Me, sword fairy!

Me, sword fairy! Chapter 410:

Heavenly Dao Continent.

The military division left an order to make Mo Lishou become the new "military division".

But is it possible?

Even if it is a real military commander, the eight major families are in violation of all kinds of Yin and Yang, and they will not think of military commanders until they delay their fighters and lose the war.

The military division has a high reputation in the middle and low-level military, but at the upper level, his position is really embarrassing.

Before the Heavenly Dao Great was still there, that military division was really under one person and above 10,000, but Heavenly Dao Great was crazy...

"In this case, how likely is it that the Eight Great Families will obey me?" With a mysterious smile on Mo Lishou's face, he leaned over at random and asked questions to the side of the prison.

The prison crossed his hands on his chest and leaned on one of the pillars. The military commander had talked with him a lot before he was alive, so he decided to follow Mo Lishou for the time being, but this by no means meant that he was completely surrendered.

[Let me see if you have inherited the military division... the will, talent, and determination of that man!"Impossible thing." The prison sneered: "These eight old guys, one by one, puts power more important than anything else, unless...a Heavenly Dao Great Emperor with military intelligence, even if you change it, you can replace it with Heavenly Dao Great Emperor. Military divisions with strength are not good, because even if military divisions are outstanding, they are just behind the scenes."

"Yeah..." Mo Lishou closed his eyes slightly, "But I don't have the power of the Heavenly Dao Great Emperor, and I don't have a military commander, which is almost equivalent to the wisdom to see through the future, let alone outstanding combat achievements, then... what should I do? "

He smiled to himself.

"Of course it's a big shuffle."

"Why?" The prison did not laugh, but raised doubts calmly.

These days, he knew that Mo Lichou was not a person who likes to speak wild words, and these days, he watched Mo Lichou do a lot of things, everything seemed unreasonable at first, but the results of those things ...Always become Mo Lishou's magic weapon to win.

"Why?" Mo Lichou chuckled lightly and looked out the door.

A person slowly opened the door.

"Look, here it is." Mo Lichou said softly, "The'qualification' for shuffling the cards."

The figure slowly stepped forward, finally knelt down and said in a deep voice.

"My sergeant, everything you want is in this ring. I got this from the database according to your request, avoiding the monitoring of the eight major families, please have a look."

"What do you want?" The prison asked coldly.

Mo Lichou showed a hearty smile.

"Ah, nothing, it's just... some information from technological civilization."

Chapter 28 Difficult to Go to the Blue Sky

Everyone returned to Zuguang using the magic talisman, and then they boarded the flying boat and began to travel west.

The situation in Europe is no better than that of Zu Guang, and their friendliness to Zu Guang is no better than that of Japan. This trip to Europe will inevitably encounter countless difficulties and setbacks.

Then, it was another boring voyage for more than a month. This is also the reason why everyone's scalp numb when they heard [Crossing the Pacific].

They are not those old monsters who have lived for thousands of years...

"Look at the situation in Europe a little bit." Su Changge took a map of Europe on the table.

"We don't consider those small and fragmented countries, mainly these three big countries and this special organization." Su Changge's finger clicked on the map four times.

"The sun never sets the empire, the bright religion country, the steel country." Su Changge slowly said: "These are the three big countries, and the last organization is called the Tower of Truth."

Su Changge paused, until everyone's attention was gathered, then he continued to analyze.

"First of all, the country of steel... This country is really at the forefront of the world, and their technology far exceeds all other countries in the world-but in contrast, their country's martial arts power is relatively Weakness, this country can be a little bit less powerful, no matter how developed their technology is, they will definitely not be able to compare with the evil demon. This is almost certain..."

In any case, the sky is always a fantasy civilization. Although the science and technology of the country of steel is well developed, it is definitely not strong enough — to die is to develop into the steam age, which is completely different from the technology of the evil demon. Level, after all, the evil demon of the outer world has even completed the popularization of such things as the "super-large joint information body intellectual brain".

