Me, sword fairy!

Me, sword fairy! Chapter 419:

"I have already decided my path. For this, I am willing to give everything I have and never look back. If you resent me for this, then there is nothing you can do. Goodbye — no, I hope I never see you again. Xia Ji."

Afterwards, the mad ghost jumped down from the top of the Tower of Truth, and disappeared after a few jumps.

(Most of those who run or jump are faster than those who fly...but flying can ignore the terrain)

Qianmian Langjun also jumped up, turning his head back with a hippie smile, and wiping his neck at Chu Yi.

"I will return the hatred of the sword back then, and wait for it."

Chu Yi silently drew out the Liangyi Sword, Qianmian Langjun was so scared that he immediately hugged Lan Jianzhu's thigh.

"Well, goodbye."

Lan Langzhu glanced at the people indifferently, and left.

Su Changge stroked his chin.

"How could this fellow Human Emperor have such a younger brother..."

Xia Ji held the Tianhui Stone, which seemed indistinguishable from an ordinary stone, and looked lonely.

[This is what caused Grandpa's death...]

Su Changge looked at the materials left by Qianmian Langjun very familiarly--even taking away the materials from the white-haired old man.

"Treasure hunting...there is actually such a thing, no wonder he would stare at Xia Kuang, ah——————How could there be such an inexplicable magic? What are the people who developed this magic thinking? It’s not scientific at all, it’s even more ridiculous than those Long Aotian novels, joking? The question is actually successful? Damn, so my previous inferences are completely nonsense..."

Su Changge kept thinking, the white-haired old man tried to interrupt him several times, but in the end he didn't do anything, just sighed heavily.

"Is there anything else for you?" The white-haired old man raised his forehead and said, "Enough has happened today, and now Xia Long's relics are in your hands. If nothing is wrong——————"

"Of course something is going on!" Su Changge heavily patted the information in his hand on the table, he looked at the white-haired old man and said word by word.

"I want to learn magic!"

"We are not going to help you fight the sky... Wait? What did you say?!"

"I said, I want to learn magic!" Su Changge angrily pulled out one of the papers, "Why? Why is there such an inexplicable magic like treasure hunting? Unreasonable, simply unreasonable! This kind of thing is simply unreasonable. It’s destroying my reason! No! It’s a strong woman doing my reasoning! This is as absurd as adding a Shirai Kuroko to a normal secret room murder case! I must figure out the principle of this thing! I have to Don't figure it out!"

Chapter 39 The Secret of the Two Instruments Sword

"Even if you say that... this is something you can't do."

Hey, who has been sitting on the main seat, said: "Magic is a natural talent. If a person is born without the talent for magic, no matter how hard he tries, he will not be able to learn magic. Promise you, even if we promise you, you will not learn."

[It's different from the ancient country with the same work...]

"As long as the theory is enough." Su Changge said sternly, "As long as this magic and its related theoretical books are all right, I won't spread it out, and I can take out equivalent items for exchange!"

"Let me tell you so--" Hey looked rather distressed.

"To be honest, it doesn’t matter even if you give you related things, but it’s really unnecessary, because magic is really a very complicated thing. There are many reasons. Let me just tell you three points. The first is because except magic. Other than the teacher, others can't learn magic at all. The second reason is that...Magic is too complicated. A magician who is in the wild and does not have a qualified teacher, even if he obtains the relevant magic secrets, he still understands. No, let alone a thorough understanding. The third thing... Magic is difficult to describe in words. Even if it is written in a book, the use of words is basically paradoxical, and there are many professional vocabulary, more It is the magician’s own conjecture. Unless the opponent is also a magician, it is impossible to practice it personally, and some advanced magic—if the magician does not practice it, it is absolutely impossible to understand the key points, and treasure hunting Magic... is a very advanced magic."

Hey's remarks have been quite clear, in fact, a simple summary is one sentence - you are not a magician, you can't do it.

"You are not a magician, nor a qualified teacher, nor can you personally feel the mystery of those magics, even if I really give you the relevant magic secrets---you can't learn it, just a waste of it. My energy and time are nothing."

"Anyway... Even if you say that, I still want to try it." Su Changge frowned, "I think everything in the world runs according to a certain rule. This thing almost fucked me. Worldview...I think I have to understand it."

"If you think so, I have no reason to stop you, then - what are you going to offer in exchange?" Hey said slowly, "What kind of sincerity can you show?"

Su Changge smiled mysteriously and drew out a few spells.

"This thing... is called a magic talisman..."

Finally, the group left the tower of truth.

In the end, they failed to convince the Tower of Truth, but at least the Tower of Truth guarantees that there will never be any alliance with the evil demon outside the sky. Besides...

Chu Yi stayed here.

Xia Ji promised to help Chu Yi repair the Liangyi Sword, but repairing the Liangyi Sword is a huge project. According to Xia Ji's original words, repairing this sword'If I use my unique secret Xia Ji Eight Hammer to repair it, it will be less than one. Years, as many as ten years.' Anyway, from the perspective of Su Changge, this kind of thing with a difference of ten times the upper and lower limits is very unreliable at first, and it is simply unreliable than the name of the hammer method, but Chu Yidong There was no choice, and it was impossible for everyone to wait so long in the Tower of Truth, so Chu Yi chose to stay alone, waiting here for the restoration of the Liangyi Sword.

[I will stay here, if I have a chance, maybe I can convince the Tower of Truth.Chu Yi said so, choosing to stay in the Tower of Truth.

Su Changge got his wish and obtained the treasure hunt and its related basic information-half of Su Changge's height was stacked up, but the record of the treasure hunt itself was only five pages short-no Wrong, the rest is all basic and professional terminology explanations.

Qin Luoxue was in a semi-mad state while learning English, and she didn't know what she was saying all day long.

————On this trip to the Tower of Truth, she saw other people's mouths opening and closing. As for what was she talking about?

I dont understand……

"It's a pity that I failed to convince the Tower of Truth." Everyone has already left the Tower of Truth. Su Changge turned around and looked at the dozens of mage towers scattered behind him. As expected, the Tower of Truth has too much opinion on this world, but at least..."

[At least the magic talisman has been handed over to them.

[Maybe there will be opportunities in the future.

Su Changge didn't say these two words, he quietly stopped and watched for a while, then turned around again.

"Let's go, our next goal... is the Guangming Kingdom."

About five hours after Su Changge everyone left, a man in a priest's clothing came to the Tower of Truth.

After some tossing, he saw Hui.

"What, the Pope, he————————"

Hui's shocked voice was engulfed by the wind and sand and disappeared into the vast sea of ​​clouds.

"I understand." The youngest great sage in the world paused, saying every word: "It's not too late. Let's set off now."

Xia Ji frowned and stopped pulling the wind box.

—————— She is also a very mobile person, and started the work of repairing Liangyijian that afternoon.

"What's the matter?" She drew the Liang Yi sword from the blacksmith's furnace, and after the Liang Yi sword cooled down, she put it in front of her and observed it carefully.

A hidden grid appeared on the hilt of the Liangyi Sword.

But Xia Ji clearly remembered that there was no such secret grid before.

[Could it be that... is it the sky returning to the stone?

Tianhuishi does have some special effects of the'Secret Method of Time'.

[No... this is not like a hidden grid, but like a groove, as if something is going to be used to fill the groove...] Xia Ji got close to her eyes and looked into the groove.

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