Me, sword fairy!

Me, sword fairy! Chapter 406:

That's right, this middle-aged samurai is the first-class general of the second day, Heiankyo's fighting madman, Miyamoto Musashi.

Miyamoto Musashi said to himself: "Originally, I wanted to fight the legendary descendant of the legendary Takimura Swordsman, but now it seems... I don't have to."

He said with a sigh, "I have been looking for you for more than ten years, but I didn't expect to see a real person, so I didn't want to fight."

Himura Aoi frowned.

"Your Excellency has worked so hard to contact me here. I am already ready to make friends with my sword. Now you say not to fight...Are you kidding me?"

As Huicun Aoi spoke, cold light flickered in her eyes.

"If you think so, I don't blame you. After all, my current behavior is really not polite. As for doing it... I advise you to forget it." Miyamoto Musashi slowly said: "You are too weak."

"Arrogant junior!"

Although on the surface, Miyamoto Musashi's father is more than enough, but in fact, his age is at least four times that of Miyamoto Musashi...

Aoi Himura screamed, and the long sword in his hand was instantly unsheathed, attacking Miyamoto Musashi at an incredible speed.

Among the people present, only two can see the trajectory of this sword...

One is Miyamoto Musashi, and the other is Su Wangyou.

That's right, even Himura Aoi can't see the trajectory of this sword!

"It's indeed a fast sword, but..." Miyamoto Musashi took out a big sword without delay.

"Your skills are limited to this."


The sound of collision between gold and iron sounded.

Everyone looked intently, and Himura Aoi's sword was firmly held by Miyamoto Musashi, unable to move forward.

"The world of martial arts, only fast is not broken, this principle is really good, but there are always many restrictions..." Miyamoto Musashi spoke, twisting his hand with a knife, and in a blink of an eye he forced Himura Aoi back.

"You are not my opponent. In this battle, you don't even have a chance to start with me on September 1st." After Miyamoto Musashi pushed back Himura Aoi, he said something that sounded like a blow.

But Himura Aoi, who really fought with him, knew that Miyamoto Musashi was telling the truth. The two men seemed to be evenly matched, but it was not. Miyamoto Musashi’s second-class first class is the second-sword style, and now he only drew a knife. For a Japanese samurai who does not pay attention to internal energy and only pays attention to moves, it is equivalent to the five successful powers that are not used, not to mention the strongest attack of Takimin’s sword at the beginning. This is also the same as those with swords. There is no difference. Once the first move is blocked, it will be difficult to play next...

Himura Aoi thought and thought, and finally he just sighed slightly, and said: "I lost... Your strength, I'm afraid I can fight the strongest posture of the teacher before he was alive."

Miyamoto Musashi was silent for a while, and said, "People are mortal."

Afterwards, he turned around and looked in the direction of Su Changge and others.

"Originally, I planned to go to Zuguang to visit the legendary monarch of the ancient kingdom after defeating you, but... now I seem to have encountered a more interesting guy."

"Dare to ask your name?"

Miyamoto Musashi looked solemn.

Su Wangyou frowned and stood up.

"I heard you are a fighting madman?" Su Wangyou did not answer Miyamoto Musashi's question, but instead asked, "Is this true?"

Miyamoto Musashi frowned, and said, "They call me's not bad, I just pursue the ultimate in kendo."

"Do you want to fight me?"

"Yes, your sword intent is amazing, it's really the only thing I have seen in my life."

Su Wangyou stood up slowly.

"This time I left Ancestral Light and traveled around the world for this..."

He drew out the Sacred Sword of Breaking Army.

"Let me see..."

"Outside of Zuguang, what is the level of this world..."

Chapter 25 Combat Talent

If it had to be a metaphor, then Japanese warriors are generally assassins.

————Not the kind of assassin who rushed into the crowd to drive unparalleled, but the assassin who attacked high blood and crit high.

In fact, from the perspective of Su Wangyou...their attack is not too high, if the weapon is not powerful enough, it may even be impossible to break the defense when encountering a mad ghost.

In fact, Zu Guang also has this problem. The Lingshan Mountain on Tianhu Mountain was so invincible that the entire Zu Guang could not lift his head.

But they have an obvious advantage-that is attack speed.

So far, all the samurai that everyone has met in Japan, their attack speed is extraordinary.

And Miyamoto Musashi is one of the great masters. The two-day first-rate is a rare two-sword style. Miyamoto Musashi uses double-swords, one sword is faster than one sword, and the attack is like a storm, without the slightest stay or pause. .


However, with a change of energy, the swords in the hands of the two collided dozens of times. Fortunately, the weapons of the two were extraordinary. If they were ordinary weapons, the warm-up just now would be enough to damage them a hundred times.

"What an amazing skill..." Miyamoto Musashi took a chance to take a breather and backed away. He took a few breaths and looked at Su Wangyou, who didn't even take a few breaths, his expression gradually excited. I got up, "This kind of oppression... It's really been a long time since."

Only those who have really fought with Su Wangyou will experience this feeling --- the overwhelming sense of oppression, every one of his moves and every style has been seen through, even if he is out of breath, Su Wangyou will not have a trace of fatigue Su Wangyou's attitude, sometimes even in a fight, would still use his own moves - in the beginning it was just a mere formality, but with the passage of time, that move gradually gained energy, and in the end, It may even surpass the original.

This is a fighting ability that even the gods are amazed by. Su Wangyou's strength is not only based on his equipment, skills, and talents, but also on his invincible fighting talent.

At the end of Tiande, he almost lost all his savings in the copy of Grand Master Jin Shengxian, and he was completely in the state of a whiteboard, but even so, he could defeat and kill the twelve with the body of the newly promoted saint. A veteran sage.

This is invisible and intangible, but can be clearly felt... combat ability.

And now, Miyamoto Musashi is facing this kind of fighting ability.

He felt it clearly.

Each of his tricks and styles are constantly being cracked, and the speed of Su Wangyou's cracking is constantly accelerating, non-stop, non-stop...

Miyamoto Musashi desperately wanted to break through the shackles of his swordsmanship, but the word talent was like the most unbreakable chain in the world, and it locked him tightly, preventing him from entering...

In fact, this is not the case. Miyamoto Musashi looks like a middle-aged man, but he is actually less than two hundred years old. Zuguang can even be called a new generation warrior. The horror of his progress can be used as simple as this Express the inequality of.

Miyamoto Musashi who is less than two hundred years old>Himura Aoi who is at least five hundred years old>Heiankyo has many thousand-year-old masters.

From this point of view, even if Miyamoto Musashi's talent is not as good as Chu Yi, he might not be too far behind.

But he really found the wrong opponent.

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