Me, sword fairy!

Me, sword fairy! Chapter 426:

Although the body except the head was covered by quilts, who was Su Changge? He just took a casual glance and remembered the size of the little girl's head. Then he recalled the head and body of a normal girl. Proportion, and substituting it in, finally came to the conclusion - the little girl in front of me may not be more than 1.4 meters tall...

The voice of the saint was calm.

"Yes, she is the Pope."

Chapter 47 The Evil God

The saint bore the stunned eyes of everyone, her expression unchanged.

"This matter should be regarded as a secret of the church, but now you are regarded as'doctors', this matter will not be hidden from you." The saint paused, and then said.

"I was not born when this incident happened. One hundred and twenty-five years ago, the Pope had some feelings. He went out of his body and went to meet the legendary god of light. After returning, he was quite excited, but It didn’t take long for the church to be seriously ill and fell to the ground. Over the past 125 years, the church has used countless methods to awaken the pope, but almost everyone’s opinion is—————”

"Evil-ridden?" Su Changge said casually.

The saint was interrupted to speak, but she didn't show any unpleasantness--on the contrary, a lot of joy even appeared on her face.

"Yes, almost everyone's opinions are surrounded by evil spirits, but those people have been observing for a long time and have used countless methods to draw conclusions. You can draw conclusions with just one glance. Your eyesight is really extraordinary."

Su Changge's face blushed, and he said shyly: "Can you say more?"

————Of course, he can only think about the latter sentence in his heart. It doesn’t matter if he usually makes a few jokes. Now is not the time to let him talk.

"Over the past one hundred and twenty-five years, the body of the Pope has also been shrinking continuously-or looking back, one hundred and twenty-five years ago, the Pope looked almost twenty-five or twenty-six years old. , Thirteen years ago, when I was eight years old, I saw the pope for the first time. At that time, the pope was almost like a fifteen-year-old girl, but now..."

The saint didn't say anything, because everyone saw the pope as he was now.

"Do you know the reason?" Su Changge said nonsense.

The saint shook her head.

"In that case-let me see it." Su Changge looked around at everyone, "There should be no other people who are proficient in medical skills in this room?"

Everyone can do nothing.

[This saint is decisive. It was the first time I met, so I dared to make this kind of decision. If I suddenly assassinate the Pope at this time, I don’t know how she would look...] Su Changge thought not without evil interest. , He is naturally impossible to do such a thing.

Really... won't you do such a thing?

Su Changge sat down by the bed and began to check the pulse.

After a while, he lifted the pope's eyelids and looked directly at his soulless eyes.

Su Changge looked at it for a while, put down his hand, and looked at Su Wangyou.

"Guardian for me."

Su Wangyou squinted slightly. Since Su Changge said this, it means that what he is doing next must be dangerous, and he cannot be disturbed.

So he nodded seriously.

Su Wangyou didn't know, if one thing is really dangerous to the extreme, and the danger is ten dead, then Su Changge must be told by no one...

Then Su Wangyou leaned forward and blocked Su Changge.

Su Changge took a deep breath, and then the spirit came out of his body and rushed into the pope's mind...

The method of using divine souls has been lost for nearly four thousand years. The secret method of divine souls, like the "resurrection of the emperor realm", has been buried by the torrent of history.

But Ghost Valley Pie... is it Ghost Valley Pie after all.

Su Changge entered the Pope's consciousness sea smoothly.

It is not easy to enter the sea of ​​consciousness of others, but the pope has been asleep for a long time and has no power to resist, so Su Changge can enter her sea of ​​consciousness very smoothly.


"what is this……"

Su Changge's soul froze in the air, and the horror of the scene in front of him almost destroyed his consciousness.

The unspeakable great horror, the collection of all negative consciousness in the world, evil, chaos, depravity, primitive, devoured, destroyed, destroyed, blind, foolish...

The monster named Cthulhu occupies the pope's consciousness.

Su Changge just glanced at the evil god, and felt that countless malice rose from the bottom of his heart, and the desire to kill instantly rose - and then rose up with unparalleled reverence, and the evil god before him seemed to be supreme. The gods in the starry sky make people surrender and worship.

This idea is so inexplicable, so absurd and funny, but Su Changge only needs to relax his control a little bit, and he will feel that this kind of worship is taken for granted, and it is also the destiny.

Even though Su Changge's will was as firm as steel, he didn't dare to stay too long, and hurriedly escaped from the pope's sea of ​​consciousness and returned to his body.

In reality, Su Changge opened his eyes abruptly, his eyes uncertain.

He raised his head, Su Wangyou felt something at this moment, then turned around and met his eyes.

"What did you see?" Su Wangyou asked, his palms sweating slightly.

Su Changge pondered for a long time before slowly saying: "I don't know how to call that kind of thing, but if I really want to give that thing a name, I will call it..."

Su Changge thought twice and finally spit out two words from his mouth.

"Evil... God."

"I don't know how to describe it, I can't even describe its shape and characteristics, I can only feel the endless, crazy..."


Su Wangyou released his palm.

[After all... I was discovered.

If possible, he didn't want Su Changge to discover the Heretic God consciousness. He had faced that kind of monster himself, and knew how exaggerated the impact of this kind of thing on the human mind.

"Sorry, I missed the word." Su Changge realized that his language was rather confusing, so he forcibly suppressed the discomfort, and said again: "Let me speak carefully. I was in the pope's sea of ​​consciousness and saw a A monster--or the evil god, this evil god, as I just said, is the embodiment of all evil consciousness in the world..."

Su Changge didn't fully describe the horror of the evil god here. If you don't see it with your own eyes, no one in the world will believe it.

At the same time, he spread the word.

[That—————— is Xiaohai?

Chapter 48 Persuasion

Of course it is not Xiaohai.

It was a Cthulhu that was hundreds of times stronger than Xiaohai, and it was the top creature in the universe beyond the reach of humans.

Fortunately, this is only a trace of the Cthulhu Consciousness - and the Cthulhu Consciousness has been suppressed by the Pope for a full one hundred and twenty-five years, which is far less than one-thousandth of the true Cthulhu.

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