The martial arts power of this country is indeed the weakest among the three major European countries. However, Su Changge has made the mistake of talking on paper. Since this country has become one of the three largest countries in Europe, there are naturally some mysterious powers. of……

"Then there is the Empire of the Sun Never Set—I think you know something about this country. This country was not called the Empire of the Sun Never Set before, but it was later renamed because they have too many colonies, so much so that the sun can always shine To the extent of our country’s land, the name was changed. They even invaded Zuguang at the beginning, but there was no big storm."

The corners of Chu Yi's mouth twitched.

"It's not... there are so many roads to enter the Central Plains. If you want to die, you have to choose the road of the ancient country. Isn't this looking for death..."

Speaking of it, the reason why the ancient country was able to enjoy the reputation of "Sacred Land of Swordsmanship" all over the world is also part of the credit of the empire that never sets.

It's almost like "I can't beat you so I have to blow a wave of you to make me lose more face."

Well, there is no insinuation of Miyamoto Musashi, absolutely not.

"The martial arts power of this country is quite outstanding, and there are also the strongest people from all over the world and various countries. It can almost be said that this time travel around the world is the most important goal. There is no one. In contrast, this country is also the most important. A country that is hard to convince, but it’s a man-made one, so you have to try."

"Then, it is the Illuminati State. The form of this country can be heard from the name alone. To be precise, this is not a country, but it can only be called by the country, and ruled. This country is the Holy See of Illumination. The martial arts power of this country is quite outstanding, and it is easy to persuade. The most important thing is that the faith of the people in this country is very high. Basically, persuading the Church of Illumination is equivalent to persuading the entire country. The country has a group called'priests', and everyone is an extremely powerful auxiliary monk. In the war, this kind of talent who can help warriors quickly recover from their injuries is hard to come by—especially in Facing the infinite army of organs."

"Let's not talk about that. You just said that this country... is easy to persuade?" Chu Yi raised his eyebrows, and said: "What do you say, is this Guangming Holy See really compassionate and can't bear to see Zu Guang suffer the war?"

"Of course not..." Su Changge sighed: "It's mainly because the old pope gradually doesn't ask about world affairs, and the successor is a saint in her early twenties..."

He looked at Su Wangyou and sighed: "It's a woman..."

I don't know how much envy is contained in Su Changge's tone...

This topic was temporarily revealed.

"Finally this special organization... The Tower of Truth."

Su Changge's expression is a bit complicated.

"This organization... is really special."

"Everyone in the Tower of Truth holds magical powers, comparable to the practice of the ancestral light-but there is a big difference. Before, everyone was found to have this power. They were tortured by fire, and people called such people as wizards, thinking that they were demons, unknowns, the incarnation of disasters, and many talented people died during that time..."

"Through the back of the paper, I can feel the darkness of that period." Su Changge sighed and said: "Later, a wizard named Adam appeared. He changed the status quo of wizards and successfully won for them. A place outside the world was the Tower of Truth. After many years, epics were staged, and legends ended, and finally formed the Tower of Truth, and now... they are called Magicians."

"The power of the Tower of Truth...maybe comparable to the ancient country."

"It's just that the difficulty of persuading this organization is too high and too high. Even I don't think we can succeed. For historical reasons, they are xenophobic, unwilling to communicate with the outside world, and do not want to participate in outside affairs. Organization, want to convince them..."

"It's hard to get to the blue sky."

Chapter 29—The Tower of Truth

"But I still decided that the first goal of our trip is the Tower of Truth." Su Changge said slowly: "If it succeeds, it doesn't matter if all the subsequent persuasion fails. If it fails... then also Not to be too disappointed, one more thing is...Not long ago, there was news from Mo Qianzhong that the forging master who could repair the Liangyi Sword was also in the Tower of Truth——Although it was a long time ago, it usually entered. People in the Tower of Truth rarely choose to leave, so the founding master is probably still there."

"But---isn't the founding master Zuguangren?" Someone immediately asked suspiciously.

Su Changge nodded and said, "Yes, he is indeed an ancestor, and the Tower of Truth is indeed an organization of magicians, but in addition to magicians, the Tower of Truth occasionally accepts people with special talents. ..."

"Tower of Truth..." Su Wangyou's eyes pierced through the clouds and mist, looking into the distance.

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