Me, sword fairy!

Me, sword fairy! Chapter 435:

"Gan... I wanted to bring Qin Luoxue back and try her luck with her, but suddenly I remembered that the Pope now has to rely on her to continue his life."

"It takes us a lot of time to find the Emperor... I hope this guy won't have any trouble..."

Su Changge said worriedly.

[Xiao Hai, Human Sovereign, the man who killed the Confucian elders, the evil demon who is making the organs...Time is really too tight.

Chapter Fifty-Seven

Subsequently, the two separated again.

Su Wangyou dragged the body of the great elder and walked on the street outside the palace.

He actually had many ways to take the body of the great elder, but in the end he chose this stupidest - and also the most powerful method.

He dragged the corpse of the Confucian elder, surrounded by sword aura, killing intently, just like this, and paraded on the street outside the palace.

He used this method to tell people that the principal who set off the rebellion in Xia Kingdom was dead.

Sometimes it feels a little strange, Su Wangyou doesn't know when, they can deal with this kind of big incident even comparable to rebellion at will.

It sounds good to deal with the rebellion of the largest country in the world at will...

————But the matter is far from resolved.

Su Wangyou’s behavior is indeed telling the people of Xia Guo that the Confucian rebellion has been stopped, but if it is really to be announced, whether it is Su Changge or the emperor, it will be a hundred better than him. Times, but this thing really can only be done by Su Wangyou.

Because the current situation cannot withstand other people’s inquiries, the whereabouts of the emperor is unknown, the person who really set off the rebellion is not the Confucian elder, but an unidentified careerist, although Su Changge killed the top of Confucianism. The combat power is almost killed, but... there will always be some losses they can't see.

Therefore, Su Wangyou, who just wrote on his face, "No strangers should enter," go to "tell the world."

——Xia Guo is currently too chaotic. Many important positions are guarded by Confucianism. In addition to the absence of the emperor, official declaration is undoubtedly a troublesome job. Moreover, if you only rely on Su Wangyou and Su Changge to deal with the Confucian Yudang, Even after three days and three nights, they couldn't achieve the effect they wanted. It's better to give the news of the first evil and let the people of insight deal with the Confucian Yudang.

And Su Changge is looking for the emperor in secret.

This is really not an easy job. The most important thing is that this matter is not visible. Now, neither the Confucianists nor the Su Changge side want to let the emperor's news spread.

Su Changge is not a fuel-efficient lamp. Even if the amount of information at this time is almost zero, he abruptly uses his amazing judgment and insight to unearth those who may know people from countless Confucian officials in the court. The emperor's whereabouts, and interrogation (physical) out of the place where the emperor was under house arrest.

This process took five hours, seventeen minutes and forty-two seconds, of which about four and a half hours were spent on the journey.

Su Changge rushed to the location, and there was an unobtrusive residential house in front of him. He stepped into it, cracked the different space here in 16 seconds, and entered it.

There was a Confucian imperial realm guarding it, and Su Changge feared that it would change after a while, so he used secret methods, faculties, and sorcery one after another, ending the battle before the emperor realm could react.

The Emperor was locked in a house, and several chains with special aura pierced his pipa bone, and the blood stains that had already dried up stuck to the dragon robe, which looked particularly dazzling.

He turned his back to Su Changge, his head was slightly lowered, but his hands were forcibly handcuffed by the chain. Even though Su Changge made such a big movement just now, he did not make a sound or make any movements, obviously he was caught In the state of fainting [the Confucian group... really dare to do it.

Su Changge took a deep breath and drew close to the Emperor of Humanity, planning to find a way to release these restraints for the Emperor of Humanity.

But just getting closer, he felt something wrong.

Because Human Sovereign... doesn't even have a breath, just like a...


Su Changge was shocked, but he didn't care about other things, and hurriedly strode forward, and at the same time stretched out his hand to get the pulse of the emperor.

Start with... It's cold, but this is not the coldness of the human body after death, but more like...cold steel.

At the same time, a beep sounded in Su Changge's ear.

Su Changge wanted to leave, but it was too late.

The earth-shattering explosion spread from the'Human Emperor's body', and swallowed the entire alien space in a blink of an eye...

For a long time, for a long time...

Su Changge limped out of the house. He had changed his clothes, and he could vaguely see a lot of injuries left over from the explosion.

"Very good...very good." He clutched his injured leg, gritted his teeth and muttered to himself, "You are very good, so courageous!"

Su Changge repeated word by word.

"Really, yes, good, daring."

"Oh, it's a pity." Mo Lichou lay on the chair of the master, swaying with the chair.

"An explosion of that level should not kill anyone... at least the two people surnamed Su can't be killed. If it were Mo Qianzhong, it might be killed." He sighed with regret and said again. "Or to say it again, who is my military commander? I am really more and more curious."

He picked up the second kit left to him by the strategist and smiled with interest.

It records the method of making something.

Storage instruments.

If it's just a storage artifact, Zuguang needs as many as possible, but this storage artifact... can hold living things.

Mo Lichou created it and successfully installed a living thing, proving that it was not a false statement.

"If I remember correctly, so far, it seems that only the Ghost Valley Sect's storage artifacts can hold living things, right?" Mo Lichou turned around and looked at the imperial emperor who was soaked in an unknown liquid and awake. .

"Am I right? Your Majesty."

The Emperor could not answer him, but this did not affect Mo Lichou's self-entertainment.

"What is the secret of the longevity realm..."

Chapter 58 You Have No Choice

Su Changge searched for a long time, and finally had to admit that--the Emperor could not be found for a while.

He has used several secret methods, but he still couldn't find the human emperor's breath. There are only two explanations, either he died or he was taken to other worlds...such as the Heavenly Dao Continent.

Su Changge thought about it, and by the way, he solved the secret method of Confucianism left on Lantian Qi, and then told him this series of events in detail.

Mo Lishou defected, the evil demon outside the universe may be in research institutions, looking for reinforcements all over the world, Xiaohai, Apocalypse·Salvation...

Su Changge told Lantianqi all these secrets.

Lan Lanqi listened to it all very seriously---this is a secret that ordinary people can't touch at all, only the top group of Zuguang can learn it, and now Su Changge has told him all this , Which also means...

"My father...probably can't come back, right?" After Su Changge had finished speaking, Lan Lanqi said faintly.

"That's why you told me all these things."

Su Changge didn't mean to deny it at all. He nodded and said: "Yes, the emperor is more ugly, you have to be prepared."

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