Me, sword fairy!

Me, sword fairy! Chapter 408:

At the dining table, the chatting atmosphere among the crowd became more intense. Penglai Shan Huiye seemed to particularly like to tease his daughter. Jiu Xiao was like a gunpowder keg that exploded with the touch.

But these have nothing to do with Su Wangyou. Even if someone often brings topics to him, he just blurs it in vaguely, and after a while, he stands up.

"I'm stuffed."

Afterwards, Su Wangyou packed up his bowl and chopsticks and left the table.

"Su Wangyou." He stopped Su Wangyou, who was about to leave. "Do you... have anything on your mind? Or... do you want something?"

Su Wangyou turned sideways slightly, eyes empty.

"No, nothing."

Su Wangyou was lying on his bed, he didn't turn on the light, and the room was dim.

He looked at the darkness quietly, not knowing what he was thinking.

Suddenly, there was something unusual in the window. Su Wangyou was taken aback, and he went out and opened the window, and Li Chunqiu crawled in.

"happy New Year!"

Li Chunqiu patted the ashes on her body, — in fact, there was no dust at all. The clothes on her body had the effect of preventing dust. This action was just her subconscious behavior. Then, Li Chunqiu backhanded out a gift box.

"Yes! New Year gift!"

Su Wangyou looked at the innocent smile on Li Chunqiu's face, and felt a little envious.

"Thank you." He said, and took the gift box. "Sorry, I'm not going to return the gift..."

"It's okay." Li Chunqiu climbed up the window again, "Although I really want to stay here overnight, it would be no good for my parents to find out that I'm leaving. I'll go back first, bye!"

Li Chunqiu said, he was about to jump out of the window.

[What state are your parents... The little movements you think you think are transparent in their eyes...] Su Wangyou shook his head.

A sudden feeling hit his heart, making him speak: "Wait——————"

"Huh?" Li Chunqiu turned around, "Is there anything else?"

Su Wangyou was silent for a while, the feeling just now suddenly appeared and disappeared, making him a little at a loss.

Finally, he just said softly.

"No... nothing."

Li Chunqiu didn't care and left soon.

Su Wangyou stood quietly for a while and opened the gift box.

Inside is a funny pillow, not too big, and a note.

Su Wangyou opened the note.

[Laugh often? (^?^*)]

Su Wangyou was silent.

He raised his head and looked out the window.

The moonlight is bright and clear, and you can faintly hear the happy laughter of all the families, firecrackers, children's laughter, and occasionally the sound of wine glasses colliding.

[Laugh...Do you?

Su Wangyou stood in the dark room, and the moonlight entered the room, but he could not be illuminated.

Chapter 26 New Short History

Su Changge's voice is not loud, but here are all top martial artists, how can you not hear it?

Miyamoto Musashi wasn't angry at all. What he said just now was from his sincerity. He really couldn't imagine what kind of person would be needed to defeat Su Wangyou.

Su Wangyou put away the sword and turned to look at Miyamoto Musashi, "Can you talk about it?"

————Next, it's Su Changge's business.

He explained the affairs of the evil demon with Aoi Himura and Musashi Miyamoto.

————Unexpectedly, it went smoothly, and... it took almost ten minutes to get it done.

"We are the only masters and apprentices, so you don’t have to tell us about the specific arrangement. Even if we say that, we may not follow it, but you can rest assured that if the war really breaks out, we will not stand by and watch. ."

This is the answer of Aoi Himura.

"Ah... Me too. Those layouts are too troublesome. I don’t bother to listen and remember. Then I will ask my disciple to go to the Taoist Hall of the Liu Sheng’s house to find out. Just don’t bother me with this kind of thing. ————Among the evil demons outside of the sky, is there any top powerhouse?"

This is Miyamoto Musashi's answer.

Then Miyamoto Musashi and Himura Aoi squinted at the same time.

When Miyamoto Musashi talked about the topic of'Top Power', everyone except Su Wangyou had a worried expression on their faces.

"The strong...There is indeed one." Su Changge said slowly.

"Oh? How strong is it?" Miyamoto Musashi asked with interest.

Su Changge opened his mouth, but didn't know how to answer.

What is the strength of Emperor Tiandao?

That is naturally strong, very strong.

But how strong is he, and what is a strong method?

no one knows.

Every time he makes a shot, he basically ends the battle in an instant, and Zuguang Wuzhe knows almost nothing about his fighting style and fighting style.

Su Changge shook his head, and finally spit out four words from his mouth.


Afterwards, he briefly described the record of Emperor Tiandao.

The smile on Miyamoto Musashi's face gradually disappeared, until in the end, his face was full of solemnity.

"The world is really big..." Miyamoto Musashi sighed: "I used to run across Heiankyo. I thought that even if I wasn't number one in the world, I wouldn't be too far behind, but now it seems..."

"That's not bad!" Miyamoto Musashi's conversation turned, the frustration on his face disappeared without a trace, "Hone, grow, and then surpass, this is my martial arts!"

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