Me, sword fairy!

Me, sword fairy! Chapter 428:

For a long time, for a long time.

Su Changge spoke first, with a bitter voice, "Is this thing—has always been so greedy?"

"No." The saint was also sad, "Although some excessive questions have been raised before, the Apocalypse Salvation has never asked for so many things. I can only think that the fact is that --- Kill Xiaohai It’s too difficult, so there are so many things required by the Apocalypse.

"This tm..." Su Changge still couldn't hold back his swearing. As a descendant of Guigu, he knew all of these things. It was because of his knowledge that he understood the greed of Apocalypse·Salvation more clearly. .

The stone of common people's inscription, this is the'legendary currency' that only exists in people's mouth in Europe. Some people exchange 15g of stone of common people's inscription for the king of the sun-giving empire for a marquis title-or hereditary!

Because this is the best in the world—and the most evil thing to extend life...

Ouroboros-one of the most mysterious creatures in the ancient Hong era, Su Wangyou heard this name in his mouth when talking with Zhu Yao. According to Zhu Yao, this is the same as Zhu Jiu Yin Although life forms of this level may not be as good as Lingshan and Xiaohai in terms of combat power, they can already be transformed into human forms and possess wisdom...

Such a genuine ancient creature wants to get a corpse...

A divine tool that contains the power of time, let alone...

There is a relic of a high monk. This Su Changge knows that there was a sect called "Shaolin" in the ancient Hong period, and the high monk there would leave a relic after death.

Super Sacred Law·Sacred Prayer, the ultimate secret method of the Church of Illumination, claimed to be the top secret method that can be saved as long as you live, but at the price...The Pope became so ill that he received only one treatment from the Holy Prayer.

Sun Moon Dew, this thing is only known by Su Changge, and it is well placed in Qianlonggu. When Guiguzi tried to resurrect Qin Jinghong, he briefly took it out, and was later put back.

The blood of the four beasts...

The four mythical beasts, the mythological creatures that survived during the Guhong period, Lingshan and Xiaohai have no wisdom and cannot transform into human form, so they are invincible. The Nine Yin Yin and Ouroboros are intelligent and can transform into human form, and their combat power is limited. However, there are many methods. The four gods possess wisdom and cannot transform human forms. Their combat power lies between the above two.

One thousand and two hundred years ago, the Baihu was demonized, and the battle of the god Baihu broke out. This was also the biggest battle of Zuguang before the Tianwai evil spirits and Lingshan. The great Confucian scholars were killed and wounded, and all that was left was a group of acid scholars. With the villain, all the sealers who were proficient in the sealing method all died in the battle. Elder Qi's wife and son also died in that battle. Countless strong men fought for three days and three nights, slaying the devil and turning the white tiger into the gods. Since then, gods have been reduced to death forbidden.

The Phoenix, who had lost his true meaning (to the Fifth Huazhi, and only five or six years passed, and was far from recovering) led to a sharp drop in strength. I found it when I was packing up the relics of Guiguzi, and I was lying quietly in Su Changge's storage artifact.

Qinglong and the Great Emperor of the Deep have a lot of friendship, two people...or one animal and one beast together ruling the boundless sea.

Xuanwu... was suppressed under Xuanxia Mountain.

Chapter Fifty: Xia's Chaos?

"There's no way..." Hey sighed. "Although the Apocalypse Salvation is indeed the lion's mouth, we have no choice but to find a way to collect these things."

The holy goddess nodded solemnly.

"The Apocalypse and Salvation Records actually require so much worship. That sea of ​​heaven must exist, and it must be extremely difficult to kill it, but because of this, what we do is meaningful, but not I know how long the Pope can last... just in case we haven't collected enough things--"

"About this, maybe I have a way." Su Changge interrupted the saint, then took out the magic talisman, and disappeared instantly.

Five seconds later, Su Changge came back. He touched the storage artifacts and released Qin Luoxue with a bewildered expression on the corners of his mouth.

The scene was very embarrassing.

But Su Changge is a person with a thick-skinned face that can ignore the atmosphere. He naturally introduced Qin Luoxue.

"This is the contemporary piano Shengqin Luoxue. With her, the pope should be able to hold on for a long time."

After that, Su Changge gave a wave of sound transmissions and told Qin Luoxue everything he had to say.

Although Qin Luoxue is naturally stunned, she was hundreds of times more reliable than Tang Congxin at the critical moment. She wiped off the food residue from the corner of her mouth with a handkerchief, and asked the saint, Hey and Antonio gently and politely.

"Next, it's about offerings." Su Changge paused, and read the contents of the Apocalypse Salvation Record several times carefully, his face showing uncontrollable pain.

"High monk relics, the blood of the four beasts, the dew of the sun and the moon, leave these three things to us." Su Changge said, the'origin' of these three things is obviously the ancestor light, and they are naturally the solution .

The saint pondered for a moment, and said: "Then - - I will solve the 200g stone of common people's inscription, the artifact containing the power of time, and three sacred prayers."

The Church of the Bright has a great cause, but it is not a simple matter to take out 200g of the stone of common people's inscription at one time, let alone three holy prayers. As for the artifact containing the power of time, this is rather simple———— It's just that it hurts so much.

Hey shrugged, "I don't have a choice, then-leave the remaining 80g of the stone and the corpse of ouroboros."

The corpse of ouroboros... There was originally one in the Tower of Truth.

After that, Su Changge took out the magic talisman, and briefly explained it to the saint.

The saint accepted it and said seriously: "If the Pope can survive this chaos, you will always be my allies of the Church of Light."

"I didn't do it for the pope..." Hey glanced at the girl on the bed.

"It's for the world..."

Afterwards, everyone left one after another and began to look for what they needed...

"The dew of the sun and the moon, the blood of the phoenix, I have these two things, and the rest is the blood of the eminent monk's relic, the blue dragon, the white tiger, and the blood of the basalt. The white tiger was beheaded one thousand two hundred years ago. Xia Guo should have some white tiger’s blood. The problem is the blood of the relics of the high monks and the basalt...

Su Changge took out the magic talisman and said: "No matter what, let's solve those that can be solved first."

Su Wangyou nodded, and also took out the magic talisman.

The space was torn apart.

In a blink of an eye, the two traversed thousands of mountains and rivers and returned to Luoyang, the capital of Xia.

It hasn't been long since they left Zuguang to travel, but the two always have a feeling of'returning home from a long distance.'

The two did not fly back to the palace directly to find the emperor - this kind of thing is a taboo at any time.

The location of the two candidates was a street not far from the palace. When these two appeared, their expressions instantly solidified, although they were shocked and speechless, then

It was like a virus spreading wildly, and the whole street was instantly silent.

Su Changge narrowed his eyes and said loudly to Su Wangyou indifferently.

"It looks like something happened to Xia Guo."

Su Wangyou nodded, and said indifferently: "Let's go."

Su Changge shrugged, and followed Su Wangyou through this street full of people but no extra sound.

When they were about to enter the palace, a young man changed his face several times, but finally stood up and said anxiously: "No, the emperor, he——————"

Before the young man had finished speaking, his companion's complexion changed drastically, and a hand knife hit the young man on the back of the neck, knocking him out.

Without looking back, Su Changge took out the token given to him by the emperor, and entered the palace amidst the flickering eyes of the guards.

"Something happened to Xia Guo." Su Changge said casually.

"After all, we took away the bow of shooting the gods - but even so, this shouldn't be to such an extent..." Su Wangyou paused, frowning slightly.

"The Emperor... something happened?"

It's not that he thought of something, but a group of people surrounded them.

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