Me, sword fairy!

Me, sword fairy! Mime private 476

These heritages do not refer to money, but more things, such as — intelligence.

The most important thing in the battle between superpowers is intelligence.

————Here, Xingkong Su Wangyou really helped a lot.

In fact, the difficulty of this copy was originally exaggerated.

The player must first find out his identity, then find a way to accept the legacy of the Darkborn, then go to all parts of the world to kill various superpowers, and finally rebuild the alliance and restore the social order-no matter which task it is , Its engineering volume is epic.

But... the starry sky Su Wangyou is here, so there is nothing to do.

At the same time, the system prompt sounded.

[Because of your reasons, the alliance exists in name only, and the superpower criminals everywhere are ready to move, please find a way to restore social order] "No... this system is really going to throw the pot, this task is obviously you let me do it..." Su Wang She sighed and frowned again.

[Restore social order?This statement is a bit vague...]

Su Wangyou doesn't believe in how chaotic it is now. After all, there is a bug-level character like Su Wangyou in the starry sky sitting here, and measuring those people can't make a big mess, but...

"I, Su Wangyou, just want to live a peaceful life." Xingkong Su Wangyou sighed and made a hand-controlled murderer's voice, "You come here and cause so many troubles for me, all for myself Solve it!"

So far, the context of this mission has become clear.

"I see." Su Wangyou stood up and said seriously: "But before it going to consider changing my body back?"

Chapter 14 Reborn

Xingkong Su Wangyou shrugged.

"of course can."

He snapped his fingers, and Su Wangyou changed back to his original state.

Su Wangyou took out the mirror and looked carefully for a while, then heaved a sigh of relief.

Xingkong Su Wangyou twitched the corner of his mouth.

[This guy... I thought he was the kind of person who didn't care about anything.] "Since the system has released the mission, I won't say much." Xingkong Su Wangyou snapped his fingers again, "My time and ability are divided among you - of course, only this copy, you go Solve all these troubles for me."

After many days, Su Wangyou once again experienced this invincible time ability.

Only this time... he even brought his own abilities with him, and there were so many things he could do.

"Thank you." Su Wangyou said softly.

At this time, lending him his time and ability - it really helped him too much.

"It seems... you have already been to the Twelve Days Pass, right?" Xingkong Su Wangyou didn't answer him directly, but said with a serious face: "The future I can see is quite limited, can do it yourself."

"Oh, by the way, remember not to use my ability to spy on the secrets of your world. The main world in the game will not work either. Maybe... No, it will be discovered'absolutely'."

What he said was headless and inexplicable, but Su Wangyou understood what he meant.

Su Wangyou nodded solemnly, planning to leave

"Ah, that's right." Xingkong Su Wangyou suddenly interrupted: "Don't bring the'product' of my ability to you, no, no, to be correct, don't take the product of my ability from this copy. If you take it out in the middle of the world, you will be discovered, and you won’t even be able to enter the Twelve-Day Pass here."

He paused, then said: "Of course... if you can turn the'product' of my ability into your own in this copy, then there will be no problems."

In the blink of an eye, Su Wangyou had come to a deserted place.

Before completing the task, he still has one very important thing to do - that is cultivation.

With this unlimited time...

The last time he came to this world, he also thought about cultivating, but later found that the roots of this body were really bad... Later, he discovered that it was not only the starry sky Su Wangyou, but the roots of all people in this world. The bones are so bad, they are absolutely unsaved.

————And it’s not his own body, it’s useless after practicing, and Su Wangyou in the starry sky is not short of that power.

Fortunately... the power of Su Wangyou in the starry sky even suppressed the system, and now Su Wangyou is the real person in the game.


"Timeline extraction, copy, misty mountain top, reappear!"

In an instant, the place with the strongest aura that Su Wangyou had ever seen, the top of Misty Mountain reappeared here.

But this is not over yet.

"Select the spiritual part, copy, copy, copy——————"

Endless copying.

"Repeat until my limit."

In an instant, the concentration of aura reached an unimaginable height, instantly surpassing the gas, liquid, and solid state, and finally turned into a strange and incomparable form.

Su Wangyou was in it, he adjusted the time ratio with the outside world, and directly closed the timeline here, so that after being'incapable' of others to enter, he fell into a deep sleep.

Xingkong Su Wangyou's meaning has been expressed very clearly, certain things cannot be brought out, such as --- disposable consumables copied with his ability.

For example, swords, such as magical runes - although Su Wangyou has no shortage of magical runes now.

But there are also some things that can be brought out, such as — strength.

So what is he doing now?

As Su Wangyou said earlier, his choice to break through the virtual realm at this time is an'imperfect breakthrough', which will have a big impact on the future, and now... what he can do is not only a'perfect breakthrough' .

Infinite aura, infinite time, infinite lifespan, infinite talent, the ghost knows that Su Wangyou can do that...

In addition, there is one more point.

Su Wangyou wants to adjust his martial arts.

Su Wangyou's talent is so terrible that even his father can hardly get a glimpse of it, but Su Wangyou has little time and opportunity to slowly dig these hidden things. Now...the opportunity is here.

I don't know how long...

Anyway, only a second has passed in the copy, but Su Wangyou is here... to be honest, he doesn't know how long it has been.

A hundred years, even a thousand years?

he does not know.

If you change to someone else, and slowly explore martial arts in a blank consciousness sea, and continue for hundreds of thousands of years, then I am afraid you will be crazy... Humans usually cannot bear loneliness, but they cannot bear loneliness. People can't make a big deal.

Su Wangyou got up and left the top of Misty Peak. At the moment he left, the top of Misty Peak disappeared.

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