Me, sword fairy!

Me, sword fairy! Chapter 413:

But the old man finally came out, a pity...

At that moment, the old man thought it was a meteorite that hit his body barrier.

Irresistible, unstoppable, a huge force that humans could not imagine came, as if to tear him to pieces.

The old man's body barrier was instantly shattered, and Su Wangyou's fist stopped in front of the old man's head, and the remaining strength shattered a small hill behind him through the old man's head.

If Su Wangyou does not accept the move, the old man's head will be broken.

The old man opened his eyes and found that his back was covered with cold sweat.

Su Wangyou retracted his fist and turned to look at the red-haired woman and the green-haired youth.

"just now……"

He whispered.

"It's the first move."

Cold sweat broke out on the faces of the red-haired women and the green-haired youths almost at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Su Changge crossed his hands on his chest and fell into contemplation.

[Why... he has the physical quality for physical cultivation, but he hasn't achieved the corresponding physical quality. I obviously don't have the physical quality for physical cultivation, but...Bah!Su Changge quickly shook his head, and threw this terrible thought out.

Chapter 32 Hidden Secrets

"Next, it's the second move." Su Wangyou clenched his fists and took a light step forward.

The red-haired woman and the green-haired youth stepped back together.

"Hey, you guy! Why do you want to retreat!" The red-haired woman did not have the slightest conscious of retreating herself. Instead, she pointed to the green-haired youth and shouted: "Go! Are you worried that I will release the water! I'll give you the next chance!"

The lazy look of the green-haired youth when he first appeared on the scene has long since disappeared without a trace, "Obviously you backed up just now! What do you do to let the water go! It makes no difference if you don't let it go! It doesn't make any difference to others! Oh! It's gone with a bang like a watermelon!"

The two clamored...they ran away.

Regardless of what the top leaders of the Tower of Truth will do, anyway... Su Wangyou and his party successfully entered the Tower of Truth.

Xiu led everyone into the Tower of Truth and gave Su Wangyou a token with a weak magical aura.

"This is an item necessary for you to enter and exit the Tower of Truth in the future. Please do not pass it to others at will. It is recorded. If someone borrows your identity certificate to enter the Tower of Truth and destroy it, then these are counted on you. Yes, besides, your friends are the same."

After cultivating and confessing these things, he was no longer visible—presumably he was anxious to report Su Wangyou in detail.

After all, the fact that he was defeated by one punch... and even killed a sage is amazing.

A sage is not a realm, but a title, but a mage who can obtain the name of a sage...Basically, it can be regarded as standing on the top of the magician. The top organization of the Tower of Truth is the Sage Council.

"Let’s find out about Xia Long first." Su Changge said first, "Don’t worry about persuading the sages of the Tower of Truth. We know almost nothing about the Tower of Truth. If we go now, the success rate is It's too low."

"And... they should come to us on the initiative."

Su Changge paused, and then said: "Then you go and stroll around. I'll find out information about Xia Long and the Tower of Truth, and then the sound transmission will be in contact."

After speaking, Su Changge disappeared.

Lonely Qairui.JPG

Everyone is not very clear that this person is unfamiliar in life, and Su Changge intends to inquire about information from there, but since he has said so, there must be a way.


Su Wangyou glanced at the token with the faint magic aura in his hand, and fell into contemplation.

[Should there be no accident?

This guard token seems to be used to prove identity, but there shouldn't be any big problems in thinking about it-it is impossible for the entire Tower of Truth to carry this token.

However, almost all Europeans are in the Tower of Truth, and Su Changge, an Asian, is indeed a bit eye-catching in it. If it is investigated for this reason... but he can change his face.

Everyone is also very interested in the Tower of Truth. This may be the last place in the world with a large number of magicians - and related industries.

But... they were soon disappointed.

They are right, but the Tower of Truth is so special.

The environment here is similar to the original ancient country, almost all of the supply is provided by the outside world, and they themselves...just study, research, and then contribute their own strength at some point.

So it is also destined that the Tower of Truth will not have too many...entertainment places.

Everyone walked along. Except for a few restaurants and hotels, all the buildings had their doors closed. The pedestrians on the street were sparse, and occasionally I saw a few people walking in a hurry.

Standing on the street, everyone felt that they were incompatible with this place.

"The xenophobia of the Tower of Truth... Was it originally this concept?"

It's not that how to hate an outsider, but that outsider can't join the circle at all.

Just like now.

"This situation... I don't know how Su Changge will collect information."

Finally, Su Wangyou led everyone into a hotel, quietly waiting for Su Changge's news.

This wait is half a day.

[Ah... how do you say?

Su Changge said suddenly.

[I don’t know how to say it, anyway... come to me.] Su Changge said and sent an address.

After several inquiries, everyone rushed to the destination.

A...smith shop?

Everyone stepped in. Obviously, this was not an ordinary blacksmith's shop. The interior of the house was covered with sword-themed decorations.

Yes, decorations.

Even a person who doesn’t understand swords can tell that these weapons are too gorgeous. For their gorgeous and noble shapes, they have long lost their original meaning. Even a hatchet made by a farmer in the countryside can handle them. The so-called sword was cut in half.

"This is... Xia Long's blacksmith shop?"

Chu Yi frowned.

"This doesn't look like a foundry master..."

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