Mime private 378

If it was Su Wangyou before the Battle of Tianhushan, maybe he couldn't even take the three tricks of prison, but now...the nervousness should be the prison.

As Su Wangyou said, the moment the Tiandao Continent let him kill someone, the battle is over, unless the Emperor Tiandao appears at this time, although Su Wangyou has not fought against the Emperor Tiandao, the Emperor Tiandao can definitely A fight with him - even has a high chance of defeating Su Wangyou.

But the Great Emperor of Heaven is absolutely impossible to appear here.

Not long ago, Su Changge and Mo Qianzhong teamed up to create an almost completely anthropomorphic agency person, and then the remote control agency person released fake news of Su Wangyou and brought the Emperor Tiandao, who did not have much independent judgment ability, to it. Overseas——The Emperor Tiandao, who finally found out that he had been deceived, tore the organoid worth several thousand taels of silver to pieces, but undoubtedly he couldn't make it back in a short time.

"So, how are you going to block it?" Su Changge stood on the mountain in the distance, shaking his head and said: "If'Strength' is not there,'Zhi' is killed again, what will you---what do you do?"

Chapter 29 The Green Shirt Is Still Still (5)

"It's over... the military division is dead!"

The Patriarch of the Qi family was pale. Although the eight major families had been working together to suppress the military division, only they knew that once they left the division and the Emperor of Heaven, they would be nothing.

Among other things, at this moment, if the prison rebels, no one in the entire Heavenly Dao Continent can cure him. Just like the current Su Wangyou, it is difficult to win, but it is not impossible, rely on Just keep the number of people pressed up, the inner energy will run out for a day, but...

Defeating a strong and leaving a strong is not a difficult task at all.

What concept?

This means that if Su Wangyou is willing, he can sneak into the Heavenly Dao Continent at any time. As soon as he has an idea, he will draw out his sword to kill. Even if the Heavenly Dao Continent's army comes, he can completely kill a thousand or eight hundred people and then leave calmly. Go, no one can stop him. If you do this a few times, I am afraid that the entire Tiandao Continent will completely lose the intent to fight.

This is the status quo in a world with extreme personal force.

At the beginning, the Heavenly Dao Great Emperor had such - even more power. The people of the Eight Great Families still feel that even if all the power of the Eight Great Families are brought together, they cannot defeat the Tiandao Great Emperor, let alone give him Stayed.

But————Do you just give up like this?

Patriarch of the Qi family was thinking tremblingly.

[No, I am more than 7,000 years old, and my physical functions have begun to decline. If this continues, I am afraid that at most 1,500 years, I will die. I must know the secret of the longevity state. I must—————— He trembled, but there was an astonishing killing intent in his eyes.

I must————become an immortal realm, pay all costs, I have to live!Unlike Zu Guang, the Patriarch of the Qi family, who has fought countless worlds, is very aware of the fate of those who have died on the Heavenly Dao Continent.

In Heavenly Dao Continent, no one will remember the dead.

Heavenly Dao Great Emperor is such an unparalleled and invincible ultimate powerhouse, who has only been crazy for only half a year, but now in Heavenly Dao Continent, few people mention him.

A war weapon does not need to remember those useless things. Their social institutions are destined to be ruthless in this world.

The dead will be forgotten, and only the living can enjoy everything.

"I——————————" Patriarch Qi's roar stopped abruptly.

The long sword stabbed in behind him, through his heart, and stabbed out from the front.

This kind of injury is really nothing to the Emperor Realm. What is really fatal is the violent and surging internal energy.

Those inner qi instantly tore his meridians clean and shattered his vitality by the way.

A strong man who is infinitely approaching the limit of the emperor realm is as vulnerable as Su Wangyou now.

Supreme Profound Divine Art combined with infinite afterburner gave Su Wangyou the bug-level ability to kill people infinitely stronger, and his own talent "perfect control" gave him the qualification to control this power.

————Not everyone can control the power that suddenly soars several times.

Su Wangyou could clearly feel his strength.

The inheritance of super powers from another world and his talents, coupled with the supernatural power created by Li Qinglian, the great success of later generations, made him have a genuine qualitative change.

Su Wangyou drew out the Sacred Sword of Breaking Army, and the body of the Qi Patriarch slipped to the ground weakly.

But the surrounding warriors did not hesitate, they did not hesitate to drew out their weapons and resorted to moves to attack Su Wangyou.

Even though Su Wangyou has shown such amazing strength, they still have the courage to draw their swords and even maintain a certain attack frequency to frequently consume Su Wangyou, close combat and long combat, assist and c-position, points. Clearly and clearly, Su Wangyou didn't even see their attacks falling on his own people. This is almost unimaginable in the large-scale melee. From this, it can be seen that these people are indeed in the Heavenly Dao Continent. Although the elites are useless, this kind of courage and order Su Wangyou is always certain.

"If these things are useful, what else can you do?" Su Wangyou blankly squeezed off a big knife that was slashing at him, kicked the warrior holding the knife away, and at the same time, his inner energy was wild. And out, formed an effect similar to the Shenluo Tianzheng.

The internal energy rushed out, pushing the surrounding warriors away.

To release the internal energy in this way, this is really a stupid method that can't be stupid. It consumes a huge amount of power and does not have much power. Even a warrior who does not have any fighting ability will not use this method. .

So under what circumstances would anyone use such stupid moves?

One is that there is really no way, such as facing the sky with poisoned and armor-piercing bows and arrows.

The second is meaningless pretense. For example, some big people will always do this when they appear on the stage. But among all the people Su Wangyou knows, there is only one who is the poorest and most aura. ——Wang Wanhe would do this.

Three, then

For a clearing, for a short period of peace, for

[Get the time to release the renunciation!

Su Wangyou quickly raised his right hand and shook it viciously.

"Who can————————"

He looked at the warrior who quickly got up and rushed towards him, and continued to chant.

"Master Book!!"

The aura of the sky rolled up.

The ancient king opened the door, glanced at the sky subconsciously, and then froze there.

"This...this is?!"

The sword-backed old man who had been protecting Chu Yi secretly said slowly: "Yes."

They looked up at the same time and looked towards the sky.

In the sky, a torrent of spiritual energy that was almost condensed into a real thing roared and rushed in that direction.

It is Tianhu Mountain.

The ancient monarch was silent for a long time.

"This scene is a bit familiar."


"It seems that there was such a time not long ago."


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