Me, sword fairy!

Me, sword fairy! Chapter 398:

Liu Shengmingli pointed to Tang Congxin with confidence in the stunned eyes of the people, "Presumably your Excellency is the second sword soul of the ancient country! I didn't expect your Excellency to become the sword soul of the ancient country as a woman, really my generation. Exemplary, can you give me some advice?"

"..." Tang Congxin moved to the left, Liu Shengming's finger also moved to the left, Tang Congxin moved to the right, Liu Shengming's finger also moved to the right.

Tang Congxin's eyebrows twitched vigorously, her mouth opened slightly, revealing an unbelievable expression: "Hmm???"

Fuck me, did I become the new sword soul of the ancient country?

Could it be that I, Tang Congxin, is a world-class talent, practicing swords in his dream, killing people in his dream, and becoming the new soul of the ancient country sword?

I do not know how?????

Fuck me, then I am not from the ancient country either!

Tang Congxin looked confused in an instant, she subconsciously turned her head to look at Su Changge, and asked, "When did I become the Soul of the Ancient Country?"

Su Changge stood up, held back a smile and patted Su Wangyou on the shoulder, and said to Liu Shengming: "You have admitted the wrong person, this is the soul of the ancient country sword."

"!!!" Liu Shengming said in shock: "How... how is it possible? I've watched this guy for a long time, and he doesn't look like a sword repairer at all!"

As if to verify his own words, Liu Shengmingli continued: "Isn't there a sword repairman with his sword behind his back, then how do you draw the sword when you fight, and it takes a lot of time to get the sword in your hand with the qi imperial sword. Because the pretender is too slow to draw the sword, the grave head grass is three meters high! And this guy doesn't have any calluses on his hands——————"

"Don't confuse the warriors of Zuguang with the warriors of Japan." Chu Yi couldn't listen anymore, and said: "As long as Zuguang is a warrior above the immortal realm, there must be no defects in his body-physical cultivation and cultivation. Except for the monks of sorcery."

"As for how he draws the sword... I don't think you need to worry about this." Chu Yi still couldn't hold back and said, "Anyway, he doesn't need a sword to hit you."

"What?!" Liu Shengming was like a cat that had been stepped on its tail, and suddenly jumped up, "What are you talking about?! Chu Wushuang, don't think that you can rant here after you beat me once. It's already nine. Years, my strength, you can't even imagine!"

Chu Yi shrugged and said to Su Wangyou: "Are you interested in having fun?"

Su Wangyou sighed: "Even if I say no, she won't let it go."

"" Liu Shengming trembled with anger, "You dare to despise me so?"

She took a breath and said angrily: "My dojo is here, can you dare to go in and fight me?"

Su Wangyou said helplessly: "No, that..."

But Liu Sheng Mingli didn't listen to him, and turned around and stepped into the gym.

Everyone walked in with the mentality of watching the theater. No matter what, as long as Su Changge didn't jump out to stop him, the matter would be within control, and it would be good if they were responsible for watching the theater.

Su Wangyou sighed and said, "Why are you walking so fast? Let me finish talking..."

"Obviously it is something that can be done in an instant..." Su Wangyou complained casually, and walked in.

The dojo of Yanagyu Xinyinliu is indeed very large, each area is clearly divided, and in the center, there is an arena, and Yanagyuaki is standing on it, surrounded by a large number of people who eat melon at the Yanagyu Dojo— --- And Su Changge, the crowd is not too much of a big deal.

"Chu Yi, you provoked this matter..." Su Wangyou said, "Would you like to solve it yourself?"

"No, my sword is broken." Chu Yi replied in a great tone.

"Really..." Su Wangyou stepped onto the ring reluctantly.

"No, that... do we have to fight?" Su Wangyou asked, "You should be looking for Chu Yi, right?"

"Chu Yi?" Liu Shengming looked puzzled, and then she seemed to think of something, "Is Chu Wushuang's name? I remember."

"Well, it turns out that I really wanted to fight that guy, but before that, it would be nice to try against your new sword soul of the ancient country first, and when I really fight that guy, I can be somewhat prepared. "Yiu Shengming squinted his eyes, "Of course, it is also a very important reason for you to despise me so much. I need to give you some color to see!"

"Did you———————— something wrong?" Chu Yi sighed in the audience: "Fight against that guy, and then prepare for the battle with me?"

Liu Shengming looked over, just to see Chu Yi sneer.

"The reverse is almost the same. If you can beat me, maybe you can prepare for the trick to survive under that guy and fight him?"

Chu Yi put away all his expressions, he was clearly standing under the stage, but he seemed to be looking down at Liu Shengming.

