Me, sword fairy!

Me, sword fairy! Chapter 423:

"As you said, he is burdened with such malice and evil thoughts-then, in any case, he is not a good person."

"Your instrument is too small, Su Wangyou." He chuckled and said: "If a villain pretends to be a gentleman and pretends to die, then he is really a gentleman, but it is a pity that he who walks a hundred miles Half ninety, countless people have fallen to the last step."

"These are off-topics, but I can clearly point out that human beings have their limits." He looked at the young Su Wangyou, his scarlet pupils staring at Su Wangyou's indifferent. face.

"Humans-there are limits. You must remember this at all times. Humans have sky barriers that cannot be crossed. Li Qinglian was stuck in this step, as well as that stuff... "

"What... mean?" Su Wangyou frowned slightly.

"Well, it's really early to tell you this, but your understanding needs to be strengthened."

"Humans have limits, and this limit --- also includes'malicious and evil thoughts.' A human being, the upper limit of his malicious and evil thoughts is directly proportional to his vision and strength."

"The greatest evil thought that an uneducated savage possesses is nothing but the possession of all the food in the jungle. An ordinary person who does not know what a warrior possesses is nothing but ruling the world, a warrior who has not exceeded the limit. The greatest evil thought they possess is to live forever and rule the world—their size and vision are too narrow."

"As I just said, a pope, let alone whether he is such a person, even if he is... how much evil thoughts and malice can he have?"

"The evil thoughts he possesses alone are not enough to awaken Xiaohai. The thing that awakens Xiaohai is the evil god in his body..."

"Cthulhu?!" Young Su Wangyou was startled.

"Don't show such an expression-it's not the kind you saw..." He shrugged, "If the evil god is the kind you met, then it is estimated that mercy and even the earth will be destroyed. Of course, evil gods of that level probably also look down on the earth."

(Loving kindness is not a typo, just look at it.)

He looked relaxed and said casually: "The Pope of Light - he is a true gentleman, and he has a perfect faith that cannot be shaken. No one can deny that this little guy is indeed a good person in the true sense."

brat?Su Wangyou caught the key word and was slightly confused, because his father is now less than 30 years old. Why does he call the pope who is thousands of years old?

"Because of his unparalleled faith, his god was moved by him and decided to see him."

"Here are a few more words, priests, paladins, they are not the same as mages and even warriors. Warriors temper themselves and go against the sky. Magicians communicate with the world and are the darlings of nature. Priests and Paladins ————They rely on their gods————whatever they want to say is a kind of bargain. They give their faith, and the gods give them strength."

"The full name of the deity believed in by the Bright Church-Starry Sky Deity·Love."

"It's a pity that it is not a so-called light god, and love is not strong among many starry sky gods, even if she has such a disciple."

"Zi Ai used some small tricks to make the Pope of Light see her———— and then nothing more than some words of encouragement. These are not the main points, the main point is——————"

"The Pope Guangming was on the way back by an evil god."

"That evil god split up an almost negligible conscious body, which mixed it with the consciousness of the Pope of Light, and then the Pope of Light fell into weakness for hundreds of years. The church was in chaos until the saint. Started to take over the teaching affairs of China."

"What happened afterwards is similar to what you know. The pope eventually died under the invasion of the evil spirit's consciousness, but the pope's will was too tough. It abruptly consumed most of the evil spirit's power, and finally caused the evil spirit to be Xiaohai swallowed..."

"Su Wangyou, the consciousness of the Heretic God - you have seen it. It is the gathering of all the negative consciousness in the world. It is a taboo that human beings will go crazy as long as they look at it. Such a gathering of negative consciousness will naturally make Xiao Xiao The sea is resurrected."

"Xiao Hai swallowed the consciousness of the Heretic God and appeared as a pope. That war was indeed very tragic, even a bit worse than the war that encircled and killed the Great Emperor of Heaven - even though Xiao Hai's comprehensive strength was far less than that. Emperor Tiandao, but in terms of destructive power and the number of kills, Emperor Tiandao also rationed Xiaohai's shoes."

"That was probably the most deadly battle in the history. A third of Europe died."

"Finally, with the help of the church's sacred object——'Apocalypse·Salvation', the great sage Hey of the Tower of Truth completed the lore on Xiaohai and...suicide."

Su Wangyou was silent.

"Such a monster..."

"Well, in fact, Xiao Hai was the strongest in history. After all, the Heretic God consciousness is too strong." He shrugged.

"But --- it will be resurrected?" Su Wangyou sighed, "How many people will die in the future..."

"No, none of them will die." He chuckled lightly, "Xiao Hai's next resurrection happened to hit Li Qinglian, who had returned from outside the sky, and was killed easily, and Li Qinglian's will - ——Even if the Cthulhu deity comes, it's useless, let alone a sea of ​​seas."

"But if it comes back to life again——————"

"No more."

He leaned against the sofa, his eyes passed through Su Wangyou, and he saw the little panda named "Black and White" by Su Wangyou.

"It has a bad fate, it has met me."

Chapter 44: Apocalypse·Salvation

This is everything Su Wangyou knows.

Leaving aside the almost impossible thing to completely kill Xiao Hai, the reason why Xiao Hai was born this time was because of that trace of Heretic God consciousness.

But he really didn't know how to explain these things to Su Changge.

Star gods?


How to explain these?

[Just... think of a way to kill Xiaohai.

Su Wangyou is very confident that he will never be swallowed by Xiao Hai - even the Cthulhu, who is countless times stronger than Xiao Hai, cannot swallow Su Wangyou who was a fashionable young man - not to mention him today ?

[But, what happened before that————how to deal with it......]

Hui, a white-haired old man, and a man in a priest's clothing.

The three of them traveled day and night and finally came to the sacred capital.

"You Bright Church--Do you really believe in'Apocalypse Salvation'?" Hey frowned and asked.

"That is our only hope." The man in the priest's clothes said solemnly: "The original words in the Salvation Records are'the great sage who controls the truth will complete the salvation'. The state of the pope is getting worse every day, except for us. You have no choice but to."

"That being said...I don't know how to save people, that is clearly your pastor's business." Hey sighed.

"Apocalypse·Salvation Book...I have also heard of my name for a long time." The white-haired old man said earnestly: "So far, all the'laws of salvation' that have appeared in the Book of Salvation are correct. None of this represents your bright church. The interpretation is correct. I have been thinking about it for a long time these days, but I still find it very strange why the key word given in the Salvation Book is "salvation"."

"Perhaps--because the Pope is in pain now?" The priest's eyes dimmed from the man.

"if that's the case------"

Hui didn't say the next thing, he thought of a terrible possibility.

[If the Pope is in pain, is there a possibility of "killing" him in addition to the so-called salvation?Hui shook his head and didn't continue thinking about it.

The Church of Illumination is the only country that maintains a good relationship with the Tower of Truth. How could he kill the opposing pope?

Apocalypse·Salvation, it would be nice if the Tower of Truth had something similar.Apocalypse·Salvation is the name given to a book by the Bright Church.

Yes, a book, perhaps an artifact.

This book is not actually a book of "salvation", but the word "Apocalypse", the Bright Church is not wrong.

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