Me, sword fairy!

Me, sword fairy! Chapter 459:

"No, it doesn't have to be like this..." Su Wangyou felt his body was unusually stiff, "just do it whatever you want, just a little..."

Chen Huaniao smiled slightly, making Su Wangyou hairy.

"Then... I'll start."

Ancient cosmetics are far from being as exaggerated as modern ones, but there are some that should be, and those that are not can be replaced by various extraordinary products.

It's not that Su Wangyou hasn't put on makeup before, but it's basically ugly makeup. Penglai Mountain Jiuxiao spends ten minutes on this matter every day, unless he doesn't go out.

But this is the first time that someone else has put on makeup seriously, and... it's still a woman's makeup.

"Please close your eyes." Chen Huaniao's voice was full of smiles.

Su Wangyou honestly closed his eyes.

After all, Su Wangyou has reached the point of being'not handsome'. Even if Chen Huaniao tried her best to extend her makeup for a while, only half an hour later, she realized that... she had nothing to do.

I can't find anything that needs to be changed anymore. It's better to say that what I did before was actually useless, and Su Wangyou himself was absolutely invulnerable.

At the moment of completion, Chen Huaniao was stunned. She pondered for a moment, pressed Su Wangyou with a confused face on the chair, and then secretly used the imaging secret method to take a picture.

Then she smiled and said: "I regret it, Elder Su, please take off the makeup yourself. You don't have to help Su Keqing anymore."

After all, she actually left without hesitation - looking at the world... No, through the ages, and in the future, there will never be more than ten people capable of such a terrifying self-control, regardless of gender.

Chen Huaniao pushed open the door of the cave. Su Changge was waiting bored outside the door. Seeing Chen Huaniao coming out, he immediately tried to enter.

But Chen Huaniao stretched out a hand and blocked the door.

Su Changge angrily said: "Why are you stopping me? Let me Kangkang!"

Chen Huaniao took a deep breath and showed an impeccable social smile.

"I'm sorry, Su Keqing, after seeing Elder Su's complete body, I regretted it." Chen Huaniao said word by word: "I always feel...if you see it, something very bad will happen, so forget it."

"Σ(°Д °;)." Su Changge showed a strange expression, "but you said that...I want to see it more!"

Ignoring Su Changge, Chen Huaniao stood quietly at the door until Su Wangyou finished removing his makeup and changed back to his clothes.

Then she left with a smile, leaving Su Changge curiously asking Su Wangyou's details.

Su Wangyou kept silent. For some reason, he always felt that he had lost something.

"Could it be... Is it morality?"

Misty foot of the mountain.

Wang Wanhe is still trying to accept disciples, and no one believes her, even if she is really the elder of Misty Xianzong.

Bai Ruoli sat in the inn, lost in thought.

"Fuck, where's the bastard?"

At the residence of Chen Hua, a photo was hidden in the deepest part of the storage artifact.

Today, the second elder sister won a complete victory without everyone knowing.

Chapter Eighty One

Xiao Hai sensed Su Changge's change, and immediately gave up on Devouring Flame to strengthen himself, and instead launched an attack on Su Changge.

It raised its hand lightly, and all the flames seemed to be pinched by an invisible big hand. The invisible big hand slammed hard, and all the flames were distorted and shrunk, until they finally gathered in his hand. Above, it turned into a dark red ball with a radius of less than five centimeters.

Xiao Hai showed a weird smile, and then it slightly flicked and threw the dark red ball out.

No one would want to try the power of this thing, and Su Changge would never want to, when he plans to use the secret method again...

"Leave it to me!" The saint's voice came from outside the cloud, and then a huge beam of light fell from the sky, covering the dark red ball.

Then, under the higher level of power, the dark red ball was broken down little by little.

——————No one saw the saint’s strenuous expression.

Only the saint knows what will happen if this little ball explodes. Even if her power comes from a god, even if her power is more advanced than Xiao Hai, she still struggles so hard.

[This is Xiaohai... This kind of destructive power...] [Even the power of the gods can hardly resist the opponent's casual blow...] "Thank you!" Su Changge still pulled out in the rapid flight It took time to say nonsense, when he made such a meaningless move, it usually also represented one thing.

He has a winning ticket.

Xiao Hai's pupils shrank suddenly, and then raised his hands again.

The next moment, the terrifying repulsion once again poured out in all directions.

"The same move..." Su Changge pursed his lips slightly, and pinched a decisive action with one hand, "How many times do you want to use it!"

The next moment, black air currents entangled Su Changge's body. These air currents were continuously blown away by the extremely powerful repulsive force, but they quickly attached to Su Changge's body, and Su Changge's speed remained unchanged. Still sprinting toward Xiaohai quickly, it didn't seem to be affected by the repulsion at all.


In a blink of an eye, Su Changge had already arrived in front of Xiao Hai, looking at it face to face.

Face the most ferocious beast in the world.

If here is an immortal tycoon from the Gu Hong period, then killing Xiaohai in seconds is simply a matter of raising his hand, after all, Xiaohai's defense and vitality are only the immortality.

Su Changge is not in the immortal state, he is only 23 years old this year, and there is still a long way to go before the immortal state.

But he was able to kill Xiao Hai.

He stretched out his right hand and held the Army Breaking Sacred Sword inserted in the center of Xiao Hai's chest.

After that, he stretched out his left hand again and pulled out Slaughter.

In the next moment, two completely different, terrifying sword intents of the same power and fire exploded on him at the same time.

The sword in the left hand is obscure, heavy, desperate, and dark, but this incomparable despair is like the price of new life...

And the sword intent on the right hand... is very clean, like a sword swung by a newborn baby, without any superfluous ideas and inner energy, completely, the purest sword intent in the world, both It is neither dark nor light, neither heavy nor light...

Two phantoms appeared behind Su Changge at the same time, one on the left and one on the right, a man and a woman. They didn’t even have the aura of a strong man. Only two terrible sword intents entangled them. The man was right. Han Qinghua, the last peerless sword demon of Gu Hong, has many warriors who use swords, and has reached the immortal realm. There are also many people who named themselves the sword demon, but just like'there is no sword saint after a while,' Gu Hong also has this A word ---'There is no sword demon after Han Qinghua', although this sentence did not reach Zu Guang, Zu Guang did not produce another sword demon.

Looking at the entire ancestral light, there is only one human emperor in the longevity realm on the bright side, and now there is not even the human emperor.

The woman standing on the right... is a very ethereal and ethereal woman.

She wore a plain chivalrous costume, encased her gracefully, the look on her face couldn't tell whether it was confused or emptiness, she stood in the void, as if she was not interested in everything in this world.

"Unexpectedly, we will have one day to be side by side." Sword Demon said with a cold face, "The result of that battle has not yet been resolved."

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