"If there is one stone for the talents of kendo among the younger generation in the world, then I have two fights alone, and that guy has one stone." Chu Yi freely said, "The rest of you all owe two fights!"

Chapter 18 Your Twenty-Three Years Old, And Ours

As soon as Chu said this, the audience was silent for an instant.

"What a conceit--" Liu Shengming just said a few words when he was interrupted by another person.

"I haven't seen it for many years, Nephew Chuxian is still the same as before..." A middle-aged man in a samurai uniform walked over from the surrounding area and slowly said, "So proud..."

"Long time no see." Chu Yi shrugged and said, "Mr. Tianweimen, you know I disdain to lie."

That's right, this middle-aged man is the new general Yanagyu Tianweimen who came to challenge the monarch of the ancient kingdom nine years ago.

"Ancient sword soul Chu Wushuang, if others tell you a lie, I don't believe it either." Tianweimen Liu Sheng's expression was a little gloomy, "But when people always make mistakes in judgment, you almost vetoed such a light sentence. All my peers... is it too much?"

The mood of Tianweimen Liusheng is indeed not very good at this time. His daughter's efforts after being defeated by Chu Yi are all in his eyes. Now the Lord comes over and will deny everything about her in one sentence... this kind of thing How can it be allowed?

Chu Yi smiled, and said something that seemed to have nothing to do with the subject, "Mr. Tianweimen, when you were around twenty-three, what level of combat effectiveness did you have? And how about Ling Qianjin? Fighting power?"

Tianweimen Liusheng thought for a while, and his tone was a little slow, because he was indeed far worse than Chu Yi at this age, "I only entered the fairyland when I was your age, and I was barely able to defeat a virtual realm. My daughter... not long ago, she reached the Void Realm, and now she is one enemy two, it's not a problem!"

When everyone heard'in the Void Realm', they thought that Tianweimen Liu Sheng would say "It's not a matter of defeating the Emperor Realm", but they didn't expect that he would only come to "One enemy two", and he looked at Liu Shengtian for a while. Weimon's expression was a little bit embarrassing.

Zu Guang’s definition of “Top Tianjiao” is to be able to kill the emperor in the fairyland, not necessarily to kill, as long as there is sufficient combat power, this criterion is unbelievable anywhere in the world. Yes, especially after comparing it with the top Japanese arrogant.

Chu Yi could only silently swallow what he wanted to say. It was okay for Liu Sheng Tianweimen not to speak. If he spoke like this, if Chu Yi still said, it would be a face-slapped face. They came this time. It's not for slaps...

So Chu Yi's expression was twisted with difficulty, and finally said: "That...congratulations, you can break through to the virtual realm at such a young age, Miss Mingli has a bright future..."

Nine years ago, the gap between Liu Sheng Mingli and him may not have been so big, but as time passed, the gap in personal talents and the gap in power made the two of them completely above two dimensions.

Tianweimen Yagyu opened his mouth and wanted to say something, but one of them was faster than him.

"Compared to this...Do you want to fight?" Su Wangyou's expression was as calm as ever, "If you want to fight, please pull out your sword."

Liu Shengming turned around to face Su Wangyou. She knew she was definitely not Su Wangyou's opponent.

[Chu Wushuang is so arrogant, but he admires this person so, he must have extraordinary strength, but... it's okay to test your own growth, maybe... no, what if I win!Akari Yanagyu subconsciously looked at Tianweimen Yanagyu, and did not draw out his sword until the opponent nodded.

"Liu Shengxin Yinliu, Liu Shengmingli, please advise." Liu Shengmingli drew out his sword, staring solemnly at Su Wangyou.

[I don’t have no chance of winning at all. This guy is too arrogant and has no plan to draw a sword. Didn’t he know that Liu Sheng Xin Yin Liu is good at taking without a sword first, and second is sword Is it empty-handed?Liu Shengming stared at Su Wangyou's every move, his expression became more cautious.

[Ah, yes!That’s right, this guy also comes from Zu Guang. Zu Guang knows very little about Xin Yin Liu. He may not even know the exquisiteness of Xin Yin Liu. In this way, my odds of winning——————] "Ah , Please advise." Su Wangyou sighed and stepped towards her.

"Don't be too nervous, because..." In a trance, the voice came from behind Liu Shengmingli, and at the same time, a familiar touch came from his neck.

At some point, the sword Liu Shengmingli was holding had reached Su Wangyou's hands. Su Wangyou turned his back to Liu Shengmingli, passing the sword through his ribs and placing it on the opponent's neck.

Afterwards, he turned his head slightly, and happened to see Mingli Liu who had turned his head subconsciously.

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