Me, sword fairy!

Me, sword fairy! Chapter 415:

Afterwards, everyone entered the Tower of Truth, walked into an elevator-like device, and directly reached the top floor.

Su Changge glanced casually.

Eighteen people...

Su Changge is not surprised that the other party looks like a big enemy. If the Misty Xianzong suddenly comes with a punch and can defeat the'guest' of an emperor's elder, then Misty Xianzong will be this too. Vice appearance.

The eighteen people were scattered and sitting at a round table, looking at Su Wangyou and his party with various eyes.

Obviously, many of them were pulled out forcibly and were therefore very dissatisfied, but facing such a possible enemy, the Tower of Truth had to show the greatest sincerity and...threat.

Sitting at the center of the table—that is, the person everyone will see as soon as they come in—is not an image of a qualified sage.

Speaking of sages, the first impression of a normal person must be a kind old grandfather with white beard and hair, or a voyeuristic blond old witch with a age of 1.8... billion.

Unfortunately, this great sage who made his debut is not one of the above two, he is a... young man.

The youth can be seen with the eyes, whether it is appearance, mentality, temperament or even micro-expression.

An old man — no, let alone old age, even a slightly older person can never have that kind of eyes, micro movements, and even temperament.

Just like Su Changge, who came out of the cottage at the beginning of the year, just sat opposite Su Wangyou with such an indifferent expression, and then said this sentence.

"Shall we put together a table?"

Yes, he asked after sitting down...

This is probably a young man.

Even though he had a cold face and performed the classic moves of Commander Ikura, he still couldn't change the fact that he was a kid...

"As you can see, I am the contemporary great sage of the Tower of Truth, Huy, I'll just say it right here. Everyone came from afar, and it must be not just for the possibility of repairing weapons... right?"

[Even if the weapon really needs to be repaired---I don't need such a large group of people to come over, right?] This is almost the idea of ​​all wise men.

The little kid named Hui gave Su Wangyou a concealed glance.

[What kind of human killer is this? Couldn't it be some messy murder weapon made by Zuguang...] "As you said, coming to the Tower of Truth this time, there is indeed something important to discuss." Su Changge paused and said, "I need a little time to explain."

"Appreciate further details."

So --- Su Changge repeated what he had said several times in Japan, but considering various reasons, he had to exaggerate the threatening and aggressive nature of the evil demon.

In terms of Su Wangyou, he might just say, “It’s your turn if Zuguang is gone,” but Su Changge abruptly cuts in from countless angles, and finally reached the same conclusion———— That is to help Zuguang.

The sages were a little patient when they first listened, but as Su Changge's words gradually deepened, their eyes gradually became ridiculous.

It doesn't matter to hang up high-is it so?

No, how can someone who can become a sage be such a fool, the purpose of the evil demon is only Zuguang?

Such words can't even fool a child...

This world is like a big mine. Zu Guang is the gatekeeper and the strongest boss. How can anyone not go in and harvest a wave after playing the boss?

Perhaps the purpose of Emperor Tiandao is only ancestral light, but the purpose of the evil demon outside the sky... has always been the whole world.

Even fools know this kind of thing, and some people are not fools and can pretend not to know.

"Your Excellency said so much... in fact, it's just speculation, right?" An old man in a blue mage robe interrupted Su Changge's speech, and said in a gentle and disdainful tone: "According to what you said, Tianwai The demons have been repelled, so everything that follows is just your guess. In your words, it’s a bit unreasonable, right?"

(Su Wangyou's repelling of the evil demon alone is too horrible, and the increase in the murder of the Taixuan magical technique can be regarded as the secret of the technique... so it is claimed that Zuguang has paid a heavy price and temporarily repelled the evil evil. .)

Su Changge paused, and said, "It's about the world. Even if it's an unreasonable worry, you should plan ahead. In case the evil demon really comes back with the army of organs——————"

"In the final analysis, it's your own fault, right?" A sage held his head bored with his hands, and said: "Why is there such a traitor? And he also stole the most important secret? To put it bluntly, it's your internal issue. If the problem is solved, it is possible for the evil demon outside of the sky to get a new metamorphosis-is it too much to ask an outsider to wipe your ass for your mistakes?"

"What's more, even if you are looking for reinforcements, you shouldn't be looking for us." The green-haired young man who appeared earlier said slowly: "This is the Tower of Truth. This is the paradise of magicians and escapists. People who come here, Either it is a magician who has been hurt by the world, or a person who is disappointed in this world, or is the offspring of the first two, do you... expect us to bleed desperately for this world?"

(Ps The magician who was hurt by the world refers to the previous magician who was regarded as the incarnation of the devil and would be burned to death if caught. Disappointment to the world refers to those who retreat or live in seclusion. This is the concept of green-haired youth sneaking.)

"As you can see." Hey shrugged helplessly. "You have seen our attitude. To be honest, if I was alone, I would still like to see it, but unfortunately... …I just became a great sage recently, so I can’t just run around."

Su Changge is sure.

These people have no sincerity.

They didn't want to leave the Tower of Truth at all, nor did they want to shed a drop of sweat or blood to fight against the evil demon outside the sky, they didn't even want to say polite words.

"You all bear the name of the'sage', don't you want to do something for this world?" Su Changge continued to persuade.

Before the wise men spoke, someone answered for them.

"They are the sages of the Tower of Truth." Su Wangyou said, he paused and continued: "They are just the sages of the Tower of Truth."

PS Regarding the last chapter... I was really too anxious. I felt embarrassed when I saw Xia Ji's description. It was so'enlightened' without any preparation. It is very simple to make up for it. It is to give her a chapter on the nature The memories of killing her, write down the relationship between her and Xia Long, and then write about the little girl's lonely appearance after Xia Long's death, so that her reaction after getting a chance for revenge becomes logical.

But... I'm too lazy, and Xia Ji is not an important character like Guiguzi. In order to portray the image of Guiguzi, I wrote the "young youth and thin shirt" in the beginning. Why did you write it? It was not because of Guiguzi. Too important, like Zhang Tulong who is more important than him (the three of the Guigu faction basically promoted all the plots in the game), I even directly included his past and even his inner thoughts in the text I have written that the role of Xia Ji is really not very important, so I don’t want to spend more pen and ink, but this kind of description is really problematic, and I will try to avoid this situation in the future-in fact, the most important thing is lack of pen ability. I really envy those big guys who can write a person's character vividly in a few words...

Secondly, regarding the fact that all the sages of the Tower of Truth came out to meet Su Wangyou's gang, I don't think there is any problem. I also explained it at the beginning of this chapter.

Then, Su Wangyou and others hang up and Su Changge directly releases all the news. This matter is my pot, because my emotional intelligence is not enough to make me think that Su Changge can quickly gain summer in such an environment. Ji news and persuaded her to even watch the scene of Xia Long's urn, so she can only write like this...

Su Wangyou's last two sentences are not speechless, nor are they repeated. I think they should be easy to understand...

If you have any questions, you can bring it up, and I will try my best to correct it, even if I can’t do it - I can figure out how to avoid those minefields.

Chapter 35 Xia Kuang

"Your Excellency is right." The white-haired old man sitting on Huy's left slowly said: "We are just the sages of the Tower of Truth-we don't need, we don't, and don't want to be the sages of the world."

"But if the evil demon from outside the sky comes, you won't even be the sages of the Tower of Truth!"

Among the many sages, someone snorted disdainfully.

"That's not necessarily."

The speaker was a middle-aged man.

Su Changge turned his head to look at him, his voice unexpectedly calmed down, and he asked, "Why did you say this?"

The middle-aged man was startled by Su Changge’s horrifying eyes, and when he calmed down, he felt ashamed, and said with a loud voice: “Our Tower of Truth is a completely neutral and completely independent organization. It has nothing to do with us. Even if the evil demon from the outside world really comes, we can still negotiate with them——————"

He was like a duck caught in his neck, suddenly speechless.

He saw Su Wangyou drew half of his sword.

He heard Su Wangyou say a word to Su Changge.

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